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41. Skoll Foundation | Grantee List grants Archive. Year 2002 grants Acumen Fund Agros Foundation Cornell University,Weill Cornell Medical college Council on foundations Downtown college http://www.skollfoundation.org/grantee/grants_archive.asp | |
42. Financial Aid For Graduate Students Graduate college Fellows also receive basic dental ENDOWED FELLOWSHIPS Industriesand foundations also grant fellowships; usually the grants are designated http://www.grad.uiuc.edu/fellowship/bulletin/financial_aid.html | |
43. Reading Lists - Grants And Foundations, Reading Lists - Foundations And Grants Peterson s Scholarships, grants, and Prizes. continuing education scholarships fromcivic, foundation, corporate, religious in Adult and YA CC (college Career http://www.mesalibrary.org/read_next/grants.htm | |
44. Smith College: Scholarships & Grants Smith grants college grants are donated by alumnae, foundations, andfriends of the college. You may be asked to write to the donor http://www.smith.edu/finaid/scholgrnt.php | |
45. Foundations & Grants "Bringing Prisoners in touch with the World God" " Bring my soul out of prison so I may praise thy name " Psalm 142.7. This directory is solely a resource for grants and contact information. http://www.myinmatemail.com/new_page_2.htm | |
46. Nashville Public Library - Foundations & Grants Links foundations grants. Government Resources. foundations grants. Center for Nonprofit Management Helps nonprofit organizations enhance their results by providing educational services, consultation http://www.nashv.lib.tn.us/Links/Recommended/Foundation.html | |
47. FC-Atlanta - Grants That Make A Difference - Spelman College Receives $2 Million once a month, grants That Make a Difference will profile these important grantsand what their recipients are doing with them. Spelman college in Atlanta has http://fdncenter.org/atlanta/gtmd/at_gtmd_030103.html | |
48. Foundation And Government Relations At The College Of St. Scholastica WK.Kellogg Foundation Philanthropy and grants. Welcome to the Knight Foundation.L. Prudential Prudential Foundation grants Guidelines. Top of Page. Q. http://alumni.css.edu/ia/fgr/newweb/FndCorp.shtml | |
49. South Seattle Community College Foundation And Development Office on behalf of South Seattle Community college. grants for students, professional developmentgrants for faculty The SSCC Foundation encourages ongoing community http://www.southseattle.edu/foundation/foumain.htm | |
50. Montgomery College Foundation help Montgomery college to continue to provide excellence in educational and trainingprogramsÂbut private contributions from local businesses, foundations, http://www.montgomerycollege.edu/Departments/instadrv/foundation/ | |
51. Grants And Related Resources : Michigan Grant Makers this situation in the Detroit metropolitan area and provide the necessary fundingso that a college education will The foundation make grants to public http://www.lib.msu.edu/harris23/grants/privmich.htm | |
52. FinAid | Other Types Of Aid | Grants a list of the Amherst college Foundation and Corporate Foundation and Grant InformationGopher This gopher to several sources of information about grants. http://www.finaid.org/otheraid/grants.phtml | |
53. Introduction (home Page) - Ohlone College Foundation - Ohlone College targeting community members, businesses, college employees, and local corporations.How you can help. The Foundation facilitates grants, gifts, planned gifts http://www.ohlone.cc.ca.us/org/foundation/ | |
54. Tompkins Cortland Community College- TC3 Foundation, Inc. of steady income that enables the Foundation to provide for activities and projectssuch as grantsin-aid staff development, and emerging needs of the college. http://www.sunytccc.edu/abouttc3/tc3found.asp | |
55. College Of Health & Public Affairs higher education and health care for children in developing countries; and precollegeeducation. Address General Electric Foundation Grant Program 3135 http://www.cohpa.ucf.edu/eeli/grants.cfm | |
56. WCC Foundation private funding to support the efforts of the college, the Foundation sponsorsWCCÂs Alumni Association, Volunteer Corps, and Government grants Program. http://www.sunywcc.edu/home/wcc_foundation/foundation.htm | |
57. Lane Community College - Grants Information Foundation grants Payable to Lane Community college Foundation, Lane Communitycollege Foundation 4000 E. 30th Avenue Eugene, OR 974050640. http://www.lanecc.edu/foundatn/grants/ | |
58. Philanthropy Careers: Corporate And Foundation Relations FoothillDe Anza Community college District (California) Foundation Director; FranklinInstitute (Pennsylvania) Development grants/Communications Assistant http://philanthropy.com/jobs/10/200/ | |
59. Wheaton College: Office Of Corporate And Foundation Relations : Grant Resources Links from a wellknown grants consultant Amherst college s Faculty grants Page- On-line links provided by the Amherst college Foundation and Corporate http://www.wheatoncollege.edu/admin/Grants/Resources.html | |
60. Grand Rapids Community Foundation - Grants And Scholarships public or private two or four year college/university/business http://www.grfoundation.org/grants-scholarships.shtml | |
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