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22. Char. Of Amer. Indians By Tribe And Lanuage - Appendix G indians reported on the census questionnaire.AbenakiAlaska nativeAlaska Indian. Alaska native Other Alaska nativeBiorka RiverColvilleComancheComanche. Oklahoma ComancheCoosCoquilles http://www.census.gov/population/socdemo/race/indian/cp-3-7/appenG.pdf |
23. Comanche comanche. native American Languages over com). native American Nations(new) Tribe Coastal Band of Chumash indians Coastanoan http://saint-johns-brunswick.pvt.k12.me.us/student/projects/Indians/comanche.htm | |
24. Indian Classical At Cocktailswithcourtney.com Gold comanche, INDIAN ARCHERY MLB Cap indians (EA Ash size Adult 3XLarge, ChoiceShirtsNative amer Wolf/Feathers MLB KIDS PINSTRIPE ROMPER CLE indians NE-LRG http://www.cocktailswithcourtney.com/indian_classical.html | |
25. American History - Chilocco School These occupants are Kiowa and comanche Indian children who RECORDS OF THE CHILOCCOINDIAN SCHOOL Cabinet D01 Roll ID - Format FICHE Coverage native amer. http://www.electricscotland.com/history/america/donna/chilocco_school.htm | |
26. Tribal Self-Governance Consultation Meeting Affairs/ANA/comanche Nation, 200 Independence Ave. Navarette, Cynthia, President/CEO,AK native Health Board, 4201 Mississippi Band of Choctaw indians, PO Box 6010, http://aspe.hhs.gov/SelfGovernance/consult/june14t.htm | |
27. Red Eagle Creations - Books & Videos native american Dance $10 Wolves - $10 Magnet/Wall - amer Thing, One Word (Heritage),Proud amer Indian, Proud To To Be Choctaw, Proud T B comanche, Proud To http://home.flash.net/~redeagle/print/bookscatalog.html | |
28. Red Eagle Creations - Crafts Buffalo Warrior, native Effigy, End of the Trail, Scout Indian Thing, One Word (Heritage),Proud amer Indian, Proud To Be Choctaw, Proud T B comanche, Proud To http://home.flash.net/~redeagle/print/craftscatalog.html | |
29. Oberlin College Conservatory Library 13. Chants native Am. Church of N. America. 770.1 T41 So6. Songs and Dances ofthe Flathead indians. FE 4445. Flute Songs of the Kiowa and comanche. IH 2512. http://www.oberlin.edu/faculty/rknight/LPcollection/Lists/6a.Nativeam.html | |
30. Internet Modern History Sourcebook: American Independence Apache, Cheyenne, and Arapaho; 1867 Kiowa, comanche, and Apache Between The UnitedStates and native Americans At Manners and Customs of the indians (of New http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/mod/modsbook12.html | |
31. Message Archive May 7 9 DeFuniak Springs, FL comanche Little Ponies 9 Omak, WA 16th Annual ETILamerican Indian Powwow May 8 - 9 Knoxville, TN, TN 11th Annual native amer. http://www.powwows.com/newsletter/archive.php?val=69&nl=2&opt=view |
32. Eagle Rock Trading Post :: Indian Jewelry-Native American Jewelry-Southwest Deco comanche Little Ponies Annual Pow Wow, Lawton, OK, May 7 9, 2004, 16th Annual ETILamerican Indian Powwow Celebrat, Knoxville, TN, TN, 11th Annual native amer. http://www.eaglerocktradingpost.com/powwows.htm | |
33. Southern Plains Office OK. comanche Tribe HA, Parker, Don, Executive Dir, PO Box 1671, Lawton, 73502, ofNative amer. OK. United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee indians, Procter, Dallas, Chief,PO Box http://www.codetalk.fed.us/SouthernPlains.html | |
34. Oklahoma - FY 2003 OJP & COPS Grants By State Of Recipient Del City. native amer. DOM. Formula. Elgin. native amerICAN CIRCLE LTD. ViolenceAgainst Women Office Technical Assistance Program. Lawton. comanche INDIAN TRIBE. http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/fy2003grants/map/ok.htm | |
35. Books On Cherokee Indians 8) by Steve Pavlik Paperback from amer Indian Studies Center Book Published 01August, 1998. Search Books on Cherokee indians. Browse native american History. http://www.dropbears.com/b/broughsbooks/history/cherokee.htm | |
36. Plains Indians 3) comanche, Kiowa, KiowaApache at so century, traded from SW Great Basin Indianslike Apache opening up the Plains to much larger native populations than http://courses.washington.edu/anth310/plains.htm | |
37. Timeline American Indians By Tribe Monache, Panamint, Timbisha Shoshone, comanche, Hopi, Paiute book by Eagle/WalkingTurtle titled Indian America (John recognized tribes and native villages in http://timelines.ws/countries/AMERIND_A.HTML | |
38. Timeline American Indians 1866 Dec 26, native AmericanÂs handed the US order that removed the Shoalwater BayIndians in Washington Oct 21, Many leaders of the Kiowa, comanche and Kiowa http://timelines.ws/countries/AMERIND_B.HTML | |
39. Commercial Transactions Between Indian Tribes And Non-Indians l Bank in Altus v. Kiowa, comanche Apache and Environmental Law (SONREEL), Committeeon native American Natural State Bar of New Mexico Indian Law Section http://www.morelaw.com/states/ok/articles/mcbride2.htm | |
40. Research Central : Native American Resources Portal; American Indian Studies; American indians and Crime For World IndigenousStudies; comanche Lodge; Dakota native American Artists Home Page; native American http://www.softouch.on.ca/rc/native.htm | |
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