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41. Trade Tips / Acronyms: Platte River Power Authority trade Tips. acronyms. APPA. American Public Power Association. AQCC. Air Quality Control Commission. CACI. Colorado Association of commerce industry. CAMU. http://www.prpa.org/tradetips/acronyms.htm | |
43. Abbreviations And Acronyms EDIFACT Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, commerce, and Transport. EFTA - European Free trade Association. EIA - Electronics industry Alliance. http://www.symbol.com/products/barcode_scanners/2d_acronym.html | |
44. General Resources Glossary of International Business Terminology and acronyms. summary, Information on industry, trade events, export resources with the US Department of commerce. http://www.ibrc.business.ku.edu/bus_res/gen_res.html | |
45. INIS Internet Directory: Alphabetical Index Of Acronyms (M) Index of acronyms. METI, Ministry of Economy trade and industry (Japan) http//www.meti.go MOCIE, Ministry of commerce,industry Energy (Korea, Republic of) http http://www.iaea.org/inis/ws/acronyms/letter_m.html | |
46. Acronyms M MGIS. Musa Germplasm Information System. MIC. Ministry of industry and trade (Venezuela). MICI. commerce and industry Ministry (Panama). MIDA. http://www.caisnet.org/acronyms/acronyms_m.htm | |
47. US Dept Of State - Publications ISAC, industry Sector Advisory Committee (United States). ITA, International trade Administration, US Department of commerce. http://usinfo.state.gov/products/pubs/trade/acron.htm | |
48. NextLinx - Country Links Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, trade and industry Department, commerce and industry Bureau, Customs and Excise Department, http://www.nextlinx.com/tools_cntry_lnksG.html | |
49. Acronyms - Industry Canada Corporations Canada ( CORP ) COTS Â commercial offthe North American Free trade Agreement ( ALENA NAICS Â North American industry Classification System http://www.ic.gc.ca/cmb/welcomeic.nsf/ICPages/Acronyms | |
50. Economic Development Acronyms & Abbreviations I. ICC, Interstate commerce Commission. IO, inputoutput (model). IPO, initial public offering. IRB, industrial revenue bond. ITA, International trade Administration. http://www.edinfo.state.tx.us/acronyms.cfm | |
51. Department Of Trade And Industry - National Measurement System defence electronics, aerospace, ecommerce, biotechnology and for meeting future UK industry and technical rigorously influence international trade policy and http://www.dti.gov.uk/nms/policy/04.htm | |
52. Environment Agency - Glossary Of Terms Waste arising from premises used wholly or mainly for trade, business, sport, recreation or entertainment Requires industry and commerce involved in the http://www.environment-agency.gov.uk/subjects/waste/232074/?version=1&lang=_e |
53. Semiconuctor Industry trade Administration, Department of commerce provides tariff and as a nonprofit national trade organization to in electronics and high technology industries. http://www.itds.treas.gov/semicon_profile.htm | |
54. South Africa - Table Of Selected Acronyms And Contractions NAFCOC, National African Federated Chamber of commerce. SACTU, South African Congress of trade Unions. SEIFSA, Steel and Engineering Industries Federation of South http://countrystudies.us/south-africa/88.htm | |
55. Acronym Glossary Look-up Results Documents and Data Elements in Administration, commerce and industry; Information Technology Telecommunications; ITAT International trade and Transport http://www.disa.org/apps/acroglos/acrolook.cfm?acronym= |
56. Welcome To Iraqi American Chamber Of Commerce & Industry commerce and the Treasury and from the Office of the United States trade Representative, which Copyright 2003 Iraqi American Chamber of commerce industry. http://www.i-acci.org/articles/publish/article_150.shtml | |
57. Welcome To Iraqi American Chamber Of Commerce & Industry industry Day is the first step in a series trade and environment, trade and labor, and electronic commerce. trade contains a glossary of trade terminology, a http://www.i-acci.org/articles/publish/business_iraq.shtml | |
58. Acronyms And Abbreviations For Agriculture Industry,Agro Industry Glossary,Agric Glossary of acronyms and Abbreviations used in the Agriculture industry, worldwide. CBB Commercial Bank Branch. WTO - World trade Organisation. Search. http://www.agriculture-industry-india.com/agriculture-acronyms-glossary/ | |
59. Business - E-Commerce Covers ecommerce topics from Internet technology to industry analysis to...... utilities, government contracts, securities, trade regulation and http://www.lib.depaul.edu/eresource/subject_search_infotype.asp?TopicID=53&Subje |
60. Nat'l Academies Press, Standards, Conformity Assessment, And Trade: (1995), D Gl 209 ATIS Alliance for Telecommunications industry Solutions (formerly DoC US Department of commerce DoD US Indonesia) EFTA European Free trade Association EOTC http://books.nap.edu/books/030905236X/html/205.html | |
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