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141. West Virginia Division Of Banking - Charleston, West Virginia Part of the department of commerce, Labor and Environmental Resources, it oversees the state's financial services industry to foster and promote a sound and dynamic climate. http://www.wvdob.org/ | |
142. US Department Of Commerce Office Of Civil Rights Administers affirmative action and related programs within the U.S. department of commerce http://www.osec.doc.gov/ocr/ | |
143. Unwembi Communications Discussion Forum on Electronic commerce and the Green Paper. Set up by the department of Communications Republic of South Africa http://www.ecomm-debate.co.za | |
144. Dept. Of Law, O.U.C. 03.05.04. Welcome to our HomePage ! This is a web site for the presentation of the department of Law in Otaru University of commerce. Japanese Version is here. http://www.otaru-uc.ac.jp/dept/law/HPLawEng.html | |
145. 615654 Emerging Technologies For Electronic Commerce taught by Professor Liz Sonenberg, department of Information Systems, The University of Melbourne, Australia. http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~eas/subjects/654/ | |
146. State Of Utah Division Of Securities The division, part of the department of commerce, registers securities; reviews exemptions; issues noaction letters and interpretative opinions; licenses broker-dealers and their agents, investment advisers and their representatives, issuer agents, and certified dealers; and by provides investor education opportunities. http://www.securities.state.ut.us/ | |
147. The Economics And Statistics Administration Web Site Statistical, economic, and demographic information collected by the Federal Government is made available to the public through the bureaus and offices of the department of commerce that are known collectively as the Economics and Statistics Administration (ESA). http://www.esa.doc.gov/ | |
148. VT Agency Of Commerce And Community Development Dawn Terrill Deputy Secretary of the Agency of commerce and Community Development. It s the official website of the department of Economic Development and http://www.dca.state.vt.us/ | |
149. National Oceanic And Atmospheric Administration U.S. department of commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) strategic plan and goals. http://www.strategic.noaa.gov/ |
150. Arizona Department Of Commerce Home Page Arizona department of commerce Director Gilbert Jimenez today announced the selection of Jaye OÂDonnell to serve as Director of Business Development and http://www.azcommerce.com/ | |
151. Department Of Commerce & Consumer Affairs - State Of Hawaii Part of the department of commerce and Consumer Affairs, it regulates and supervises all statechartered and state-licensed financial institutions and escrow depositories. http://www.state.hi.us/dcca/dfi/ | |
152. Iraq Investment And Reconstruction Task Force Created by the US department of commerce to help US companies participate in the economic rebuilding of Iraq. Provides information on the situation in the country, events and business opportunities, including a list of awarded contracts. With links and an archive of related articles. http://www.export.gov/iraq/ | |
153. Heartland ITS, Inc. Heartland ITS specializes in creating and maintaining information technologies such as web sites, servers, networking, ecommerce, infrastructure and strategic planning for business and government clientele. It is classified a small disadvantaged business, as defined by the SBA, and owned by a service disabled veteran as classified by the department of Veterans Affairs and has locations in Peoria Heights and Wichita, KS http://www.heartlandits.com | |
154. Rebuilding Afghanistan The US department of commerce provides information on the situation in the country and business opportunities. With links and an archive of related articles. http://www.export.gov/afghanistan/ | |
155. Commercial Overview Of Belarus Annual report prepared by BISNIS service of the U.S. department of commerce http://www.bisnis.doc.gov/bisnis/country/99belov.htm | |
156. Wisconsin Department Of Commerce Primary agency for delivery of integrated services to businesses. Includes news, department information and structure, details about the state's business climate, and employment opportunities. http://www.commerce.state.wi.us/ | |
157. Commerce And Industries Department, Govt. Of Sikkim Describes the department, functions, services offered, contact details. http://sikkimindustries.nic.in/ | |
158. Welcome To Tourism Industries maintained by the Office of Travel and Tourism Industries, Trade Development International Trade Administration US department of commerce ITA Privacy http://tinet.ita.doc.gov/ | |
159. Winter Storms The Deceptive Killers A guide to survival produced by the United States department of commerce. http://www.nws.noaa.gov/om/brochures/wntrstm.htm | |
160. San Martin Department Of Tourism And Commerce Extensive information about tourism in the department of San Martin in the North of Peru. It includes information about ecotourism, areas of natural beauty, parks, indigenous cultures, flora, fauna, crafts, local food and dishes, maps and photos. Click on the English link at the top of the page. http://www.turismosanmartin.com | |
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