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61. 16th National Congress Of The Communist Party Of China, 2002 The communist party of China (CPC) has made remarkable progress in widening contactswith political parties in foreign countries over the last 13 years, says http://www.china.org.cn/english/features/45537.htm | |
62. Political Parties And Electoral Systems In Lebanon And Israel: Interactive Reinf political party, Representation in 1992 Parliament, Confessional Base and Region, Baathparty (proSyrian), 2 Deputies, Secular, National Lebanese communist party, http://almashriq.hiof.no/ddc/projects/pspa/krayem/krayem.html | |
63. Political Parties In The Republic Of Macedonia Forces in Macedonia SDSM), after its Eleventh Congress (April 20, 1991, as a legitimate, legal and political heir of the communist party of Macedonia, ie http://www.b-info.com/places/Macedonia/republic/partiesSDSM.shtml | |
64. Russia.Net - Political Parties political PARTIES AND MOVEMENTS, Hope and Love); the Popular Christianmonarchistparty; for the communist party of the Russian Federation, 22.30%, 15,432,963. http://www.russia.net/~oldrn/politics/parties.html | |
65. Brazilian Political Parties politicians from across the political spectrum Popular Socialist party (Partido PopularSocialista Brasileiro is the former Brazilian communist party, renamed in http://oregon.uoregon.edu/~sergiok/brpolitical.html | |
66. The Russia Journal Daily::Politics - Patriots Challenge Communist Party Leadersh condemned the incumbent leadership of the communist party and Zyuganov establishinga new leftwing political bloc At last yearÂs party congress in September http://www.russiajournal.com/news/cnews-article.shtml?nd=43020 |
67. SOSIG: Political Parties, North America (incl Mexico) Browse this resource, communist party USA. Browse this resource, ContemporaryPolitical Studies PSA Annual Conference Papers 19942004, http://www.sosig.ac.uk/roads/subject-listing/World/polnortamer.html | |
68. SOSIG: Political Parties, Asia Browse this resource, political Studies Review, News, Up. Browse this resource,16th Congress of the communist party of China China Information Centre, http://www.sosig.ac.uk/roads/subject-listing/World-cat/polasia.html | |
69. AsiaSource: AsiaLINKS - A Resource Of The Asia Society of the communist party of Vietnam. Shiv Sena The official website of the Shiv Sena(part Hindi, part English). Shiv Sena Shiv Sena is an Indian political party http://www.asiasource.org/links/al_mp_03.cfm?TID=80,521 |
70. Communist Party Of China - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia The more than 63 millionmember communist party of China (CPC or CCP)is the largest political party in the world. Authoritarian http://www.phatnav.com/wiki/wiki.phtml?title=Communist_Party_of_China |
71. Japan Links:Government & Politics:Political Parties:Political Parties political Parties. political Parties. political Parties. Dainiin Club. (DainiinClub). email office@midorinokaigi.org. Japanese communist party. (Nihon Kyosanto). http://web-jpn.org/links/government/political/political.html | |
72. Institutional Influences On Electoral Competition In Post-Communist States a manageable party system; others are more likely to generate political instability.I will review the institutional choices of postcommunist states and point http://www3.isp.msu.edu/cers/Herron 02.htm | |
73. Yale University Press - Publisher Of Fine Books Soviet Union and its communist satellites, the Italian communist party began a rivetingstory of how Italy s second largest political party transformed itself http://www.yale.edu/yup/books/066120.htm | |
74. The Prague Post Online A political party whose predecessor, the communist party of Czechoslovakia, enforcedcensorship, says without a hint of irony that its draft law was inspired http://www.praguepost.com/P03/2004/Art/0513/opinpv.php | |
75. Russia, Political Parties, Communist Leader Presenter Another political event is happening in Moscow as well. The fourthplenary meeting of the Central Committee of the communist party of Russia is http://www.cdi.org/russia/johnson/5576-7.cfm | |
76. Indian Political Parties,Party Profiles,Political Parties In India Election 2004 political Parties. (more); Indian National Congress (Poll update) Congress is theoldest political party of India banking on the Nehru- Gandhi name.With Sonia http://www.indian-elections.com/partyprofiles/ | |
77. The History Guy: United StatesPolitical Parties Here are links to some of America s current smaller political parties. Communistparty US We are a MarxistLeninist working-class party that unites Black http://www.historyguy.com/Politicalparties.html | |
78. Worker-communist Party Of Iran Workercommunist party of Iran. Farsi. English German Swedish Turkish. - http://www.wpiran.org/ | |
79. :: Xinhuanet - English :: Leaders of noncommunist political parties and representative figures without politicalparty affiliation may, at any time they wish, submit in writing their http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2003-09/02/content_1061737.htm | |
80. The Communist Manifesto Karl Marx and Frederick Engels. MANIFESTO. OF THE communist party. CONTENTS. Reactionary Socialism. Conservative or Bourgeois Socialism. CriticalUtopian Socialism or Communism MANIFESTO. OF THE http://csf.colorado.edu/psn/marx/Archive/1848-CM/cm.html | |
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