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41. Exempla - Consumer Health Libraries Provides medical information for patients and relatives as well as resources for staff and students of St Josephs Hospital. Open to the public. Denver, colorado. http://www.saintjosephdenver.org/yourhealth/libraries/ | |
42. Colorado Alliance Of Research Libraries Home Page Prospector. Union. Catalog. The Alliance Newsletter. Alliance Office Information. Office Hours Location Phone Help Desk Fax 800 am to 500 pm Monday Friday. 3801 E. Florida Ave., Ste. 515. Denver, CO 80210 ( 303) 759-3399 ( 303) 759-3399 x911 ( http://www.coalliance.org/ | |
43. SWALL (Southwestern Association Of Law Libraries) An official regional chapter of the American Association of Law libraries. Covers Arizona, Arkansas, colorado, Kansas, Missouri, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas. http://www.aallnet.org/chapter/swall/ | |
44. Colorado Association Of Libraries colorado Association of libraries logo. News and Current Events. colorado Association of libraries presents the 2004 conference Marriott http://www.cal-webs.org/ | |
45. Special Collections | Exhibits | Past | Edward Dorn Bibliography Works by Dorn held in the Special Collections Department, University libraries, University of colorado at Boulder. http://www-libraries.colorado.edu/ps/spc/exhibits/past/dorn/dornbib.htm | |
46. WebZAP - Electronic Library Request System Developed at colorado State University libraries, ZAP ILL offers webbased ILL requesting service to your users. Requests to Review File, ISO 10160/10161 compliant, secure transaction submissions, no local maintenance required. http://www.webzap.org/ | |
47. Snowdon & Hopkins, Vail Architect Architects Of Custom Home Homes And Library Li colorado firm specializing in custom homes, libraries, and public buildings for mountain environments and communities. Includes portfolio, profile and contacts http://snowdonhopkins.com | |
48. LIST OF GOVERNMENT ACRONYMS A glossary compiled by Deborah Hollis and Norberto LozoyaEscobar of acronymns found in US government databases or bulletin boards on the Internet and in print publications. http://www-libraries.colorado.edu/ps/gov/a-z/alpha.htm | |
49. Libraries Research affiliations Association of Research libraries, Center for Research libraries. http://www.colorado.edu/Academics/Libraries.html | |
50. Prospector: The Colorado Unified Catalog About Prospector, Member libraries. Prospector Welcomes Five New libraries. colorado Alliance of Research libraries Software © 2004 by Innovative Interfaces Inc. http://prospector.coalliance.org/ | |
51. Map Library | Frontpage General information and tour, recent acquisitions, collection descriptions, and annotated links to map resources and digital spatial data. http://www-libraries.colorado.edu/ps/map/frontpage.htm | |
52. Dropdown Menu Template Denver, CO http://www.coloacad.org/library/index.html | |
53. About Your Library - The Colorado Library Card Program Library Home Page, colorado Library Cards. The colorado Library Card (CLC) program involves a network of libraries throughout the state. http://library.ppld.org/AboutYourLibrary/LibraryCards/clccards.asp | |
54. Welcome To The Directory Of Colorado Libraries projects.aclin.org/directory/index.cfm LIBCAT UScolorado Regis University http//www.regis.edu/regis.asp?sctn=lib; University of colorado, Boulder http//www-libraries.colorado.edu/homepage.htm; http://projects.aclin.org/directory/ | |
55. City Of Westminster, Colorado - Libraries And Education Westminster Public libraries Westminster boasts two public libraries, the Irving Street Library and the College Hill Library. http://www.ci.westminster.co.us/res/lib/default.htm | |
56. City Of Westminster, Colorado - Libraries - Donations Home Resident libraries Education libraries Welcome to the Westminster Public Library Donations There are many ways to make a donation to your Library. http://www.ci.westminster.co.us/res/library/donations.htm | |
57. Ai Colorado: Library residents of colorado. The colorado Alliance of Research libraries (CARL) is a gateway to a wealth of information. This database http://www.aic.artinstitutes.edu/library5.asp | |
58. University Of Denver, Colorado -- Libraries And Research Internet connections located in the library, commons rooms and every residence hall room, DU students use their laptops as portable libraries, laboratories and http://www.du.edu/directory/libraries.html | |
59. Marmot Library Network, Home Page Marmot Library Network provides an integrated library computer system service for a consortium of academic, public, and school libraries in Western colorado. http://www.marmot.org/ | |
60. The Colorado Association Of Law Libraries http://www.aallnet.org/chapter/coall/ | |
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