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121. Data Processing Technical FAQ Dedicated to mainframe, legacy programming FAQ topics including cobol, JCL, CICS, DB2, SAS, SQL and IDMS. Meant to be a source and resource for interview questions and answers on common data processing topics. http://members.aol.com/cronid/ |
122. Enterprise COBOL For Z/OS - Features And Benefits - IBM Software Enterprise cobol for z/OS and OS/390 offers support for recursive calls in cobol, structured programming, improved interoperability with other languages, and http://www.ibm.com/software/awdtools/cobol/zos/about/ | |
123. Site Not Found Error. Team of computer programmers specializing in artificial intelligence, languages such as Visual Basic, Visual C++, Access, Crystal Reports, and cobol. Their vast multifaceted programming experiences lead to the development of CYA (cobol Year 2000 Analyzer.) http://www.texpi.com/ | |
124. Tanya Richmond - Programming Services Offers programming service for any enhancements, maintenance or rewriting to existing cobol systems. http://hometown.aol.co.uk/trichm434/tanyarichmondprogramminservices.html | |
125. J4 - Programming Language COBOL Technical Committee J4 is responsible for the development and interpretation of the United States and International standards for programming Language cobol. Latest DRAFT of ISO/IEC 1989 cobol. cobol Standardization Process - Status. J4 Archived Documents. Availability of cobol Information Bulletin 28 http://www.ncits.org/tc_home/j4.htm | |
126. ACUCOBOL-GT Version 4.0 ACUcobolGT is an implementation of the cobol-1985 programming language (ANSI X3.23-1985). This manual provides a full technical description of the ACUcobol-GT language written in a style similar to the official ANSI definition of cobol and is designed for experienced cobol programmers. http://www.cis.scu.edu.tw/oproom/doc/acucobol/docs/comprun/acu_gt.htm | |
127. Sun Valley Systems Collection of cobol programs, routines and files that have been written over some thirty years of programming and have been placed into the Public Domain by Judson McClendon. http://www.sunvaley.com/ | |
128. Java For Cobol Programmers, Second Edition Written for cobol programmers transitioning to Java, the stepby-step examples show users how to convert cobol s structured programming into object-oriented http://www.charlesriver.com/titles/javacobol2.html | |
129. C Language For COBOL Programmers in C are related to how they would be coded in cobol. Unique features of C are introduced after the participant has become familiar with programming in the http://www.pughkilleen.com/c-language-for-cobol-programmers-class.html | |
130. COBOL Program - Free Computer Science Tutorials - Provided By Laynetworks.com File Structure and programming in cobol,MCA(2)3/Project. Question 1 Three indexed file stored in the disk, contain the following table records http://www.laynetworks.com/File Structure and Programming in COBOL.htm | |
131. Course 2363: Getting Started With Microsoft .NET For COBOL Programmers Preliminary Course Syllabus Getting Started with Microsoft .NET for cobol Programmers. Posted May 10, 2004, Experience programming with cobol. To top of page. http://www.microsoft.com/traincert/syllabi/2363AFinal.asp | |
132. ITworld.com - Cobol Programmers, Face It: Your Favorite Code Is Outdated And Los the top 10 institutions on the list and found that in the classroom cobol is mentioned only anecdotally in context of the history of programming, but not a http://www.itworld.com/AppDev/713/IW010108opborck/ | |
133. NetCOBOL: Products Main Page NET Training CD s Microsoft .NET for cobol Programmers is a set of 9 lessons designed to bring cobol programmers fully into the .NET programming environment. http://www.adtools.com/products/ | |
134. NetCOBOL: Information: COBOL For Microsoft.NET Framework This article discusses some of the important applications of this technology for cobol and what it takes for a programming language vendor, such as Fujitsu http://www.adtools.com/info/whitepaper/net.html | |
135. Re-engineering Legacy Cobol Programs Reengineering legacy cobol programs. INDEX TERMS Primary Classification D. Software D.3 programming LANGUAGES D.3.2 Language Classifications Nouns cobol. http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=276410&dl=ACM&coll=portal&CFID=11111111&CF |
136. Java Programming For COBOL Programmers Java programming for cobol Programmers. Duration 5 days. The attendees are expected to be familiar with cobol or some other structured programming language. http://www.inferdata.com/training/java/javacobol.html | |
137. COmmon Business Oriented Language From FOLDOC language, business /koh bol/ (cobol) A programming language for simple computations on large amounts of data, designed by the CODASYL Committee in April 1960 http://wombat.doc.ic.ac.uk/foldoc/foldoc.cgi?COBOL |
138. COBOL PROGRAMMERS (MVS, CICS, JCL, DB2) Needed In Ohio Programmer with cobol, strong MVS, CICS, JCL, DB2 or IMDS, or IMS, and US Citizen or Green Card holder looking for a stable opportunity in programming contact http://www.hypernews.org/HyperNews/get/computing/lang-list/127.html?nogifs |
139. Directory Of COBOL Software Tools : The COBOL Center CASE Integrators Corp KicksOut Automatically Converts TELON and Other Structured cobol Programs to Client/Server; C-Cubed, Inc. http://www.infogoal.com/cbd/cbdtol.htm | |
140. Passing JCL Parameters To A COBOL Program This site contains information about Passing JCL Parameters to a cobol Program. Read utilities. Some cobol programs run under investments http://www.blueglobus.com/cgi-bin/search/search.cgi?results&keywords=Passing JCL |
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