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41. UNT Libraries: Government Information Connection, Law - Legislation, Statutes, A VernonÂs Texas codes Annotated CDROM Full-text, searchable database of currentstatutes, Texas constitution general and Special Laws of the State of http://www.library.unt.edu/govinfo/law/statutes.htm | |
42. Texas Attorney General Information is also available on the Office of the Attorney general Web site at TheLibrary, which houses all state and federal codes and statutes, can be http://www.oag.state.tx.us/AG_Publications/txts/ag_foryou.shtml | |
43. Research Guide Federal Statutes And Codes FEDERAL statutes AND codes SOME QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. What is a statute Both areequally valid statutes; but public laws apply to the general public at http://stella.als.edu/lib/als_usc.html |
44. The State Of Rhode Island General Laws - Index Of Titles 6A, Uniform Commercial Code. 7, Corporations, Associations and Partnerships. 21,Food And Drugs. 22, general Assembly. 43, statutes and Statutory Construction. http://www.rilin.state.ri.us/Statutes/Statutes.html | |
45. Louisiana State Legislature Home. Session Info. House. Senate. Committees. Legislators. Search. Louisiana Laws Table of Contents. Don't know the specific statute citations? RS. Revised statutes. CCP. Code of Constitution Ancillaries. Revised statutes. Code of Civil Procedure Louisiana Administrative Code. Attorney general's Opinions. Campaign Finance Opinions http://www.legis.state.la.us/tsrs/search.htm |
46. Illinois General Assembly - Illinois Compiled Statutes Illinois Compiled statutes Table of Contents relationship between statutes and Public statutes from databases that were created for the use of the members and staff of the Illinois general http://www.legis.state.il.us/legislation/ilcs/chapterlist.html | |
47. FindLaw: Cases And Codes US Federal Laws. codes, statutes and Regulations US Constitution; US Code lawsmade by the US Congress. US State Laws - Cases, codes, statutes and Regulations. http://www.findlaw.com/casecode/ | |
48. Public Act & Special Acts &Â General Statutes Of Connecticut Public Acts Special Acts general statutes of Connecticut. Connecticut general statutes, Revised to 2003. Browse the Table Of Contents. Search the 2003 statutes by Section or Keyword. Search the http://www.cslib.org/psaindex.htm | |
49. Find California Code California Law consists of 29 codes, covering various subject areas, the State Constitution and statutes. Information presented reflects laws currently in effect. All California codes have been updated to include the 2003 statutes. http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/calaw.html | |
50. Tax Code Texas statutes Tax Code. Help Contact. Home, Search. TITLE 1. PROPERTY TAXCODE CHAPTER 1. general PROVISIONS. CHAPTER 1 (PDF), CHAPTER 1 (Microsoft Word). http://www.capitol.state.tx.us/statutes/tx.toc.htm | |
51. Wisconsin Statutes Table Of Contents grouping or other conventions used in these pages, please see the Preface to the200102 Wisconsin statutes. general duties of public officials Children s code. http://www.legis.state.wi.us/rsb/Statutes.html | |
52. Revised Code Of Washington - Titles In Numerical Order - The Washington State Le Washington Administrative Code Regulations of executive branch agencies are issuedby authority of statutes. an amendment at the last general election http://www.leg.wa.gov/RCW/index.cfm | |
53. Georgia Code Chapter List the codification of Georgia laws prepared by the Code Revision Commission enactedand shall have the effect of statutes enacted by the general Assembly of http://www.legis.state.ga.us/cgi-bin/gl_codes_detail.pl?code=1-1-1 |
54. Kentucky Revised Statutes TITLE XLI LAWS. CHAPTER 446 CONSTRUCTION OF statutes. TITLE L - KENTUCKY PENAL CODE.CHAPTER 500 general PROVISIONS. CHAPTER 501 general PRINCIPLES OF LIABILITY. http://www.lrc.state.ky.us/krs/titles.htm | |
55. Alaska Statutes Alaska statutes. Title 1. general Provisions Title 2. Aeronautics Title 3. Agricultureand 7. Boroughs Title 8. Business and Professions Title 9. Code of Civil http://touchngo.com/lglcntr/akstats/Statutes.htm | |
56. Adoption Statutes,Legislative Code And Links By Country Adoption statutes,Legislative Code and Links by Country. available, the fulltextadoption statute for that Services Act Deals with general adoption procedure. http://www.plumsite.com/shea/states.html | |
57. THE PENNSYLVANIA STATUTES Title 1, general Provisions, Title 40 unconsolidated Agriculture, Title 42 -unconsolidatedstatutes, Judiciary and Title 3, Agriculture Code, Title 42, Judicial http://members.aol.com/StatutesPA/Index.html | |
58. North Carolina General Assembly - General Statutes Redirect NC general statutes. Caveats. Please read the caveats below before accessing thestatutes. Access the NC general statutes. Browse. Table of Contents. LookUp. http://www.ncga.state.nc.us/Statutes/Statutes.html | |
59. Utah Code -- Statutes And Constitution bytes Title 63 State Affairs in general WP Zipped WP Zipped 511,992 bytes Title68 statutes WP Zipped bytes Title 70A Uniform Commercial Code WP Zipped http://www.le.state.ut.us/~code/code.htm | |
60. Law Library Resource Guides: Statutes organized subject arrangement containing all statutes of general application currentlyin force), in a number of different sets the US Code (called official http://indylaw.indiana.edu/library/Statutes.htm | |
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