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21. Resources organization that promotes strategic communications as an including philanthropy and the media, technology planning issues Grantmakers Evaluation Network (gen). http://www.mchenry.edu/cnpl/PhilanthropyNewsDigest.htm | |
22. About Us - NSW Fisheries agency focused on the conservation of living aquatic resources. and priorities for both science and compliance; communications and media; Ministerial and http://www.fisheries.nsw.gov.au/gen/about.htm | |
23. Resources - Governmental Relations & University Communications, University Of Ci 200305-05. WhoÂs Filling gen-YÂs Shoes? Net Usage in Cincinnati Rising. http//www.ipsos-reid.com/media/dsp_displaypr_us.cfm?id_to_view=1738. Stats, usage. http://www.uc.edu/web/articles.htm | |
24. CPCUG General Meetings cpcug.org Computer resources Page Includes Several Past Layout Techniques Speaker Merry Bruns, ScienceSites communications. for the Web than for print media. http://www.cpcug.org/user/comm/gen-meet.html | |
25. APC Resources On Women Discussion of women s issues women, global, electronic, communications, publishing, sustainable grassroots, justice, third world, media...... gen.women http://www.antenna.nl/menu/vrouwen/apcnews.html |
26. JCU - Appropriate Use Of Information Intellectual Property Directory of resources (Produced by Murdoch to freedom of speech and expression in all media . JCU Computing and communications Guidelines. http://www.library.jcu.edu.au/subjectgds/Gen/appropriate.shtml | |
27. DWT, LLP | Practice Areas: Communications, Media & Information Technologies The time and resources required to mount a successful defense, even to the statute California and in several other states offer media defendants a chance gen. http://www.dwt.com/related_links/adv_bulletins/CMITFall1999AntiSLAPP.htm | |
28. Simpson Communications - General Education Web Resources site Free resource for the K12 community that assists with Sports media - Sports media is a tool for PE Schools of California On-Line resources for Education http://www.edbriefs.com/resources/gen.html | |
29. Institute Of Communications Studies -- P.M. Taylor's Links the main ICS links page, which includes a range of general communications and journalism links. Humanitarian Missions Challenge Military and media by gen. http://www.leeds.ac.uk/ics/phillink.htm | |
30. Communication Studies Resources - University Of Iowa Directory of web resources related to media, culture and related issues, compiled by University of Iowa communications Studies Department. http://www.uiowa.edu/~commstud/resources/index.html |
31. The Media Center At New York Law School resources on U.S. communications, information and media law. Files include Statutes, Cases, Papers, Conferences and Courses. Also News Bulletins on current events and articles from media Law Policy. http://www.nyls.edu/pages/107.asp | |
32. SS7/C7 Next-Gen Related Resources Whitepapers Nextgen Articles Next-gen Tutorials media Gateway (AKA Next-gen Articles. Designing a Next-generation Voice Gateway (Communication Systems Design http://www.c7.com/ss7/ss7_nextgen_links.htm | |
33. Morality In Media, Inc - Home Frameset Commentary, resources and current developments from a national interfaith organization which seeks to combat obscenity and to uphold decency standards in mass communications. http://www.moralityinmedia.org |
34. MCA-I (Media Communications Association-International) Features support and networking meetings, events, chapters, resources and the AiME Awards for professionals in video, film, distance learning, web design and creation, and all forms of interactive visual communications, along with all associated crafts. Formerly ITVA. http://www.mca-i.org/ | |
35. Confluent Communications: Communications Consulting Specializing in human resources, employee benefit, and retirement plan communications print and electronic media. http://www.confluent-inc.com/ | |
36. MAME: Grants/Funding Resources grant makers, researchers, policymakers, the media, and the centers, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, community action agencies MAME s Webmaster at mame@mame.gen.mi.us http://www.mame.gen.mi.us/resourc/grants.html | |
37. Center For Non-Profit Resources - Information On The Center For Non-Profit Resou A nonprofit providing high-end media, communications, public relations, project assessment, and related services to non-profit organizations. http://www.cnpr.org/ | |
38. Home A marketing, media and corporate communications Consulting and Training firm with a site offering a range of useful and useable marketing info resources http://www.themarketingbureau.co.nz/ | |
39. InfoDome - Communication BLR Indexes specific to the field of communication studies as a whole (both located on Table 13 in gen Ref) are The best site for communications and media as a http://infodome.sdsu.edu/research/guides/communication/comblr3.shtml | |
40. LSC529 News, resources and discussion from the Theory and Production of Library media and communications course at Wheaton (MA) College. http://webedit.wheatonma.edu/mt/lsc529/ | |
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