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1. Colorado Study because schools included in the sample had to have library media centers that responded to the 1989 survey of school library media centers in colorado and had http://dewey.chs.chico.k12.ca.us/colo.html | |
2. ALA SLMR Online © 1999 ALA schools included in the sample (1) had to have library media centers that had responded to the 1989 survey of school library media centers in colorado and (2 http://www.ala.org/aasl/SLMR/slmr_resources/select_lance.html |
3. Library Research Service - Research And Statistics About Libraries school Library Impact Studies Impact of school Library media centers on Academic Achievement 1993 colorado Study by Keith Curry Lance, Lynda Welborn, and Christine HamiltonPennell Order http://www.lrs.org/html/data/school/school_library_media_centers.html | |
4. Colorado Study sample had to have library media centers that responded to the 1989 survey of school library media centers in colorado and had to use the Iowa Tests of Basic http://home.earthlink.net/~cregal/colo.htm | |
5. Survey Of Colorado School Library Media Centers 2000 1Survey of colorado school Library media centers 2000 Direct questions to Keith Lance or Gene Hainer Voice ON YOU AND YOUR school Identify your school by name, level, and http://www.lrs.org/documents/slmc00/co2000_lmcsurvey_rev.pdf |
6. Centennial State Libraries - August 2000 The Statistics and InputOutput Measures for school Library media centers in colorado 1999 report includes complete data on hours of operation, schedule http://www.cde.state.co.us/libnewsletter/sl0800a5.htm | |
7. Colorado State Library Services To Libraries Library Service Systems in meeting needs of school media centers. Summer Reading Programs Discover New Trails READ! is the theme for colorado s 2004 Summer http://www.cde.state.co.us/cdelib/slsvcs.htm | |
8. Bloomington Media Centers Bloomington school District 271. school media Program Visit our new. media centers! Elementary school Library Impact Studies Details on Alaska, colorado Pennsylvania Studies. colorado http://www.bloomington.k12.mn.us/distinfo/technology/media/media.html | |
9. Second Colorado Study Report In 1993, the colorado State Library published The Impact of school Library media centers on Academic Achievement. This first study demonstrated that quality http://www.tcps.k12.md.us/memo/col.html | |
10. CDC Media Relations Home Page Improvements, Many High school Students Still Engaging Q A colorado Vaccine Effectiveness Study centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Office of Communication. Division of media http://www.cdc.gov/od/oc/media | |
11. School Library Media Impact Surveys CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA school LIBRARY media centers AND STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT A SURVEY OF ISSUES AND colorado THE IMPACT OF school LIBRARY media centers ON ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT http://www.iema-ia.org/IEMA119.html | |
12. INDEX-HOME: SCSU- ILS693 - ISSUES IN SCHOOL LIBRARY MEDIA CENTERS INSTITUTE Issues in school Library media centers Institute. Southern Connecticut State Library Research Service, colorado. Supervised the landmark school library media impact studies http://www.southernct.edu/~derry/ils693s01 | |
13. ECS Issue Site: School Districts (What States Are Doing) on the status of library media centers nationwide, examining and Dan Heffron, National Center for Education A Report on colorado school District Organization http://www.ecs.org/html/IssueSection.asp?issueid=104&s=What States Are Doing |
14. Education World ® : School Administrators: Strong Libraries Improve Student Ach which examined the relationship between the colorado Student Assessment Program (CSAP) and certain characteristics of school media centers, replicated those of http://www.educationworld.com/a_admin/admin178.shtml | |
15. State Departments Of Library Services school Library media Development Program From the colorado Department of Education Library Automation Systems in school Library media centers in Iowa. http://www.sldirectory.com/libsf/stlibs.html | |
16. Managing InfoTech In School Library Media Centers Clyde, Laurel A. (1999). Managing InfoTech in school Library media centers. Englewood, colorado Libraries Unlimited. ISBN 156308 http://www.hi.is/~anne/managing-infotech.html | |
17. Proof Of The Power: Quality Library Media Programs Affect Academic Achievement The Impact of school Library media centers on Academic Achievement. Castle Rock, colorado Hi Willow Research and Publishing, 1993. http://www.infotoday.com/MMSchools/sep01/lance.htm | |
18. School Library Planning Academic Achievement An article from school Library media colorado which details the colorado study which between funding of Library media centers and student http://www.mmrls.org/SCHOOLSITES.HTM | |
19. Centers And Research | School Of Journalism And Mass Communication The schoolÂs New media Center is where tomorrow teeth and where innovative teaching and media software are NMC is working with the colorado Press Association http://www.colorado.edu/journalism/centers/ | |
20. Power in the library media centers score higher in Alaska, Pennsylvania, and colorado  all published Previously, school library media specialists, concentrating http://www.lmcsource.com/tech/power/power.htm | |
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