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1. Comets, Meteors & Myth: New Evidence For Toppled Civilizations And Biblical Tale comets, meteors Myth. By Robert Roy Britt Increasingly, some scientists suspect comets and their associated meteor storms were the cause http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/planetearth/comet_bronzeage_011113-1.html | |
2. C&MS: The Perseids GARY W. KRONK S comets METEOR SHOWERS. http://comets.amsmeteors.org/meteors/showers/perseids.html | |
3. COMETS, Orbit Diagrams, Finder Charts comets and meteors. June, 2000 Earth crosses the comet's orbit each November 17 we experience a shower of meteors. Usually 1050 are visible per hour http://www.drdale.com/comets | |
4. Space Science And Astronomy Headlines Space science and astronomy headlines on some of our most popular topics. MORE ASTRONOMY NEWS Headlines by Topic (cont.) comets meteors. Features Threat Since 1966 With November meteors . http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/headlines-5.html | |
5. A/CC's Major News About Minor Objects A digest of news related to asteroids, comets, and meteors. Monitors changes in impact risk calculations. Includes links to original sources of information. http://www.hohmanntransfer.com/news.htm | |
6. Comets And Meteor Showers comets and meteor showers This World Wide Web (WWW) site, designed for students in grades 7 to 12, supplies photographs and information about comets and meteors. A basic understanding of comets is http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://comets.amsmeteors.org/&y=025210B33BD |
7. Ametcom Extensive FAQ. http://www.itss.raytheon.com/cafe/qadir/ametcom.html | |
8. Wide Field Astrophotography JupiterVenus conjunction, planets, comets, meteors, deep-sky. http://www2.arnes.si/~mborion4/astronomy.htm | |
9. ThinkQuest : Library : Astronomy: Seek The Stars! Famous comets. meteors, unlike comets, are not giant balls of ice. They have thesame beautiful effect as comets do, and sometimes in more numerous amounts. http://library.thinkquest.org/23830/comets.htm | |
10. Pracownia Komet I Meteorów - Comet And Meteor Workshop Coordinating observations of transient astronomical phenomena throughout Poland. http://sirius.astrouw.edu.pl/~olech/pkim/ | |
11. Astronomy 161: The Solar System Overview with historical background and basic astronomy concepts, details about planets, satellites, asteroids, comets and meteors. http://csep10.phys.utk.edu/astr161/lect/ | |
12. Comets, Asteroids & Meteors Astronauts. Black Holes. UFO. Planets. International Space Station. comets,Asteroids meteors. Eclipse. Space Shuttle. All rights reserved by. 2000. http://www.kidskonnect.com/CometsMeteors/CometAsteroidMeteorHome.html | |
13. Comets,Stars,Meteors Asteroids, comets, meteors, Stars, Sun. Asteroids Black Holes. comets Constellations. Constellations Links The Constellations and their Stars. Constellation Mythology. The Constellation. Constellation List Click on the following link for information about meteors and Comet Showers comets and Meteor Showers http://www.k111.k12.il.us/king/comets,s.htm | |
14. Howstuffworks "How Telescopes Work" comets and meteors A comet or a meteor streaking across the sky is an exciting sightfor anyone, and a telescope can make these objects even more fascinating http://science.howstuffworks.com/telescope14.htm | |
15. Universal Guide - Asteroids, Comets, And Meteors Asteroids. comets. and meteors. General Facts . Comet HaleBopp . Earth Impacts . The Tunguska . Explosion . Tycho Brahe . Expedition . The Barringer . Meteor Crater . Meteor Showers . The Leonid . Find out what's the difference between Asteroids, comets. and meteors. Simple layout http://www.universalguide.com/space/space-cometsasteroids.htm | |
16. Science Line - Night Patrol - Comets, Asteroids, Meteors & Meteorites Physics Astronomy. Sociology Psychology. Technology Engineering. What arecomets, asteroids, meteors meteorites? comets. ShoemakerLevy. Swift-Tuttle. http://www.sciencenet.org.uk/astron/comet/cometindex.html | |
17. The Little Dipper Atronomy Page Includes information on constellations, planets, meteors, comets, eclipses, and viewing techniques. http://www25.brinkster.com/thelittledipper | |
18. PKiM http://www.astrouw.edu.pl/~olech/pkim.html |
19. Science Line - Night Patrol - Comets, Asteroids, Meteors & Meteorites - Hale-Bop HaleBopp. http://www.sciencenet.org.uk/astron/comet/HaleBopp/HaleBopp.html | |
20. Cyprus Astronomical Society. Astronomy In Cyprus Astrophotography Telescopes Java applets of the solar system and the moon's current phase; comprehensive illustrated information about the planets, comets, nebulae, meteors and other phenomenon; monthly nightsky data; links; a forum; latest club and general news, and membership information. http://www.cyprusastronomy.com/ | |
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