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41. Earlham College –– Student Government Home Page Information on ESG positions and organizations, as well as current campus issues. http://www.earlham.edu/studentcenter/esg/ | |
42. Wheaton College: Faculty: David Wulff Personality psychology; psychology of religion history, theories, research methods, and philosophical issues; phenomenology of everyday experiences (Wheaton college, MA). http://www.wheatonma.edu/Faculty/DavidWulff.html | |
43. Health Considerations For The College-Bound Article about medical issues that need to be addressed when young adults leave home for college. http://healthlink.mcw.edu/article/1028054516.html | |
44. Quebec History Academic site which covers the main issues, events and concepts of Quebec history. Includes documents, maps, pictures, readings, statistics, and links. http://www2.marianopolis.edu/quebechistory/index.htm | |
45. Study Skills Self Help Information Many short articles covering a wide range of studying issues faced by learners, specifically college students. http://www.ucc.vt.edu/stdysk/stdyhlp.html | |
46. GenerAsians: The Wellesley College Asian / Asian American Magazine Triannual magazine from Wellesley college covering Asian/Asian-American issues. http://www.wellesley.edu/Activities/homepage/generasians/index.html | |
47. Teen Sexuality, Teen Sex, Teen Sex Information, Straight Teens, Gay Teens, Lesbi Information site for teens and college students on sexuality issues. http://teensexuality.studentcenter.org/ | |
48. Knot.magazine Focuses on issues concerning college students through articles, essays and photos. Includes an archive. http://www.knotmag.com/ | |
49. Teaching 9-11 issues. Bioterrorism, Civil Liberties, Culture Syllabi Lesson Plans. AcademicArchives, college and University Syllabi, Grades 6 8 Lesson Plans http://www.teaching9-11.org/ | |
50. Medical College Of Wisconsin Healthlink Topics:Â Women's Health News and information about women's health issues such as breast cancer, heart disease, ovarian cancer and reproductive health from the Medical college of Wisconsin. http://healthlink.mcw.edu/womens-health/ | |
51. Home Public service web site focussed on teen health issues. Also includes college info and survey data. http://www.teenbiznik.com/ | |
52. Publius: The Journal Of Federalism Scholarly journal issued quarterly from Lafayette college, devoted to the study of federalism in all levels of government. Index of tables of contents, order forms for past issues and reviews, subscription and submission information. http://ww2.lafayette.edu/~publius/ | |
53. National Association Of College And University Attorneys The Association's purpose is to enhance legal assistance to colleges and universities by educating attorneys and administrators to the nature of campus legal issues. It has an equally important role to play in the continuing legal education of university counsel. http://www.nacua.org/ | |
54. :: John Kerry For President - Making College Affordable For All Americans :: John Kerry for President issues Page MakingCollege Affordable for All Americans. http://www.johnkerry.com/issues/college/ | |
55. The Elder Law Journal At The University Of Illinois College Of Law Academic publication addressing issues affecting older adults. http://home.law.uiuc.edu/elderlaw/ | |
56. :: John Kerry For President - Restoring Jobs And Rebuilding The Economy :: are faced with higher health care costs, higher state taxes, higher college tuitionand Now that you know where John Kerry stands on this issue, stand with him http://www.johnkerry.com/issues/economy/ | |
57. College Of Complexes Weekly social issues discussion group provides free speech forum focussing on current events and activism. http://collegeofcomplexes.homestead.com/Main.html | |
58. Thin Ice: "Stereotype Threat" And Black College Students - 99.08 Return to this issue s Table of Contents. A U G U S T 1 9 9 9. When capable blackcollege students fail to perform as well as their white counterparts, the http://www.theatlantic.com/issues/99aug/9908stereotype.htm | |
59. Men's Consortium At Pierce College Men's issues studies suggest an urgent need for greater understanding of the forces working for and against men. http://www.pierce.ctc.edu/Links/Studres/menissue.htm | |
60. The Atlantic | November 2003 | The Atlantic College-Admissions Survey This issue also addresses a basic question in admissions how parents and In WhatMakes a college Good?, Nicholas Confessore discusses a new assessment http://www.theatlantic.com/issues/2003/11/admissions.htm | |
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