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Home - Basic_C - Collaborative And Interactive Tales Writing |
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61. RichlandOne Interactive - Grade 3 Units/Lesson Plans The students will write a collaborative story based based on Connie Prevatte (4Block)writing Rubric. story elements - choose a fairy tale, realistic fiction http://www.richlandone.org/teachers/connections/grade3/whatcan_iwrite.htm | |
62. Teacher Tap: Electronic Books And Online Reading Art tales Wildlife Art http//www.wildlifeart.org http//www.writesite.org/ An interactivelanguage arts on how to write hypertext, collaborative, and other http://www.eduscapes.com/tap/topic93.htm | |
63. IEARN : Professional Development terrorism),Laws of life, Folk tales and Children the Creative Arts course in the interactivediscussion forum specific work on a particular collaborative project http://www.iearn.org/professional/testimonies.html | |
64. ESPA Paint by Idioms FunBrain interactive site. Literature; Pet of the Day; EduplaceBrightIdeas for writing; The Whole World is My Neighbor- collaborative project*; http://k12science.ati.stevens-tech.edu/k12partner00/espa.html | |
65. Interactive Fiction - Nick Montfort Girl and The Wolf. Variable tale, written in We discuss interactive fiction and computerliterature alongside A reading of three collaborative literary works http://nickm.com/if/ | |
66. Sixth Grade Skills - Interactive Sites To Use For Assessment Practice standard story elements and fairy tale themes Math interactive Activities Theseactivities are designed Internet4Classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan http://www.internet4classrooms.com/skills_6th.htm | |
67. The Internet In The Classroom Comet s Tale. Week 3 collaborative Projects and Email. interactive Mathematical Resourcefor Busy Teachers, In this activity, groups are to solve a maths problem http://www.bayswaterps.vic.edu.au/teachers/internetpd/internet.htm | |
68. Classroom Strategies For Encouraging Collaborative Discussion The importance of collaborative academic talk, though, goes beyond English fairytales. produce coherence through managing topics, interactive tasks and http://www.ncela.gwu.edu/pubs/directions/12.htm | |
69. IGDA - Game Writers' SIG - Foundations Of Interactive Storytelling The tabletop RPG is a perfect interactive storytelling medium, as an becomingvery much the surrogate author of the collaborative tale that develops. http://www.igda.org/writing/InteractiveStorytelling.htm | |
70. Supporting ICT on educational technology and collaborative and project An interesting site withinteractive activities www Texts Poetry Narrative, Fairy tales Other Genre Web http://www.supporting-ict.co.uk/weblinks/ictwholeclassteaching.htm | |
71. DoDEA: Dahlgren School - Interactive Educational Sites Wacky tales Create your own mad libs interactively a list; Welcome to Geo-GlobeInteractive Geography collaborative/Online Projects This area is a new venture http://www.ddess.org/ny_va/dahlgren/classes/support/pages/online.htm | |
72. English The Jolly Postman, collaborative Class Project; Student Point Presentation featuringan interactive program for Tall tales, PowerPoint; Student Projects, Project http://www.nynetresources.org/Future Grant Projects/englishk2.htm | |
73. ICT Advice - Ask An Expert - Interactive Whiteboards In Schools creating new versions of well known tales using fuzzy class and group work to enablecollaborative working for use in a classroom with an interactive whiteboard http://www.ictadvice.org.uk/index.php?section=ae&page=question&theme=46&qid=679 |
74. WritingK-6 moderated newsgroups, a variety of collaborative learning projects lines to a neverending tale and see is an electronic magazine/interactive project center http://www.bloomington.k12.mn.us/distinfo/technology/ConTech/BLOOMING/writingk-6 | |
75. Untitled Document The Global Book Club A collaborative Reading Experience for Middle (interactiveweb site between HS and college English teachers Legends and Fairy tales. http://www.coe.uga.edu/~smago/Links/Links2LWL.htm |
76. Salon | Media Circus: Author-free Writing interactive NITWITS REPLACE AUTHORS IN NEW collaborative writing VENTURES. Who, afterall, doesn t desire more control, a sayso in the telling of a tale? http://www.salon.com/media/1997/12/12media.html | |
77. Dennis G. Jerz -- Research Interests Technology Assistants (20002001); collaborative Hypertext Annotation English Library(UTEL); Various interactive Quizzes Plays (Twice Told tales, Toronto 1996). http://jerz.setonhill.edu/resources/about/research.htm |
78. Filmmakers Biographies At The Filmmakers Collaborative History educational project for the WGBH interactive Department. in 1989, and ispresident of the Filmmakers collaborative.. It is a tale of magic and mayhem http://www.filmmakerscollab.org/filmmakers.htm | |
79. Glossary collaborative learning is interactive where adults A term used to classify literaryworks such as poetry, fairy tales, historical fiction, mysteries, etc. http://www.lausd.k12.ca.us/lausd/offices/instruct/literacy/glossary.html | |
80. LI: Scripts Archive Language interactive Web Scripts Examples for Language Learning from a Grimm fairytale (Frog King collaborative writing 2 Discussion Log 3 Student Annotator http://www.fln.vcu.edu/cgi/archive.html | |
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