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121. WebRing: Hub The college branch of the Kiwanis organization. There are Circle K clubs at colleges and universities in all of the 50 states and in some foreign countries. http://n.webring.com/hub?ring=circlek |
122. Dohto University Faculties, colleges, and information for international students. Located in Kitahiroshima, Hokkaido. http://www.dohto.ac.jp/welcomee.html | |
123. Chubu University Includes colleges of humanities, international studies, business, engineering, and bioscience, as well as Japanese language and culture, advanced degrees, admissions guide and campus life. Located in Kasugai City, Aichi. http://www.chubu.ac.jp/en/ | |
124. BCCIE Home Page Information for international students about public accredited universities, colleges and institutes in BC. http://www.bccie.bc.ca | |
125. Pentecostal Church Of God international headquarters and primary resource for access to colleges, missions and publications. http://www.pcg.org/ | |
126. CrossLink International - Your Connection To The People And Ministries Of The Re Online directory to Christian Churches, Bible colleges, ministers, and missionaries. http://www.crosslink.org/ | |
127. The International Partnership For Service Learning Information, events and how to join this incorporated notfor-profit organization serving colleges, universities, service agencies and related organizations around the world by fostering programs that link community service and academic study. http://www.ipsl.org/ | |
128. Welcome To The Center For Research Libraries An international notfor-profit consortium of colleges, universities and libraries that provides scholarly research resources to users everywhere. Governed by the major research libraries of North America, CRL is funded by fees, grants and contributions. http://wwwcrl.uchicago.edu/ | |
129. Www.UCEA.edu international association of accredited universities and colleges providing undergraduate, graduate and professional education via the Internet, satellite television, independent study, and parttime study. http://www.ucea.edu/ | |
130. National Paralegal Association Serving Paralegal Schools, Legal Assistants, Inde An international organization offering benefits and services to legal assistants, law firms, corporate legal departments, independent paralegals, paralegal training schools and colleges and those involved in the paralegal profession. http://www.nationalparalegal.org/ | |
131. ICIP Home Page Home pages of the Indiana Consortium of international Programs, an organization of 40 colleges and universities in Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky dedicated to international education. http://www.uindy.edu/~icip | |
132. United States College And University Admission our homestays with American families, or our boarding school, college, and universityadmission services for international students, please contact us by email http://www.college-scholarships.com/aegc.htm | |
133. Physics Education international journal. Articles are chosen to support secondary school teachers and those involved with courses up to introductory undergraduate level, giving everyone teaching physics in schools and colleges the support and information they need on the latest developments and teaching methods. http://www.iop.org/EJ/journal/0031-9120 | |
134. 101 Top College, University And Scholarship Websites TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), the standardized exam most us collegesrequire of international students who wish to study in the United States. http://www.college-scholarships.com/100college.htm | |
135. Jon Tabbert Associates, Independent Educational Consultancy, American British In An independent international educational consultancy. Information, guidance and support on entry into American, British and international schools, colleges and universities. http://www.jontabbert.com/ | |
136. College.us.com College Online  Information Technology, Kaplan College Online  Information Jonesinternational University Education, Jones international University http://college.us.com/?partner=1013 |
137. American International Education Foundation (AIEF) | Index Information regarding colleges, universities, language and boarding schools. Also American Education directory and online application available for international students in English, Spanish and Chinese. http://www.ief-usa.org | |
138. College.us.com Westwood College of Technology, Online, Westwood College of Technology s Denver Northcampus now offers online degr Jones international University Masters http://college.us.com/indexn.php?partner=1013 |
139. International School Of Curitiba ISC, accredited by the Southern Association of colleges and Schools, offers the American and Brazilian High School Diplomas and prepares for the international Baccalaureate Degree. http://www.isc-cic.com.br |
140. Alexander Advertising International Limited Provides a free advertising service aimed primarily at local/county/district authorities, universities, colleges, schools and public utilities. http://www.advertising.mcmail.com/siteindex.htm | |
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