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81. Cockatoo Info cockatoos Class Aves Order Psittaciformes Family Cacatuidae Subfamily Cacatuinae (updated 4/04). The Taxonomy Of cockatoos Class http://www.avianweb.com/cockatooinfo.htm | |
82. Arizona Parrots Breeders of African greys, amazons, cockatiels, cockatoos, conures, eclectus, lovebirds, and macaws. Located in Tucson. http://www.arizonaparrots.com/index-ie.htm | |
83. Water Corporation : CockatooCare - Cockatoo Information - Forest Red-tailed Blac Length 53-55 cm. Weight 600-610 g....... threatened. Listen to the Forest Redtailed Black cockatoos. Forest Red-tailed cockatoos http://www.watercorporation.com.au/cockatoocare/redtail.cfm | |
84. Feathered Pals Breeder of conures, greys, cockatoos, and macaws. Also sells cages. Located in North East Texas. http://www.pavementtool.com/birds | |
85. Avian Companions Breeder and trainer of cockatoos in the local Dallas, FortWorth area. Care and feeding information, photos, and parrot jokes. http://www.aviancompanions.com/ | |
86. Water Corporation : CockatooCare - Have You Seen Carnaby's Black-Cockatoos With CockatooCare Have you seen Carnaby s Black-cockatoos with painted tail feathers. Have you seen Carnaby s Black-cockatoos with painted tail feathers? http://www.watercorporation.com.au/cockatoocare/tailpaintingtrial.cfm | |
87. Sweet Acre Bird Farm Breeder of African greys, amazons, cockatiels, cockatoos, eclectus, macaws, pionus, and senegals. http://www.sweetacrebirdfarm.com | |
88. Parrots Of The World Part 3: Cockatoos Part 2 cockatoos and Cockatiel. By Robert B. Hole, Jr. Part 7 (Amazons through Kea). Family Cacatuidae (cockatoos and Cockatiel). Subfamily Cacatuinae. http://www.interaktv.com/BIRDS/Too.html | |
89. Top Notch Parrots Breeder of cockatoos, greys, amazons, conures, and macaws. Located in Eugene, Oregon. http://topnotchparrots.qwestdex.com/ | |
90. Sulphur Crested Cockatoos years Age at Weaning 1216 weeks Age at Maturity ~3 years Country of Origin Aru islands off Indonesia Temperament Hand-raised cockatoos make exceptionally http://www.birdieboutique.com/sulcrescoc.html | |
91. Avian Antics Handfed, health guaranteed African greys, cockatoos, macaws and others. Photos on species and availability. Located in Livermore. http://www.avianantics.com/ |
92. Goffin's Cockatoos 40 years Age at Weaning 1216 weeks Age at Maturity ~2-3 years Country of Origin Tenimbar islands of Indonesia Temperament The Goffin s cockatoos are known http://www.birdieboutique.com/gofcoc.html | |
93. The Cockatoo Lovers' Ring Webring for sites about cockatoos. http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/6235/index.html | |
94. Top 100 Sites Network: Cockatoos (1-100) Top 100 Sites Network cockatoos (1100). 1. TheProcess.Tv cockatoos - Comprehensive web directory linking you to the nets top cockatoos sites. http://top100sitesnetwork.com/rev/Animals/Birds/Cockatoos/ | |
95. African Parrots: Congo Greys, Timneh Greys, Jardines, Red Belly, Senegal, Meyers Breeder of African species, amazons, caiques, cockatoos, conures, macaws, parakeets, and pionus. Located in Homestead. http://www.jungleenterprises.com/ | |
96. Cockatoo Printout- EnchantedLearning.com Cockatoo Printout. cockatoos are crested birds from Indonesian and Australian rainforests and fields. There are many different species of cockatoos. http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/birds/printouts/Cckatoo.shtml | |
97. Welcome To TrendyParrot By McCue's Mercantile Handcrafted grapevine playgyms with stainless steel hardware. Sizes suitable for conures and senegals to cockatoos. Products also includes Baby Feathers Avian Aloe, Goldenfeast and Nylon Quick Links http://www.trendyparrot.com | |
98. Companion Parrot Quarterly - Back Issues - Cockatoos cockatoos. cockatoos are one of the most complex companion animals with special needs and considerations. The PBR has had several http://www.companionparrot.com/cockatoos.html | |
99. Arizona Parrots, Tucson, Bird Breeder Of Macaws, Conures, Amazons And Other Pet Breeders of African Greys, Amazons, Cockatiels, cockatoos, Conures, and Macaws. Located in Tucson. http://www.arizonaparrots.com | |
100. PetPlace.com - Article: Developmental Milestones Of Cockatoos Developmental Milestones of cockatoos, by PetPlace Staff. cockatoos Senses cockatoos are born blind with their eyelids sealed shut. By http://petplace.netscape.com/articles/artShow.asp?artID=4492 |
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