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Cloning: more books (100) |
141. PROTOCOLS FOR RECOMBINANT DNA ISOLATION, CLONING, And SEQUENCING PROTOCOLS FOR RECOMBINANT DNA ISOLATION, cloning, and SEQUENCING. 1. Sambrook, J., Fritsch, EF, and Maniatis, T., in Molecular cloning A Laboratory Manual. http://www.genome.ou.edu/protocol_book/protocol_index.html | |
142. CNN.com - Academy Of Sciences Urges Ban On Human Cloning - January 18, 2002 CNN http://cnn.com/2002/HEALTH/01/18/academies.cloning/index.html | |
143. CNN.com - Group Says It Will Move Human Cloning Work Offshore - June 29, 2001 CNN http://cnn.com/2001/HEALTH/06/29/cloning.lab/index.html | |
144. Frontline: Making Babies: Human Cloning You predicted, I think two years ago, that human cloning would be here with us, within two years. I m not advocating the use of cloning in this way. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/fertility/etc/cloning.html | |
145. CNN.com - U.S. Cloning Advance Shocks World - November 26, 2001 CNN http://cnn.com/2001/TECH/science/11/26/human.cloning.reax1200/index.html | |
146. NOVA Online | 18 Ways To Make A Baby | On Human Cloning On Human cloning Three Views The birth of Dolly, the first mammal cloned from the cell of an adult animal, sent intellectual and emotional shockwaves around http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/baby/cloning.html | |
147. CNN.com - Genetic Discovery Has Implications For Cloning, Cancer - August 9, 200 CNN http://cnn.com/2001/HEALTH/08/09/dna.switch/index.html | |
148. American Bioethics Advisory Commission cloning. cloning When word games kill. Kevin Fitzgerald. Other cloning articles GENETICIST Jerome Lejeune s observations about cloning. http://www.all.org/abac/cloning.htm | |
149. CNN.com - Sen. Thurmond Backs Cloning Research - May 3, 2002 CNN http://cnn.com/2002/ALLPOLITICS/05/03/thurmond.cloning/index.html | |
150. PCStats.com - Get The 'Stats And Stay Informed! GeIL. TwinMOS. KingMax. Total Votes 14602. The Rydium NetworkRydium Network. Beginners Guides cloning WindowsXP. Advertisement. Beginners Guides cloning WindowsXP. http://www.pcstats.com/articleview.cfm?articleID=418 |
151. Wesley J. Smith On Cloning On National Review Online Prolife perspective on human cloning by Wesley J. Smith from National Review Online http://www.nationalreview.com/comment/comment-smith011402.shtml | |
152. CNN - Should We Be Cloning Around? - Feb. 24, 1997 Should we be cloning around? Due to ethical concerns, Britain has banned human cloning, and research using human embryos is strictly regulated. http://www.cnn.com/TECH/9702/24/cloned.sheep/ | |
153. Human Reproductive Cloning From The Perspective Of The Future Human Reproductive cloning from the Perspective of the Future. And imagine yourself listening in to the current arguments for making cloning illegal. http://www.nickbostrom.com/views/cloning.html | |
154. Applied Genetics News: CLONING: Return To The Future Cells from six healthy cow clones show no signs of the premature aging reported for Dolly the cloned sheep, according to researchers from Advanced Cell Technologies, Inc. http://www.findarticles.com/m0DED/10_20/62404373/p1/article.jhtml | |
155. Project Idaho - Home Page Woods believes the breakthrough understanding of cellular biology necessary for horse cloning to proceed may offer new insights into cancer development in http://www.uidaho.edu/cloning/ | |
156. Cloning, Are Humans Next? Discusses what cloning is, how cloning could be used, whether it is right or wrong, early attempts at cloning, and Dolly, the cloned sheep; from World Book Encyclopedia. http://www2.worldbook.com/features/features.asp?feature=cloning&page=html/cl |
157. Cloning The Brave New World of Mammalian cloning. The demonstration by Wilmut et al. that reprogrammed. Applications of cloning Technology. http://www.ucalgary.ca/UofC/eduweb/virtualembryo/cloning.html | |
158. Free Online Book: The Genetic Revolution, Human Genetics, Human Cloning, Genetic Topics discussed include human cloning, genetic engineering, designer people, gene therapy, germ warfare, genetic screening, genetically modified animals and plants, superbreeds, laws, regulations and ethics / morality debate. http://www.globalchange.com/books/Genesintro.htm | |
159. Cac.psu.edu/~gsg109/qs/ cloning Q A Biblical and scientific information on cloning cloning Questions and Answers. What is cloning? Is it Biblically right or wrong, and how is Genesis creation relevant? cloning Right or Wrong? http://cac.psu.edu/~gsg109/qs/ |
160. AFLP Not Only For Fingerprinting, But For Positional Cloning Introduction and detailed protocol by M Liscum and P Oeller, Department of Plant Biology, Carnegie Institution Stanford University, USA. http://www-ciwdpb.stanford.edu/publications/methods/aflp.html |
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