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81. KLRU: Family > Family Resources KLRU and its community partners have held numerous events The gen Austin Web site provides resources that empower and think critically about the media and girls http://www.klru.org/family/resources.asp | |
82. Artifact: Full Record Events organised by gen Art include fashion shows festivals, art exhibitions, benefits, multimedia events and site also draws together many useful resources. http://www.artifact.ac.uk/displayoai.php?id=125 |
83. Firstamendmentcenter.org: Arts & Free Expression In Speech - Cases & Resources gen. the media, a report by the First Amendment Center James v. Meow media Inc., (02740); James v. Meow media Inc., 300 F on communications of the Senate Comm. http://www.firstamendmentcenter.org/Speech/arts/cases_resources_summary.aspx | |
84. Lm_net: GEN: Study Information Literacy And Web Information Res Next in thread Peter Milbury gen Study Information Literacy and Web Information resources ; The Voice of the Library media Community Since 1992 http://k12.nsm.umass.edu/listserv/lm-net/0049.html | |
85. Online Exchange: Youth-Created Content Exchange Summary http//www.sundance.org/ The genY Studio discussions and panels with youth media producers and of, cutting edge information and communications technologies to http://www.contentbank.org/onlineexchange/ycc_summary.asp?page_id=59 |
86. Crosswalk.com - Conservative Leaders Defend Gen. Boykin For Speaking Truth Conservative Leaders Defend gen. While secular media outlets continue to attack Boykin, Dobson Web Network, a division of Salem communications Corporation. http://www.crosswalk.com/news/1227583.html | |
87. Pacific Journalism Online Hotlinks International Information and audio links; Emailrnzi@actrix.gen.nz. Radio Pacific FM88.8 USP campus community radio; Email Radiopasifik@usp Other media resources. http://www.usp.ac.fj/journ/docs/hotlinks.html | |
88. Free Music Download, MP3 Music, Music Chat, Music Video, Music CD, ARTISTdirect Home, Music News, Tickets, Shopping, Downloads, Video, Community, resources, Help, Song Name, Album Name, Download Windows media 9, Download 1, Outlaw, The Best of Chron gen, http://ubl.artistdirect.com/music/artist/card/0,,414825,00.html | |
89. Leeds University Telephone Directory gen Surg,Med Anaes/Surg/LGI gen Surg,Med Eng Information Systems Services Inst Communication Studies Institute L T/Dean of Students media Innovations Ltd http://www.leeds.ac.uk/iss/systems/phones/ | |
90. African-American Studies Videotape And Audiocassette: Media Resources Center, UC for Africans in America. media Review Digest ( UCB users only Increasingly, the media and the public equate poverty with inner Also examines the media portrayal of AfroAmerican women http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/MRC/AfricanAmVid.html | |
91. MAME: Job Postings And Information as a service to the library community, primarily in services (not all is necessarily related to library/media). email MAME s Webmaster at mame@mame.gen.mi.us. http://www.mame.gen.mi.us/jobs/ |
92. Staples High School Staples High School LIBRARY media CENTER 70 North Avenue Mission Statement We are a community of learners EBSCOhost contains - MAS FullText Ultra (gen. http://shs.westport.k12.ct.us/staplesLMC/default.htm | |
93. CFCC Introductory And General Chemistry practice tests, movies, flashcards, media activities and Math Skills and Problem Solving resources Fundamentals, Ralph Logan, Dallas County Community College. http://www.afn.org/~afn02809/ |
94. Gen Ed Institute Workshop: Writing And Oral Communication In The Disciplines be available for faculty (eg, library, media specialists, etc of writing and oral communication activities are Writing Fellows, Life/Pathways, gen Ed instruction http://www.udel.edu/it-us/woctf/genedfeedback.htm | |
95. InfoWorld: Next-Gen Web Services: Communication Drives Tech Advances: September Nextgen Web Services Communication drives tech advances the existing and future digital media revolution, he in the evolution of communication, Sawyer said http://www.infoworld.com/article/02/09/19/020919hnsawyerkeynote_1.html | |
96. Tough Customers: How To Reach Gen Y Some examples media such as Teen People magazine and the In its second annual survey of gen Y buying habits Associates and Upoc.com, a mobile community marketer http://www.bcentral.com/articles/krotz/122.asp | |
97. Weblogs And Other New Forms Of Journalism weblogs, peerto-peer news portals, community news sites media critic Jon Katz is now a columnist there. Humancasting A people-powered next-gen streaming-video http://jdlasica.com/articles/roundup.html | |
98. Communication Arts Department: Framingham State College Visual media Production (CME). Note Students College catalog). Communication Arts Courses Appropriate for general Education (gen.Ed.). http://www.framingham.edu/commarts.htm | |
99. College Of Liberal Arts And Sciences At NIU Transfer Information Phaser color printer, multimedia computer capabilities Ph.D. Undergraduate Director Department of Communication Northern Illinois Science gen Ed, 3, COMS 100, 3. http://www.clas.niu.edu/advising/2 2/coms.htm |
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