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College Issues: more books (100) |
141. The College Republicans At UCSD Articles on campus issues, voter guide, membership information, calendar of events, and photos of the Triton GOP. http://stuorg.ucsd.edu/~ucsdgop/ | |
142. AAF: American Advertising Federation A national network of 210 clubs. Connects the industry with an academic base through its 210 college chapters. Site features club news, governmental issues, events calendar and awards. http://www.aaf.org/ | |
143. Information Technology Office > Home Serves as a central clearinghouse for all technology related issues within the college. http://infotech.cas.msu.edu/ | |
144. Afterschool.gov: Teens Issues - College Opportunities And Funding college and Career Subsections of the college and Career section are applying forjobs, financial aid, guides to careers, guides to colleges and universities http://www.afterschool.gov/tnfund.html | |
145. Security On Campus, Inc. | Campus Security And Crime Victim Resources Resource for college and university campus crime safety and security issues. http://www.campussafety.org | |
146. American University Law Review The college's oldest journal publishes bimonthly texts on a broad range of legal issues. http://www.wcl.american.edu/pub/journals/lawrev/ | |
147. Transition To College job to pursue an education, or are working and attending college at the in two freshmanlevel courses were asked to describe the transitional issues they faced http://advising.wichita.edu/lasac/pubs/aah/trans.htm | |
148. Union Semester Internship opportunity where students work with a NYC union while studying the labor movement and economic and social policy issues at Queens college. http://forbin.qc.edu/workered/html/union_semester.html | |
149. Ingenta: All Issues -- The Teachers College Record Volume 105, Issue 1, February 2003, LATEST NEXT, PREVIOUS forward EARLIEST last.Publisher Blackwell Publishing on behalf of Teachers college, Columbia http://www.ingenta.com/journals/browse/bpl/tcre?mode=direct |
150. Student Organizations - Special Interests Information and overviews to the purposes and goals of Amnesty International, Coalition for Education and Action on Sexual issues, college Republicans, RAIN Careteam, Sophomore Council, Student Activities that Value the Earth, and the Students taking Action Against Sexual Assault. http://www.hendrix.edu/StudentActivities/Organizations/specialorg.htm | |
151. College And University Privacy Issues college and University Privacy issues Outline of Presentation 1. OverviewThere are many privacy issues facing colleges and universities today. http://www.privacyrights.org/ar/college-privacy.htm | |
152. California Association For Alcohol/Drug Educators CAADE serves college and University programs in California. The organization also sponsors an annual conference where stateof-the-art alcohol and drug training issues and information is shared. http://www.caade.org | |
153. ArchitectureWeek - Design - Current Issues In College Libraries - 2003.0611 Click Here. Current issues in college Libraries. by John Ruble. Thereis no shared facility more central to the purpose of a modern http://www.architectureweek.com/2003/0611/design_1-1.html | |
154. La Voz Latina @ Trinity College Organization which works to increase the awareness of Latin American culture, politics and social issues in the Trinity college community. http://www.trincoll.edu/orgs/lavos/ |
155. Otterbein College Campus Security Department The Security staff issues parking decals for specifically assigned parkingareas of campus. They are continuously alert to safety regulations. http://www.otterbein.edu/resources/security/security.asp | |
156. The Center For Applied Research And Educational Improvement (CAREI) A collaborative organization bringing the resources of the college of Education and Human Development and the University to bear on educational issues. http://education.umn.edu/CAREI/ | |
158. Student.Com, College Site, Student, College Students, College Life, College Stud Online college community offering various student resources such as campus issues, sports and travel. http://www.student.com/ | |
159. NACUBO | Welcome To NACUBO.org New Opportunity to Get Updates on Key Regulatory issues If you missed the Poweredby Ingeniux, ©2004 National Association of college and University Business http://www.nacubo.org/ | |
160. The Lionhearted - Couer De Lyon Originally started as an independent conservative student newspaper at Penn State in the early 1990s, and although no longer associated with the University, remains a part of State college and provides archives of original printed issues. http://www.thelionhearted.org/ | |
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