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81. Marist College - Academic Grants Office Foundation The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation National Research Lola Saya, BS, EA PostGrants Award Administrator Marist college, 3399 North Road, Poughkeepsie, NY http://www.marist.edu/grants/g2.html | |
82. Lumina Foundation: Helping People Achieve Their Potential announces grants INDIANAPOLIS Indianapolisbased Lumina Foundation for Educationhas announced 11 grants totaling $1.25 million to expand college access and http://www.luminafoundation.org/newsroom/news_releases/042104.html | |
83. Lumina Foundation: Helping People Achieve Their Potential FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 28, 2004 Lumina Foundation announces 75 grants toimprove college access and success Indianapolis Indianapolisbased Lumina http://www.luminafoundation.org/newsroom/news_releases/012704.html | |
84. Foundations And Grants foundations and grants. General Information Council of foundations A nonprofitmembership association of grant making foundations and corporations. http://www.falls-church.lib.va.us/subject/foundations.html | |
85. Grants Program: Online Grant Application college Knowledge. We appreciate your interest in the Foundation, and we look forwardto IRS 501(c)(3) status will be gathered by our grants Administration staff http://www.irvine.org/grants_program/youth/knowledge_welcome.shtml | |
86. Scholarships - Cayuga Community College Scholarships and grantsIn-Aid. The Cayuga County Community college Foundation receivesand administers all private gifts intended for the college, its programs http://www.cayuga-cc.edu/admissions/finaid/scholarships/ | |
87. NASA's Learning Technologies Project focused on doubling the rate of college attendance from You may submit grants at anytime WK Kellogg Foundation has several different programs to which you can http://learn.arc.nasa.gov/grants/ | |
88. Foundations, Funding Opportunities, Resources For Faculty, Research Office, Oreg Foundation. To receive authorization to approach a foundation for grantfunding, please contact your college s development officer. (If http://oregonstate.edu/research/foundations.htm | |
89. Cupa-hr Foundation Benefits Jane Federowicz, director of Student Accounts and Personnel at Rosemount college;Rosamaria Gomez The CUPAHR Foundation Conference grants Program is http://www.cupahr.org/benefits.html | |
90. Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation - Promoting Entrepreneurship And school curriculum designed to increase college enrollment and Learning A threeyeargrant to identify and codify how private foundations are adding http://www.kauffman.org/pages/213.cfm | |
91. CFNC - Welcome Everything you need to know about scholarships, grants, loans, and more That s whyCollege Foundation of North Carolina created this site, which is loaded with http://www.cfnc.org/ | |
92. CFNC - Paying For College Savings Programs. Tax Savings. Loan Programs. Tools Calculators. Publications and Forms. Ask an Expert. CFNC Home. Paying for college A Financial Aid Primer. What's the best way to pay for college? http://www.cfnc.org/paying/info_paying.jsp |
93. Olympic College Foundation [Olympic College] Invests in Faculty and Staff Through its oncampus Funds for Excellence grant-makingprogram, the Olympic college Foundation supports staff and faculty http://www.oc.ctc.edu/Found/ | |
94. ASUW Experimental College 4 pm 5/16 only Would you like a grant? essentials (1) how to identify those foundationsinterested in class is cancelled by the Experimental college, you will http://www.peopleware.net/index.cfm?siteID=382&eventDisp=2012.204 |
95. AT&T Foundation - Educate An AT T grant to the John J. Heldrich Center for school students and workers whodo not attend college. developed by the National Academy Foundation and the http://www.att.com/foundation/programs/education.html | |
96. SUNY Cortland College Foundation Office http://www.cortland.edu/administration/ia/foundation.html | |
97. KnowledgeWorks Foundation - College Access - Press Room grant (scroll down) Washington State Community college in Marietta recently receiveda $30,000 planning grant from the Knowledge Works Foundation to create a http://www.kwfdn.org/ProgramAreas/College/pressroom_lowwage.html | |
98. SBC - Press Room presented an $18,000 grant to Lake Land college. SBC Excelerator competitive technologygrants program, which signature giving program of the SBC Foundation. http://www.sbc.com/gen/press-room?pid=5097&cdvn=news&newsarticleid=21161 |
99. Niagara University - College Of Hospitality And Tourism Management One year later, the John R. Oishei Foundation provided the college with a $1.5mgrant to expand its curricular offerings and to provide its students with http://www.niagara.edu/hospitality/ | |
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