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61. National Grants Awarded about the work of the Barbara Bush Foundation for Family The 2003 grants were awardedto Highline Community college Des Moines, WA To expand the School Success http://www.barbarabushfoundation.com/nga.html | |
62. Examples Of Foundation & Corporate Grants To Dartmouth overall Wildlife Habitat Project at the Second college Grant, which aims projectsfunded in part by major grants from the RK Mellon Foundation, the Charles http://www.dartmouth.edu/~ofr/grants.html | |
63. Stark State College Foundation and training. The. Foundation supports the college in areas that arenot supported by taxes, tuition, or grants. Stark State Foundation http://www.starkstate.edu/foundation.htm | |
64. 2000 Grants/Category Buffalo Prep (two grants) $57,000. Buffalo Seminary (memorial gift) $250,000.Buffalo State college Foundation / Center of Excellence in Rural and Urban http://www.oisheifdt.org/2000_grants_category.htm | |
65. Fundraising In Community College Foundations. ERIC Digest. The first community college foundation may date from 1922 at Long Beach City college. ofexternal federal support offered through grant and contract http://www.ericdigests.org/1997-4/foundations.htm | |
66. Connecticut College - Corporate, Foundation And Government Relations Reference P the process of applying for grants to support the programs of the college, facultyresearch and Gherbi Director of Corporate, Foundation and Government http://www.conncoll.edu/advancement/relations/ | |
67. About The Queens College Foundation The Foundation was established in 1980 for the purpose and increasing the resourcesat the college in order It receives gifts and grants with which it finances http://qcpages.qc.edu/QC_Foundation/about.htm | |
68. Grants Resource Guide -- Peabody Library, Peabody College Of Vanderbilt Universi Ford Foundation grants Awarded Database. NSF Awards. Rockefeller Foundation. Foundationgrants to Individuals. New York Foundation Center. http://www.library.vanderbilt.edu/peabody/books/guides/grants.html | |
69. Jostens Company Information: Community Involvement Community grants Jostens Community grants Jostens provides positively impact childrenfrom birth through college. The Foundation meets quarterly to review all http://www.jostens.com/company/community/ | |
70. Rio Hondo Community College Student scholarships and grants. Faculty items. The Foundation will play animportant role in the overall development of the college. The http://www.riohondo.edu/foundation/ | |
71. New College Of California - School Of Law has awarded scholarships to many graduating New college law students for the pastten years. FOUNDATION OF THE STATE BAR OF CALIFORNIA These grants are awarded http://www.newcollege.edu/law/awards.html | |
72. FCCC - Foundation For California Community Colleges We are very pleased to announce our initial set of grants from the Bill Melinda Gates Foundation Early college High School Initiative. http://www.foundationccc.org/foundation/about_donations.html | |
73. The Kimball Foundation: 1999 Grants 1999 grants. 55,000. Foundation For a college Education. Hire Program Coordinatorfor the college Bound program for lowincome minority students. 32,000. http://www.pacificfoundationservices.com/kimball/grants-1999.html | |
74. Grants Support: Corporate, Foundation, And Government to secure funding from corporations, foundations and government Any Union Collegefaculty member or department seeking that faculty inform the grants Office of http://www.union.edu/Resources/Academic/Grants/ | |
75. Union College Corporate, Government, And Foundation Relations success, we at Union college rely heavily on our partners corporations, foundations,and government agencies. Whether it s an internship, grant, or donation http://www.union.edu/Partners/ | |
76. Dr. G. Clifford & Florence B. Decker Foundation - Annual Reports grants PAID IN 2001. Organization, Amount, Purpose. Broome Community college Foundation,Inc. $200,000. Endowment for scholarships in Health Science Programs. http://www.pronetisp.net/~deckerfn/reports.html | |
77. Calvin College Center For Social Research - Links - Research Funding Sources natural sciences, and will fund work in any of the categories specified by the collegeÂsExpanded Calvin s Office of grants and Foundation Relations This http://www.calvin.edu/admin/csr/links/research_funding_sources.htm | |
78. University Of Arizona - Online Reference - College Guides, Scholarships And Gran is provided for students, parents, college financial aid Fullbright Scholar Fulbrightgrants are made to Corporate, Community and Private foundations on the http://www.library.arizona.edu/libresources/college.html | |
79. Medtronic - Missing Browser Page Title Additional grants listed under individual Medtronic Anoka Hennepin Education FoundationSponsorship of Anoka Hennepin Technical college Foundation Science and http://www.medtronic.com/foundation/grantslist_twincities.html | |
80. Vocational Grants Any accredited public community college can apply The Prudential Financial Foundationfunds Ready Ready to Live grants fund programs that build healthy children http://www.technologygrantnews.com/grant-index-by-type/vocational-grants.htm | |
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