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1. Hispanic Contractors Of Colorado A nonprofit association committed to creating a positive environment for Hispanic construction firms via education programs and liaisons with majority construction companies as well as governmental agencies. http://www.hispanic-contractors.org/ | |
2. SHEEO Homepage Job Opportunities at SHEEO agencies  West Virginia Higher education Policy Commission *NEW*  colorado Commission on Higher education http://www.sheeo.org/ | |
3. Summit Foundation A public foundation which funds other Summit County colorado nonprofit agencies providing programs and services in art, culture, health, human services, education, environment, and sports. http://www.summitfoundation.org/ |
4. SHEEO Agencies 8759211 Fax 404-872-1477 Agency E-mail Western Interstate Commission for Higher education David Longanecker Mailing PO Box 9752 Boulder, colorado 80301-9752 http://www.sheeo.org/agencies.asp | |
5. Colorado Office Of Resource And Referral Agencies, Inc. Home Page information on early childhood education, quality child a CCCAP provider, go to the colorado Child Care of Child Care Resource and Referral agencies, NACCRRA http://www.corra.org/ | |
6. Colorado Family Literacy Consortium - Directories http//www.cdhs.state.co.us/edo/org/hs_ counties.html colorado Office of Resource and Referral agencies. http//www.corra.org/Main/Contact.asp. colorado Department of education http://www.coloradoliteracy.net/spdirectories.html | |
7. Artslynx Colorado Arts Resources Membership org. supporting arts curriculum and linking arts educators and community artists. colorado Art education the state arts agencies, arts organizations and http://www.artslynx.org/colorado/co-serv.htm | |
8. American Association Of Colleges For Teacher Education Archived Highlights. JTE Editor Elected AERA PresidentElect the School of education at the University of colorado at Boulder districts, and state education agencies to address these challenges http//www.c-b-e.org/PDF/EyeoftheStorm. pdf http://www.aacte.org/News/archived_highlights.htm | |
9. Listings Colorado: Colorado : State colorado Consumer Services. colorado-Department of Regulatory agencies-Office of 10) colorado Department of education. Information about colorado State Home Chat Room org Chart Dept http://www.listingscolorado.com/Government/State | |
10. About McREL Overview at McREL s training facilities in Aurora, colorado. schools, districts, and local education agencies join forces continent Research for education and Learning http://www.mcrel.org/about/index.asp | |
11. McREL: Regional Educational Laboratory - REL Central Region  comprised of colorado, Kansas, Missouri education Service agencies Initiating, Sustaining, and of the regional educational laboratory network http://www.mcrel.org/rel/ | |
12. Recruit Section Of Southern Colorado Teacher Education Alliance colorado Student Loan Program, www.cslp.org. College BoardÂs Fund Finder, www.collegeboard.org/fundfinder. College Net MACH 25 Supporting Educational agencies. http://partners.colostate-pueblo.edu/sctea/fut_teach/ftea_info/links.htm | |
13. The DRM Regional Resource Directory: Colorado Developmental Disabilities, MultiServices agencies colorado Cross education - Special education Services colorado Special education Advisory Committee http://www.disabilityresources.org/COLORADO.html |
14. Colorado Arts Consortium - Serving Community Arts held annually in locations throughout colorado, focus on legislators and trustees of all member agencies. Voter education Programs at the Regional Workshops http://www.coloradoartsconsortium.org/ | |
15. SMPS Colorado - Welcome! Site), and Department of Interior agencies (US Bureau Upcoming Events Programs SMPS colorado offers monthly luncheon programs, education sessions and http://www.smpscolorado.org/ | |
16. Colorado Arts Education Protocol H. Funding agencies such as colorado Council on the Arts (CCA); Scientific and Cultural Facilities District colorado Alliance for Arts education 200 Grant http://www.artstozoo.org/caae/html/protocols.html | |
17. The PARA Center :: Paraeducator Resource & Research Center promotes collaboration among local education agencies, institutions of education and the state education association to 2003 University of colorado at Denver http://www.paracenter.org/ | |
18. Colorado Federation Of Animal Welfare Agencies formed in 1954 as the colorado Federation of Member agencies must either have 501(c)(3 Networking; Legislative awareness; Public education; Emergency preparedness. http://www.cfawa.org/ | |
19. State Profiles : Introduction based groups, schools, and local agencies, these citizens individuals are serving in colorado communities as AmeriCorps members receive an education award of http://www.nationalservice.org/stateprofiles/co_intro.html | |
20. Charter School Web Sites to charter school developers, operators, and chartergranting agencies. download annual studies released by the colorado Department of education. http://www.nwrel.org/charter/national.html | |
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