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61. Recording Technology History Links History of Communication media Technologies from Katherine International Communication Association (ICA); Inventing Hot Jazz Archive; resources for Phonograph http://history.acusd.edu/gen/recording/links.html | |
62. CMP Media be construed as relevant to any nextgen PBX Labs, an independent full-service converged communications and IP center software VoIP CTI Multi media call center http://www.cconvergence.com/shared/article/showArticle.jhtml?articleId=8701245&c |
63. Resources For Progressives gen. of accurate, objective, comprehensive news on all matters vitally affecting the community. An essential media watchdog at a time when all of the major http://www.cruznet.net/~seangame/prog.htm | |
65. How To Save The World Presentation, Can use multiple media. tool of today, but the nextgen personal wireless know, so do I predict webcams will transform communications by becoming http://blogs.salon.com/0002007/2003/07/01.html | |
66. 2gIP (2nd Generation IP) - Siemens Enterprise Networks 2gIP (2nd gen IP totality of enterprise applications, independent of distance, media, and time architecture and presencebased, real-time communications, is the http://www.siemensenterprise.com/company/why_ip.shtml | |
67. Cultural Studies, Hypertext, Critical Theory, Media Studies At Erratic Impact The Sokal Affair (gen Kuroki). Communication Studies Cultural Studies resources (KarlaTonella). Techno-Cultural media resources (Wendy Gale Robinson). http://www.erraticimpact.com/~topics/html/cultural_studies.htm | |
68. Associations for Community Change; Center for media Education; for Strategic communications; communications Consortium; Telecommunications fas.org/pub/gen/associations/ Updated http://www.fas.org/pub/gen/associations/ | |
69. Payroll Location Codes - By Location Order 1152. Electronic media Communication. 1152. Electronic media Comm. 503061154. Community Relations. 1154. Community Relations. Human resources. 1309. Fws-Agency-Atty gen. http://bfasweb.syr.edu/comptrol/PeopleSoftLocations.htm | |
70. New College Of Caifornia - Center For Education & Social Change community organizing and education, media, grant writing tasks as grassroots organizing, communications and webwork Locally, gen 5 supports local networks for http://www.newcollege.edu/cesa/internship.htm | |
71. ITVA-DC - A Chapter Of The Media Communications Association study class in up and coming genX filmmakers the critical evaluation and analysis of todayÂs media. Special Events on the School of Communication website at http://www.itvadc.org/itvadc/index.cfm/fuseaction/News_other | |
72. NAM - Staff Directory Narvaiz, Laura Brown, Vice President, media Relations, communications, (202) 637 Riegel, Quentin, Vice President, Litigation Deputy gen Counsel, Law, (202 http://www.nam.org/s_nam/doc2.asp?CID=29&DID=229756&rcss=print |
73. Expect Next-gen Walkie-talkies Soon Expect nextgen walkie-talkies soon BY JIM said Brent Lang, Vocera s vice president of communications. 2004, Primedia Business Magazines and media, a PRImedia http://iwce-mrt.com/ar/radio_expect_nextgen_walkietalkies/ | |
74. SCN - Internet Resources on the Global EcoVillage Network (gen), which represents areas Canada, Our World, Sustainable Community Business, and of the best of the alternative media. http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/Environment/SCN/CommLink/SCN-netguide.html | |
75. SnowShore Networks Introduces N20Â Media Server, Delivers Critical for Deployment of Next gen Services in company, provides innovative IP communications infrastructure products Our media server is an IPoptimized media http://www.snowshore.com/News/n20pr.asp | |
76. JCU - General Reference Resources details of nonprofit and community organizations in 140 Australian media Facilities Directory AMFD; OzGuide See also Subject resources Assorted Encyclopedias http://www.library.jcu.edu.au/subjectgds/Gen/ref.shtml | |
77. Harris Interactive | News Room - Upoc's Gen Wireless News Bureau Uncovers The "E www.upoc.com) is a mobile communications platform for can gain access to the gen Wireless market to branding, market research, new media business alliances http://www.harrisinteractive.com/news/allnewsbydate.asp?NewsID=137 |
78. PR Insight The New Generation Of Investor Relations Agencies be familiar with PR and nextgen IR, the investors, trade targets, or the mass media, the goal The most important objective of any communications effort IR http://www.internetprguide.com/pr_insight/article/0,3029,10123_944831,00.html |
79. Video Resources gen ART s Filmmaker Resource Guide Corporatesponsored Chernos; Electronic Intifada s media Activism Advice; Community media Workshop s guide to writing Press http://www.videoactivism.org/resource.html | |
80. NAC | Guide To A Successful Agroforestry Demonstration Project Give the media advance notice so they can schedule is development of a sense of community and ownership of Georgia, School of Forest resources, Athens, Georgia http://www.unl.edu/nac/afnotes/gen-2/ | |
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