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41. Communist Party Of The Soviet Union -- Encyclopædia Britannica , communist party of the Soviet Union the major political party of Russiaand the Soviet Union from the Russian Revolution of October 1917 to 1991. http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=25397&tocid=0&query=congress party |
42. Our Campaigns - Political Party Detail Page The American (communist) party had for so long tied its fortunes to the SovietUnion, says Harvey Klehr, professor of history and politics at Emory http://www.ourcampaigns.com/cgi-bin/r.cgi/PartyDetail.html?&PartyID=46 |
43. Greece: Politics Front; The Liberals; MarxistLenninist communist party of Greece (ML KKE); NewDemocracy (ND); Panhellenic Socialist Movement (PASOK); political Spring (POLAN); http://www.hri.org/nodes/grpol.html | |
44. Ananzi : SA Directory PAC of Azania Pan African Congress of Azania; South African communist party SouthAfrican communist party Web Site; The Organisation A political party and the http://www.ananzi.co.za/catalog/GovernmentandLaw/PoliticalParties/ | |
45. Sudanese Political Parties and participated in the political process during the parliamentary period, it hasnot been politically active since 1989. The Sudanese communist party (SCP). http://www.sudan.net/government/parties.html | |
46. Communist State to political systems, style guides tend to restrict the use of latter to circumstanceswhere a state is governed by a formally organized communist party . http://www.fact-index.com/c/co/communist_state.html | |
47. AllRefer Reference - Kyrgyzstan - Political Parties In Kyrgyzstan - Communist Pa The communist party of Kyrgyzstan (CPK), which was the only legal political partyduring the Soviet years, was abolished in 1991 in the aftermath of the failed http://reference.allrefer.com/country-guide-study/kyrgyzstan/kyrgyzstan52.html | |
48. Communist Party (KPD) political Parties in the Reichstag, June 1920, May 1924, Dec. 1924, May 1928, Sep.1930, July 1932, Nov. 1932, Mar. 1933. communist party (KPD), 4, 62, 45, 54, 77,89, 100, 81. http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/GERkpd.htm | |
49. A Satirical Political Beliefs Assessment Test A humorous political party quiz to test if you re a conservative,liberal, libertarian, or a communist. http://www.geocities.com/donaldjhagen/humoroustest.html | |
50. Communist Party Of Australia... Maritime Bulletins-2001 No.16 8/8/2001 The communist party has no intention ever of calling for unions to affiliate to Thetrade unions should be actively taking up political issues and dealing with http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Congress/1611/mb0116.html | |
51. FrontPage Magazine.com :: Free The FBI By David Horowitz the teen terrorists, Stanley Cohen, is a lawyer and political advocate for was carryingwith him a draft manifesto for a new communist party (those were the http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=1006 |
52. Political Parties United Workers party, which had previously enjoyed hegemony for its communist ideology,was obliged to relinquish this status in favour of political pluralism http://www.poland.gov.pl/?page=1030400001 |
53. Canadian Political Parties/Les Partis Politiques Du Canada NDProgress/NPD Progrès; New Politics Initiative/Nouvelle Christian Heritage partyof Canada/ Parti de l Site/Site électoral du PHC. communist party of Canada http://home.ican.net/~alexng/can.html | |
54. Communist Party, In Russia And The Soviet Union. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixt political party that until 1991 exercised all effective power within the SovietUnion, and, as the oldest and for a long time the only ruling communist party http://www.bartleby.com/65/co/CommunisUSSR.html | |
55. Communist Party, In The United States. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Strikes were opposed as a hindrance to the war effort, and in 1944 the US communistparty Âdisbanded as a political party to become the communist http://www.bartleby.com/65/co/CommunisUS.html | |
56. Communist Party Of Turkey The decision is not suprising for us said the statement, as we knew that thelaw prohibits to use the word communist in the name of a political party. http://www.tkp.org.tr/en/party/statements.asp | |
57. Title The Kuomintang is the only political party in the history of China that has the aggressionof Japan and the confrontation with the communistcontrolled mainland http://www.kmt.org.tw/e_index.html |
58. Political Report 5th National Council Of The Iraqi Communist Party Conference of Kurdistan CP Iraq Organisations Abroad. Iraqi CommunistParty s Central Committee Discusses Recent political Developments. http://user.tninet.se/~lto357q/framse1/icphis.htm | |
59. Current Tasks Of Struggle Letter from the Iraqi communist party About political Developments inIraq. Kurdistan communist party IraqWe Strongly Reject Deployment http://www.iraqcp.org/framse1/ | |
60. Letter From The Iraqi Communist Party Our communist party participated in the final round of deliberations with the Thisresult was a reflection of political reality and our partyÂs position http://www.iraqcp.org/framse1/0031022letterfromtheiraqicommunist.htm | |
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