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81. Polymers, Properties And Polymerisation Processes The P4 project is headed by Prof. Julia Higgins at Imperial college London. It addresses a wide range of research issues in the areas of polymers and polymerisation processes. Provides informations regarding the general activities of the project. http://www.ps.ic.ac.uk/P4/ |
82. Connecticut College - SAVE Formed in 1989 to raise awareness on campus and in the community about ecological issues. Organizers of annual Earth Day activities at Connecticut college. http://oak.conncoll.edu/~save/ | |
83. Archived: Women's Colleges In The United States: History, Issues, And Challenges studying at Rockford college before receiving her BA from Vassar college in 1880.She too was a resident of Hull House, and was involved in issues such as http://www.ed.gov/offices/OERI/PLLI/webreprt.html | |
84. Kenyon Observer, The Kenyon college's monthly conservative magazine. Text of all current articles and letters; issues archive; publication background and masthead. http://tko.kenyon.edu/ |
85. Beer, Booze & Books A resource for students, faculty and administrators seeking information about alcohol issues on college campuses today. http://www.beerboozebooks.com/ | |
86. Dennis Kucinich For President, 2004 - Education women s issues Stamford Advocate, 1/25/04. Kucinich New Hampshire Schools Need ChangeCampaign Press Release, 1/23/04. Candidates talk about the cost of college http://www.kucinich.us/issues/education.php | |
87. Default PLESK Page Student publication with sections devoted to religion, world and culture, campus affairs, plus archives of old issues. http://knightspage.com | |
88. Dennis Kucinich For President Campaign, 2004 - Official Website the side of its people. Ten Key issues. Back to list. 5. Guaranteed QualityEducation, PreK Through college. Since education is the only http://www.kucinich.us/issues/ | |
89. The Fenwick Review On The Web The college of the Holy Cross' only independent student journal of opinion, presenting a conservative view of campus and national issues. http://college.holycross.edu/studentorgs/fenwickreview/ | |
90. Intercollegiate Broadcasting System, Inc. (IBS) - College Radio, School Radio, B An association of over 800 college and school radio stations. Information on broadcasting and webcasting issues. http://www.ibsradio.org/ | |
91. ACOG Issues Guidelines On Breastfeeding ACOG issues Guidelines on Breastfeeding. published educational bulletin, BreastfeedingMaternal and Infant Aspects, from The American college of Obstetricians http://www.acog.org/from_home/publications/press_releases/nr07-01-00.cfm | |
92. Goshen College | A Christian, Four-year Residential, Liberal Arts College Rooted A liberal arts college known for offering programs in international education, servicelearning, and peace and justice issues in the Anabaptist-Mennonite tradition. http://www.goshen.edu/ | |
93. Journal Of College And Character Officials Doctor Photograph September 25, 2000 Student Activism Mobilizing AroundGlobal Social Justice issues - September 24, 2000 Do college Students Care http://www.collegevalues.org/ethics.cfm | |
94. #End: L33t WebComic For J00 A comedy series twisting anime, games, reallife issues, and the haphazard life of college. http://number_end.tripod.com | |
95. Contemporary Issues Trinity college Logo Trinity college Western Australia, Contemporaryissues. Energy issues, Environment issues, Ethics issues. Health http://library.trinity.wa.edu.au/issues/default.htm | |
96. Georgetown University College Democrats. Features calendar of events, internship database, information about community service projects, talking points on current issues, executive board list, and photo gallery. http://studentorgs.georgetown.edu/dems/ | |
97. Hamilton College - Hamilton College Gay Issues Poll - Home Hamilton college Gay issues Poll. PREVIOUS YOUTH POLLS. Racial Attitudesof Young Americans. Youth Hamilton college Gay issues Poll. The http://www.hamilton.edu/news/gayissuespoll/ | |
98. South Central Music Bulletin - SCMB A refereed journal and newsletter published by the college Music Society's South Central Chapter. Contains downloadable issues and author submission information. http://www.swt.edu/scmb/ | |
99. AACC | Copyright And Legal Issues This clearinghouse provides information on legal and copyright issues andthe Web. Links to existing college copyright policies are provided. http://www.aacc.nche.edu/Content/NavigationMenu/ResourceCenter/Clearinghouses/Co | |
100. UofL College Republicans Current officers, local issues, constitution, humor, membership information, and U of L CR links. http://www.louisville.edu/rso/cr/ | |
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