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101. Index Of /Groups Special focuses include faulttolerant distributed computing, mobile computing, and electronic commerce. Part of the Carnegie Mellon University computer science department. http://www.cs.cmu.edu/groups/systems/systems.html | |
102. The Department Of Accounting In The University Of Cape Town Undergraduate, postgraduate, professional and research programmes. http://www.commerce.uct.ac.za/accounting/ | |
103. Mississippi Department Of Agriculture And Commerce Click here to learn more about how MS department of Agriculture and commerce is exploring current technologies and alternative energies for its agricultural http://www.mdac.state.ms.us/ | |
104. Department Of Commerce & Consumer Affairs - State Of Hawaii Part of the department of commerce and Consumer Affairs, it is responsible for overseeing the insurance industry in the State of Hawaii, which includes insurance companies, insurance agents, selfinsurers and captives. http://www.state.hi.us/dcca/ins/branches.html | |
105. College Of Commerce - Department Of Accounting Provides contact details, as well as information on programs offered and faculty members. http://www.commerce.usask.ca/departments/accounting/ | |
106. South Carolina Department Of Commerce manufacturing in the United States, and the process of undertaking a major reorganization in July, the South Carolina department of commerce performed solidly http://www.callsouthcarolina.com/ |
107. Department Of Industrial Development Site describes the functions of the department, has links to its constituent and subsidiary bodies. Part of the Ministry of commerce and Industry. http://did.nic.in/ | |
108. Department Of Commerce Home Page US Exports Report makes recommendations for strengthening US international competitiveness through coordination with the department of commerce, industry and http://home2.doc.gov/ | |
109. Montana Department Of Commerce Developed by the Montana department of commerce, there is limited help on this site, but there is one link for the automobile lemon law that describes how to complain and receive protection. http://www.com.state.mt.us/ | |
110. TIC Home Trade Information Center, International Trade Administration, US department of commerce. Home Page is the first stop for information http://www.trade.gov/td/tic/ | |
111. Minnesota Department Of Agriculture Home Page, MDA Home Page Mission is to work toward a diverse agricultural industry that is profitable and environmentally sound; to protect public health and safety regarding food and agricultural products; and to ensure orderly commerce in agricultural and food products. http://www.mda.state.mn.us/ | |
112. Commerce Business Daily (CBDNet) To read the full text of the Special Notice from the department of commerce, go to Federal Business Opportunities to replace the commerce Business Daily. http://cbdnet.access.gpo.gov/ | |
113. STAT-USA/Internet * Home Page STATUSA/Internet, a service of the U.S. department of commerce, is the site for the U.S. business, economic and trade community, providing authoritative information from the Federal government. http://www.stat-usa.gov/stat-usa.html | |
114. Limestone Maine Inc 1869 History of the town, links to police, fire department, Chamber of commerce, health care, education, recreation, and community services. http://www.limestonemaine.org/welcome/Default.htm | |
115. Department Of Management A department within the Faculty of Economics and commerce. Courses include Bachelor of commerce (Management), the Master of International Business (MIB) and others. Information on department Staff, research and recent Working Papers. http://www.management.unimelb.edu.au/ | |
116. Page - AFIS Department - University Of Canterbury Information on the degrees of B.Com., B.Com.(hons), M.Com., Ph.D., and on the MBA and MEM programmes as well as information about courses, people, distinguished visitors, research, seminars, links and the commerce Faculty. http://www.afis.canterbury.ac.nz/ | |
117. C Y B E R C R I M E Computer crime section of the department of Justice contains links relating to internet commerce, intellectual property crimes, cybercrimes and general information. http://www.cybercrime.gov/ | |
118. CS5002 Main Page taught by Bruce Scharlau, department of Computing Science, at the University of Aberdeen. http://www.csd.abdn.ac.uk/~bscharla/teaching/CS5002/index.shtml | |
119. Minnesota Commerce : Home Welcome to the Minnesota department Of commerce Our mission is to ensure equitable commercial and financial transactions and reliable utility services by http://www.state.mn.us/cgi-bin/portal/mn/jsp/home.do?agency=Commerce&agency=Comm |
120. Office Of Automotive Affairs Automotive industry information compiled by the department of commerce about the United States and other countries, as well as export trade opportunities, foreign country import requirements and industry related data. http://www.ita.doc.gov/td/auto | |
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