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21. Scholarships.com Free College Scholarship Search & Financial Aid Information Res foundations and grants section. Class of 2007) http://www.scholarships.com/Register.asp?pagename=Foundations and Grants |
22. ORGA @ CofC.EDU The Office of Research and grants Administration at the college of Charleston ofinformation on major government agencies, foundations, and corporations http://www.orga.cofc.edu/ | |
23. Internet Guide - Education & Grants / Foundations Los Angeles Public LibrarySearching the Internet Education grants / foundations. Education.BrokeScholar college advice and scholarship help. http://www.lapl.org/inet/education.html | |
24. Student Loans Of North Dakota College Grad Students Scholarships, college based employment, institutional loans. IV. with the fieldof study the student is pursuing, or foundations offering grants. http://www.mystudentloanonline.com/collegestudents_financial_aid.jsp |
25. Connecticut College - Corporate, Foundations And Government Relations Reference Institutional grants. Community Foundation of Southeastern Connecticut, $1,500, forBateswood babysitting and Film, $5,938 for onStage at Connecticut college. http://www.conncoll.edu/advancement/relations/recentgrants.html | |
26. Ventura College - Foundation - Welcome of the most successful community college foundations in California. Since 1985, theFoundation has built and $150,000 in staff innovation grants and equipment http://www.venturacollege.edu/foundation/ | |
27. The Council On Foundations - Looking For Grants? Foundation Center; Grant Resources on the Web; Federal Domestic Assistance; FederalRegister; State grants. Back to college Scholarships; FastWeb Scholarship Search; http://www.cof.org/index.cfm?containerID=76&menuContainerID=0&crumb=2&navID=0 |
28. College Of Education college of Education grants Received Fiscal Year 20012002. Educational foundations Leadership subtotal $1,040,329. college of Education Total $1,686,295. http://www.uakron.edu/colleges/educ/COE/Grants2001-02.php | |
29. The Graduate College The Graduate college. Fine Art Forum Opportunities. foundations, grants, Trusts AComprehensive Resource for Sculptors. foundations with Arts and Culture Funding. http://www.nau.edu/gradcol/extralinks.htm | |
30. Grants UK. Chronicle on Philanthropy. college Scholarships and Community foundations ofCanada. Council on foundations. of Health and Human Services, grants Net. Disney http://www.communitycollaboration.net/grants__primarily_social_services_and_educ | |
31. ED405943 1997-03-00 Fundraising In Community College Foundations. campaigns, special events, business partnerships, and grants acquisition have thecharitable remainder trust, where the community college foundation is allowed http://www.ericfacility.net/databases/ERIC_Digests/ed405943.html |
32. Rhodes: Development: Foundations grants Requiring college Matching Funds All grant proposals which require collegematching funds must have the approval of the Dean of Academic Affairs and the http://www.rhodes.edu/public/8_0-Development/8_3-Foundations.shtml | |
33. Colorado Community College System - Home Page Community college foundations Foundation Directors Trinidad State Junior collegeArea Vocational Industry Customized Training grants Governor s Commission http://www.cccs.edu/ | |
34. Compton Foundation, Inc. Other Foundation Grants - 2001 Vassar college, 15,000. World Learning, Inc. MISCELLANEOUS. Council on foundations,$13,210. Small grants and contributions (less than $10,000), 13,352. http://www.comptonfoundation.org/other_grants01.html | |
35. Foundations & Grants The County college of Morris (Randolph) is our owns an extensive collection of foundationgrant directories, including and the New Jersey grants Guide, which http://www.gti.net/mocolib1/money.html | |
36. SUNY College At Oneonta Foundation Board Of Directors raises, manages, and administers charitable gifts and grants made to the Collegeat Oneonta by alumni, friends, faculty, staff, foundations and corporations. http://www.oneonta.edu/advancement/alumni/ACHIEVEMENT/fboard2.asp | |
37. Government And Foundation Relations > Government And Foundations Relations Homep a resource for members of the college community who seek funding from government agenciesand private foundations. budgets and stewardship of grants All grant http://www.stolaf.edu/offices/foundations/ | |
38. NAA Foundations's Seed Money Grants For Student Newspapers PAST NAA FOUNDATION SEED GRANT MONEY WINNERS. college/University The Universityof Iowa provided  scholarships for 10 students to attend summer http://www.naa.org/foundation/NIEseed03/ | |
39. Grants Program: 2003 Youth Grantmaking Occidental college $200,000 over 36 months To support the Pathways to college Network,a coalition of foundations and researchers seeking to improve college http://www.irvine.org/grants_program/youth/2003_grants.shtml | |
40. Saint Vincent College Grantseeking at Saint Vincent college is related and the development of grant proposalsfor submission to government agencies, foundations, corporations, and http://www.stvincent.edu/alumni/grants.jsp |
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