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61. Excelsior College Virtual Library It is restricted to registered students, faculty, and staff of Excelsior college). Please note that the online versions of magazines and journals rarely cover http://www.library.excelsior.edu/general/periodicals.html | |
62. Www.edoc.com/jrl-bin/wilma/col Barton college Library Scholarly Journals v. magazines PageWILLIS N. HACKNEY LIBRARY, Barton college, Wilson, NC Skip Navigation Link, Library Home, Site Search, Help. (Note Not all journals and magazines will necessarily http://www.edoc.com/jrl-bin/wilma/col |
63. Upromise - Shop Online: Magazines save 86% Save 25% for college, 10 for $19.95 You save 39% Save 25% for college, 13 for only $19.99 You save 69% Save 25% for college. More magazines By Category. http://www.upromise.com/nspage?su=82497 |
64. National Association Of Independent Schools (NAIS) - Books And Magazines Published by Teachers college Press, 2000. Members $ 22.95, NonMembers $ 22.95. magazines. Annual Subscription Independent School Magazine. http://www.nais.org/pubs/pubsList.cfm | |
65. Links: Online Literary Magazines Ascent a literary magazine (Concordia college). The Atlantic Monthly. top. B. Field Magazine (Oberlin college). Fortynine Words (School of Visual Arts). http://students.washington.edu/tahomaw/links.htm | |
66. Little Magazines, Alternative Press & Poetry Store Collections Enquiries to Little magazines Department The Library University college London Gower Street London WC1E 6BT Telephone 020 7679 http://wwws-a.ucl.ac.uk/Library/special-coll/litmags.htm | |
67. Pamphlets And Magazines Finding Aid Lewis Clark college Portland, Oregon. The 1807 Plan for an Illustrated Edition of Lewis and Clark. The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. http://www.lclark.edu/~archives/specialcollections/pamphlets.html | |
68. The Composition Links Learn about one school s many writing courses, with links to other college pages. of News and Information Links to a variety of online magazines and local http://www.cod.edu/academic/acadprog/tranprog/engl_com/composit.htm | |
69. Florida College Student Of The Year Award The annual Florida college Student of the Year Award ceremony is held in the numerous TV and radio stations, as well as in newspapers and magazines nationally. http://www.floridaleader.com/soty/ | |
70. Medical College Of Wisconsin - Magazines / Newsletters PDA magazines/Newsletters Computing Unplugged. Handheld Computing. Palm InfoCenter. Palm Tip Sheet. Wireless Review. © 2004 Medical college of Wisconsin Page http://www.mcw.edu/display/router.asp?docid=424 |
71. Birkbeck College Library - General Internet Reference Sources Internet Directory of Publications, a database of over 150,000 magazines, journals, newsletters Top of this page, Library Home Page, Birkbeck college Home Page, http://www.bbk.ac.uk/lib/general.html | |
72. Boston.com / News / Boston Globe / Magazine / Starchitecture On enough buzz for a short feature in Newsweek or one of the national design magazines. on the upper floors with classrooms and labs for the college of computer http://www.boston.com/news/globe/magazine/articles/2004/02/22/starchitecture_on_ |
73. Mills College: ENG 160, Writing For Magazines, Sarah Pollock English 160 Writing for magazines. Instructor Sarah Pollock. Textbooks This course is about writing for magazines, and the best way to learn it is by doing it. http://www.mills.edu/ENG/eng.160.pollock.html | |
74. MagazineCityCollege Sports Magazines college Sports. Our Most Popular magazines. Carolina Blue . Carolina Blue. Save 36%! Huskers Illustrated . Huskers Illustrated. Save 36%! http://www.ccgdata.com/college-sports.html | |
75. Alexa Web Search - Subjects > News > Colleges And Universities > Magazines And E Sponsored Listings in magazines and Ezines (what s this?). college Universities Compare 100s of Universities and Request Unlimited Free Information! http://www.alexa.com/browse/categories?catid=709133 |
76. CLA Alum Magazine, College Of Liberal Arts, Oregon State University CLA Alum Magazine. Students. Advising. Departments and Programs. People. CLA Alumni. News and Events. CLA Alum magazines. November; http://oregonstate.edu/dept/cla/alumni/magazine.html | |
77. Delta College Library Resources: Journals Draws on major scientific journals, magazines, and newspapers in the United States and abroad. Today s Science Subject List of Delta college Periodicals. http://www.delta.edu/library/r_mags.html | |
78. Chandler-Gilbert Community Colleges - Library of articles in southwest, United States, and world history journals and magazines. load the articles or abstracts by clicking on college, School, Library http://www.cgc.maricopa.edu/library/magazines_journals.shtml | |
79. UCLA College Library: Selecting The Right Source Magazines Slant May reflect the editorial bias / slant of the magazine. Try a magazine for Comments to college Library Web Administrator Updated April 21, 2003. http://www.library.ucla.edu/libraries/college/help/selectsource/selmag.htm | |
80. CollegeBound Teen Magazine Online - May/June 2004 Register to the collegeBound Network and receive a FREE issue of college Bound Magazine. http://www.collegebound.net/collegeboundmag/ | |
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