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21. The Structure And Development Of Finnish Political Parties movement. With the foundation of the Finnish communist party, Finlandnow had its sixth main political party lineage. The constitutional http://virtual.finland.fi/finfo/english/puoleng.html | |
22. Political Resources On The Net - Germany I (Parties) Translate this page German politics. Politik By meOme.de. Politik Forum Deutschland. Naturgesetz ParteiNatural Law party. Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands - KPD communist party. http://www.politicalresources.net/germany.htm | |
23. Political Resources On The Net - Portugal 1:3 Translate this page do Operariado Português communist Spartacist Group Real Royal Cause - Monarchistpolitical organisation. Portuguese Populist party (Democratic Fundamentalist http://www.politicalresources.net/portugal.htm | |
24. Polparti2004_1 Registered political Parties Elections Canada List Abolitionist party of CanadaCanadian Reform Conservative Alliance (Canadian Alliance) communist party of http://www.aph.gov.au/library/intguide/pol/polparti.htm | |
25. ABM -- Political Parties In Belarus - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - As of 1 February 1996, the Ministry of Justice has registered 34 political parties.The larger of them are the communist party, the Agricultural party, the http://www.belarus-misc.org/bel-pol.htm | |
26. Library Of Congress / Federal Research Division / Country Studies / Area Handboo development of a democraticsocialist political economy in levels between the Laborparty and Mapam Miflaga Kommunistit Yisraelit, or communist party of Israel http://rs6.loc.gov/frd/cs/israel/il_appnb.html | |
27. Communist Party Of Britain - For Peace And Socialism Meeting at the weekend the communist party s political Committee deplored thehorrendous bloodbath that is Iraq after 12 months of illegal occupation and http://www.communist-party.org.uk/ | |
28. Algerian Communist Party (Political Party, Algeria) This page is part of © FOTW Flags Of The World website Algerian Communistparty (political party, Algeria). Parti communiste algÂrien (PCA). http://flagspot.net/flags/dz}pca.html | |
29. Italy - Political Flags (Part 1) there are also always political parties and groups of RC (Rifondazione Comunista= communist Refoundation) The The party sometimes supported left-coalition http://flagspot.net/flags/it-poli1.html | |
30. Communist Party - Encyclopedia Article About Communist Party. Free Access, No Re would elect a central committee The Central Committee is a leading body of anorganization, most often a political party, especially communist parties. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Communist party | |
31. Vietnamese Communist Party - Encyclopedia Article About Vietnamese Communist Par The second meaning of general secretary is the head of a political party or politicalgroup. This meaning is often associated with communist organizations. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Vietnamese Communist Party | |
32. National Political Index: Contacting National Political Parties Ronald Reagan Home Page; Rosson Freedom Connection; Sons of Liberty;South African communist party; American Student political Network. http://www.politicalindex.com/sect8.htm | |
33. KurdishMedia Links :: Directory Of Kurdish Websites On The Net - Kurds & Kurdist 8. Workers communist party Iraq. ID 9 Rank Design / 5 Content /5 Overall /10Date 16/08/1999 Catagory political Parties Address http//www.wpiraq.org/. http://www.kurdmedia.com/links.asp?cat=1 |
34. Elections Canada On-Line | Political Parties, Candidates And Others Toronto, ON M4K 1N6 Tel. (416) 4692446 Fax (416) 469-4063 Web site http//www.communist-party.ca. DEREGISTEREDPOLITICAL PARTIES NATURAL LAW party OF CANADA. http://www.elections.ca/content.asp?section=pol&document=index&dir=par&lang=e&te |
35. Elections Canada On-Line | Political Parties, Candidates And Others communist party of Canada, communist, The Ontario party of Canada, Ontario party, officiallyregistered with Elections Canada by the individual political parties. http://www.elections.ca/content.asp?section=pol&document=parties&dir=par&lang=e |
36. ADEPT : Political Parties Of RM : Local Elections 2003 Local Elections 2003 Electoral contestants. communist party of Moldova. ChairmanVladimir Voronin The electoral programme of the communist party of Moldova. http://www.parties.e-democracy.md/en/localelections2003/candidates/pcrm/ | |
37. Governments On The WWW: Political Parties Governments on the WWW political Parties. Hezbe-Islami Afghanistan; SocialistNationalist Afghan party; communist party of Afghanistan. http://www.gksoft.com/govt/en/parties.html | |
38. Governments On The WWW: Turkey Kurdistan (PIK) Kurdistan Islamist party; Partiya Kominist a Kurdistan / KürdistanKomünist Partisi (KKP) communist party of Kurdistan political Information http://www.gksoft.com/govt/en/tr.html | |
39. UKRAINIAN POLITICAL PARTIES. PART IV. THE COMMUNIST PARTY OF UKRAINE. SERHII RAK left has tended to weaken the adherents of the leftist ideas are migrating toother parties of a similar political spectrum the communist party of Workers http://www.mirror-weekly.com/nn/show/383/34012/ | |
40. Communist Party -- Britannica Concise Encyclopedia Online Article , Chinese communist party political party and revolutionary movement that was foundedin 1921 , communist party of Israel Information on this political party. http://www.britannica.com/ebc/article?eu=386575 |
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