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81. EA Forums - Interactive Writing Exercise here be interested in writing an interactive story as Anyone ever read any collaborativebook projects like this? I really like where you took the tale, and you http://www.eaforums.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-10197.html | |
82. Vance's ESL_Home: Collaboration On The Web net/about.htm Online writing Collaboration Project to make this online interactivecollaborative learning community to Wacky Web tales http//www.eduplace.com http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Olympus/4631/collabor.htm | |
83. WWW:BTB -- Collaboration In Harper s Tale, players act out various characters from McCaffrey s novels (NTT,1996a); interactive Genetic Art supports the collaborative construction of http://ei.cs.vt.edu/~wwwbtb/book/chap4/4.3.html | |
84. TKI - Template Bubble Dome This interactive website invites students to read Haunted Castle http//www.coder.com/creations/tale/tales/The_Haunted_Castle. CollaborativeStories. http://www.tki.org.nz/r/hot_topics/readandwrite_e.php | |
86. Education World® : Collaborative Projects : Archive : Language Arts & Literatur Home collaborative Projects Archive Language Arts Literature. Site The Website is an interactive language arts Classrooms choose a fairy tale to create http://www.education-world.com/projects/archives/lang.shtml | |
87. Past Articles By Kim Gilmour: Tales From The Crypt Nelson is one of the ghosts in the tale others will It became this giant, collaborativeeffort Consequently, you may end up seeing it on interactive TV or http://www.kimgilmour.com/articles/archive/tales_from_the_crypt.html | |
88. Internet Projects classes and will soon add interactive elements for Motel Project Summary A new collaborativewriting project for kids will read a specified fairy tale to the http://comsewogue.k12.ny.us/~ssilverman/class99/netprojects.html | |
89. Expect - Expect - Home Page and News Notification or A Tale of Two D., Expect Scripts for Controlling InteractivePrograms, Computing A service to allow collaborative management of http://expect.nist.gov/ | |
90. Super Surfin' For Spec. Educ. tales to Tell Students can explore the backgrounds of The Food Zone This is an interactiveweb site students join a in a collaborative project investigating http://fritschi.home.mindspring.com/where.html | |
91. The Experience Of Practitioners With Technology-Enhanced Teaching And Learning We saw the writing on the wall  that instead of we could put up some interactiveanimations, which what theyÂre doing in a collaborative learning situation http://ifets.ieee.org/periodical/vol_1_2002/naidu.html | |
92. NCSWL Audiotapes Development in the Early Years tales of Two DiPardo, Off the Beaten Track CollaborativeTeaching in an interactive symposium presented at the April 1994 AERA http://www-gse.berkeley.edu/research/NCSWL/audiotapes.html | |
93. Hier Bitte Selber Weiterschreiben! Konkreativität Als Kategorie Digitaler Liter tale/ (18.02.2002). Perspectives on collaborative writing. http://www.dichtung-digital.org/2002/02/25-mathez/index5.htm | |
94. Sffworld.com Forums - Collaborative Stories http://www.sffworld.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=30 |
95. Laptops In The Classroom http://moore.portlandschools.org/ibook/English.html | |
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