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61. CRR Home Research on Social Security and other retirement issues for policymakers and the public. Are you saving enough for retirement? http://www.bc.edu/crr | |
62. Master Of Science In International Studies: St. John Fisher College International Studies is an academic discipline that draws on multidisciplinary sources to examine past, current and future trends in a variety of related fields and in theories of international relations. Fields examined include international security, economics, politics, environmental issues and law. http://www.sjfc.edu/subsites/isp/ | |
63. Lambda 10 Online -- GLB Fraternity & Sorority Issues National Clearinghouse for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual Fraternity Sorority issues works to heighten the visibility of gay, lesbian, and bisexual members of the college fraternity by serving as a clearinghouse for educational resources and educational materials related to sexual orientation and the fraternity/sorority experience. http://www.lambda10.org/ | |
64. Public Relations/Journalism Issues - Suite101.com Public relations aspects and constitutencies corporate and college PR, Internet PR, graduate education in PR, and the media and writing end of the profession. http://www.suite101.com/welcome.cfm/public_relations_issues | |
65. The Math Forum: Geometry-college Web Discussion Geometry professors and instructors may keep abreast of issues in their profession at the geometrycollege discussion list. http://mathforum.org/epigone/geometry-college/ | |
66. Welcome To DevelopmentalDisability.org We are a resource for valuable information on Developmental Disabilities, sponsored by the Social Work Program at the Metropolitan State college of Denver. We provide training, curricular information, and other general information on Developmental Disabilities. We have two award winning Videos available that provide valuable insight for anyone who needs to know issues involved with parents with a developmental disability, or what it's truly like to raise a child with a disability. http://www.developmentaldisability.org | |
67. NursingWorld | Online Journal Of Issues In Nursing: Home Page Journal of issues in Nursing is available free of charge and published jointlyby The American Nurses Association and the Kent State University college of http://www.nursingworld.org/OJIN/ | |
68. The Connecticut College Earth House Residential community of campus activists who promote issues of justice and sustainability. http://cgreen.conncoll.edu/EH/ehouse.html | |
69. College Drinking Issues Alcoholism / Substance Abuse, college Drinking issues. Is the drinking on collegecampus as wide spread as reported? It is as dangerous as the media says it is? http://alcoholism.about.com/od/college/ | |
70. College Redeemer The conservative publication at the University of Northern Iowa in Cedar Falls, offering investigative reports, campus news, and commentary on current issues. http://www.RedeemerNews.org/ | |
71. ALA | College & Research Libraries News Established in 1966, college Research Libraries News (C RL News) provides articleson the latest trends For past issues, use the navigation menu to the left. http://www.ala.org/ala/acrl/acrlpubs/crlnews/collegeresearch.htm | |
72. The Tests And The Brightest - 80.06 Criticisms of the college Board. http://www.theatlantic.com/issues/95sep/ets/fall.htm | |
73. Hot Issues: College Drinking Substance Abuse, Take Action, News, issues, Resources, Find Help. Home SubstanceAbuse issues Hot issues college Drinking. Hot issues. college Drinking. http://www.jointogether.org/sa/issues/hot_issues/binge/ | |
74. Interdisciplinary Studies - Lesbian And Gay Studies Focus on such issues as theories of sexual orientation, the history of the gay movement, AIDS, queer theory, and the lesbian/gay artist and writer. Web page has information on courses, requirements, and faculty. http://www.purchase.edu/academics/interdisc/lesbian_and_gay_studies.asp | |
75. CollegeSnap.com Features content on entertainment and humor, and issues on lifestyle, finance, health and fitness, sex and relationships, and other articles of interest to college students. http://www.collegesnap.com/ |
76. Houston Press | Houstonpress.com | News | Feature | Spin Control,Rice University Houston Press Online story about the administrative coup d'©tat that closed down 91.7 FM, KTRU Houston, a college radio station. http://www.houstonpress.com/issues/2001-01-11/feature.html/page1.html | |
77. Art Center Student Government Featuring a complete event calendar, listing of officers and information on student issues. http://www2.artcenter.edu/acsg/ | |
78. Civic Engagement AAC U works to advance both the individual benefits of a college educationand the ways that higher education serves the public good. http://www.aacu-edu.org/issues/civicengagement/ | |
79. Home Page For Mkrejci Young adult church apostates; acceptance of female God images; religious cognitive schemas; incorporation of religious issues in psychotherapy (Concordia college, MN). http://www.cord.edu/faculty/krejci/ | |
80. College Cost Central college Cost Central A Resource for Parents, Students, Taxpayers Fed Up Withthe High Cost of Higher Education. Click HERE to take our college Cost Survey. http://edworkforce.house.gov/issues/108th/education/highereducation/collegecostc | |
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