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181. Dalat International School A K12 Christian international boarding school in Penang, accredited by WASC (Western Association of Schools and colleges) and ACSI (Association of Christian Schools international), and offering an American curriculum to elementary, middle and high school students. http://www.dalat.org/ | |
182. College Degrees, College Applications, English Lessons A directory of colleges, universities and schools for prospective international students. Includes student enrolment and submission forms. http://www.hyperstudy.com/ | |
183. College And University Rankings - Education And Social Science Library - Univers The overwhelming variety in size and purpose of institutions makes the prospectof comparing colleges a daunting one for students, parents, and the colleges http://gateway.library.uiuc.edu/edx/rankings.htm | |
184. U.S. Community Colleges, By State UT Home  World  Web U.S. Higher Education U.S. Community colleges. by state. AL  AK  AZ  AR  CA  CO  CT  DE  DC  FL  GA  HI  ID no regionallyaccredited community colleges in the District of http://www.utexas.edu/world/comcol/state | |
185. Colleges In The USA :: The Source For American College Information For Internati If you are interested in enrolling in an undergraduate degree at an accreditedUS institution, search our database of featured colleges. http://www.eiworldwide.com/ | |
186. Alliant International University Maintained by Alliant international University Department of Information Technology(HELP) Last modified http://www.alliant.edu/ | |
187. Adult Student Center: International Students Check out this site for information on international enrollments in UScolleges, including a list of the top 25 schools. Top Financial http://www.adultstudentcenter.com/international.html | |
188. ABCNEWS.com : A Cheating Crisis In America's Schools Like all of the college students who spoke to Primetime, he wanted his identityobscured. Poll us Teens Say Cheating Widespread. ALSO ON ABCNEWS. http://abcnews.go.com/sections/Primetime/US/cheating_040429-1.html | |
189. AID Colleges http://www.bibl.u-szeged.hu/oseas/aid.html |
190. USAID: Education And Universities Without sound conceptual and technical skills acquired in secondary schools, communitycolleges, and universities, youth in developing countries will be unable http://www.usaid.gov/our_work/education_and_universities/ | |
191. Institutional Development And Undergraduate Education Programs Service Home Page the Rate of Latino College Graduates Word and Undergraduate Education Service USDepartment of http://www.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ope/idues/ | |
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