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81. TIPS ON CHOOSING A MAJOR She will discuss program options available in the college with you andwork closely with you to get you on the road to choosing a major. http://www.casdn.neu.edu/undergraduate/tip_major.htm | |
82. Career Planning - Careers And Majors choosing a major. or additional information, please contact Rosemary Nichols; Director,Career Planning Placement Franklin Pierce college New Hampshire http://www.fpc.edu/pages/StudentLife/cp/careermajor.html | |
83. CSC - Major Resource Kits UD Home. choosing A Career. Getting Experience. Job Seeking Skills. Finding A Job.Shortcuts. http://www.udel.edu/CSC/mrk.html | |
84. What Can I Do With A Major In What Can I Do With a major In The University of North Carolina at Wilmington provides this site that includes career information about many college majors. The site provides related career http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.uncwil.edu/stuaff/career/Majors/& |
85. NACADA Technology In Advising Commission Academic Advising And include Some Common Misperceptions about choosing a major and a search for majorsÂby your MyRoad.com Explore your destiny colleges, majors, careers. http://www.psu.edu/dus/ncta/linkacad.htm |
86. MyMajors.com - Welcome Mymajors.com Find a college or University major. In many cases, they take nolonger to finish college than do students who knew their major right off. http://www.mymajors.com/ | |
87. Westmont College - Career & Life Planning majors late in their college experience were equally satisfied with their eventualemployment. 8. It is not practical to choose a practical major that you do http://www.westmont.edu/_current_students/pages/career_planning/mythsmajor.html | |
88. Iamnext.com - Learn College Study Skills, Tips, & Exam Survival - Free Stuff For What s your major and why did you choose it? ben says Sad i only got to discoverthis site a bit late.I am about to quit college though not forever. http://www.iamnext.com/major/choose.html | |
89. Major Dilemma actually liked. That s learning the hard way. Read more about choosinga major and preparing for a career at the college 101 Bookstore! http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/1150/major.html | |
90. Middlesex County College -- Counseling And Career Services about yourself and taking advantage of the Career Counseling Services at MiddlesexCounty college, it will be much easier for you to choose a major so that you http://www.middlesexcc.edu/admin/counsel/ChoosingAMajor.htm | |
91. Ripon College - Career Development find out how they apply their Ripon college education in and money when doing so ifyou choose to switch career possibilities, and then a choice of major may be http://www.ripon.edu/administration/careerdev/major.htm | |
92. Center For Academic Advising -- The Richard Stockton College Of NJ Staff Services Ask an Advisor Academic Policies Curriculum choosing aMajor Degree Programs Stockton Home Page. The Richard Stockton college of NJ, http://www2.stockton.edu/advising/choosingamajor.html | |
93. MonsterTRAK There s no need to fly blind when it comes to researching and then choosing acollege major, especially in this day of the Internet and easily accessible http://content.monstertrak.monster.com/resources/archive/careerfields/pickamajor | |
94. Wilkinson College Of Letters And Sciences Who will be my advisor after I choose and declare a You can submit a change of major/minor form in WILKINSON college OF LETTERS AND SCIENCES Degree Programs. http://www1.chapman.edu/wilkinson/majorminor.html | |
95. Academic Support Center graduate. Some students know exactly what major they will choose andhave their career path planned out when they enter college. Most http://www.mtsu.edu/~advising/student/major.htm | |
96. UNCW Career Services: What Can I Do With A Major In...? Disclaimer. What Can I Do With A major In ? UNCW PostGraduate Survey. Joblistings for any major can be found at www.uncw.edu/stuaff/career/jobs.htm. http://www.uncwil.edu/stuaff/career/Majors/ | |
97. College Descriptions They can choose Accounting (ACCT), Information and Operations Management (INFO),Finance (FINC college of Education majors include Interdisciplinary http://gest.tamu.edu/main/info.htm | |
98. Siena College - Advising And Majors Students today often come into college with great anxiety about whichmajor they should choose. A recent edition of Academic Advising http://www.siena.edu/advising/majors.asp | |
99. UW Colleges : Transfer What if I don t choose a major until after I transfer? As a UW Collegesstudent, you can earn the Associate of Arts and Science Degree. http://www.uwc.edu/transfer/choosingmajor.asp | |
100. W&M Career Services Subscribe/Unsub to Our Listserv. Our Workshop Event Schedule January. http://staff.wm.edu/career/02/Student/Job/CareerChoiceIndex.cfm | |
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