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         Cloning:     more books (100)
  1. The DNA Story: A Documentary History of Gene Cloning by James D. Watson, John Tooze, 1983-08
  2. Human Cloning: Playing God or Scientific Progress? by Lane P. Lester, James C. Hefley, 1998-07
  3. Clone Medusa by R. C. Lulay, 2007-08-22
  4. Clonacion humana: Human Cloning by Lane Lester, 2000-02-14
  5. Cloning the Buddha: The Moral Impact of Biotechnology by Richard Heinberg, 1999-08-25
  6. Cloning and Expression Vectors for Gene Function Analysis (Biofocus (Westborough, Mass.).)
  7. UN Committee Endorses Anti-Cloning Resolution.: An article from: National Right to Life News
  8. Cloning Biologist Reports CB by Mckinnel, 1978
  9. Sitcom Cloning: An Old Phenomenon Bursting in Hollywood.(Brief Article): An article from: Video Age International
  10. The United Nations and human cloning: a debate on hold.: An article from: The Hastings Center Report by LeRoy Walters, 2004-01-01
  11. Animal Cloning by Joseph, Ph.D. Panno, 2008-12-30
  12. Human Cloning: Hearings Before the Committee on the Judiciary, U.S. House of Representatives
  13. Rewriting: Postmodern Narrative and Cultural Critique in the Age of Cloning (S U N Y Series in Postmodern Culture) by Christian Moraru, 2001-10
  14. First human cloning pregnancy reported; scientists skeptical.(Brief Article): An article from: Transplant News

121. Recombinant DNA Chapter Directory
Preparing probe, cloning into plasmids, complementarity and hybridization, gel electrophoresis, transfer to solid support and blotting variants, blocking, target detection PCR problems from chapter in MIT hypertext handbook.
7.001 Hypertextbook
Recombinant DNA Chapter Directory
  • Cloning into plasmids
  • Southerns, Westerns, and Northerns: Molecular Cloning Techniques
  • The Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
  • DNA Fingerprinting
  • Practice problems
  • 122. Hello Dolly!
    Hello Dolly! Scientist in Scotland grows impossible sheep from one cell of another sheep. Fugitive mother sought in cloning saga. cloning instruction sheet.
    POSTED 6 MARCH 1997
    Scientist in Scotland grows " impossible " sheep from one cell of another sheep.
    sought in cloning saga. Should there be some LIMITS on science? Lost, then found again!
    had himself CLONED! This accounts for simultaneous, multiple sightings.
    sheep that make medicine
    There are documents.
    Bibliography Credits Search

    123. Rael
    Article by Susan J. Palmer, a religion teacher who is writing a book about the Rael cult, discusses the movement's history and its involvement in human cloning.
    The Leonard E. Greenberg Center for the Study of Religion in Public Life
    Trinity College, Hartford CT
    Center Home Archive Books Events ...
    Summer 2001, Vol. 4, No. 2 Contents,
    Summer 2001

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    Religion in the News , Spring 2001 Cult Fighting in Massachusetts Religion in the News , Fall 2000 Waco Redux: Trial and Error Religion in the News , Fall 2000 Something Wiccan This Way Comes Religion in the News , Summer 1999
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    in this issue From the Editor: The Minister, the Rabbi, and the Baccalaureate Idol Threats Purging Ourselves of Timothy McVeigh The Pope Among the Orthodox ... Correspondence: Palestinians and Israelis The Rael Deal by Susan J. Palmer March 28 was a day of triumph for Rael, the 54-year-old Canadian founder of the largest UFO-based religion in the world. In a widely reported House subcommittee hearing on human cloning, he testified that his CLONAID company was planning to clone a deceased baby in the near future. Amid the warnings of sober-suited scientists and bioethicists, Rael lent a sci-fri

    124. Cloning: Facts And Fallacies
    New World of Reproductive Technology The Clone Age. Clones and Clones Facts and Fantasies About Human cloning Clones and Clones.
    Cloning: News Archives Mail ... Home
    Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis

    Learn How To Download Unlimited Movies!!
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    Of Your PC Clones Aren't Exact Copies
    There is some misunderstanding about what constitutes a clone.
    A human clone would be the genetic identical twin, a generation or more younger, of the donor (not the surrogate mother) who provided the nucleus. But because people are more than a product of their genes, a clone would have its own personality, character, intelligence, and talents exactly as identical twins do (who are natural clones stemming from the same egg). You cannot clone a person's brain or mind, and chance factors, the environment, and a person's experiences contribute to individual traits. This means that even if you wanted to, you cannot duplicate your identical self. Even if you were to clone yourself several times, you would not be able to create the same person each time because every human life, no matter how conceived, is unique. A cloned Hitler would not necessarily grow up to be a mass murderer nor would a twin of Mother Teresa become a humanitarian. It is also impossible to copy a deceased family member or a past historical figure through cloning the cells from their corpses. The same applies to dead persons that have been frozen, because you need live DNA to make a clone.

    125. Default
    European Bioethics Convention, Human Rights Biomedicine human cloning, organ transplantation, biomedical research, human embryo foetus, human genetics, xenotransplantation,
    Legal affairs Site Index About us Legal Co-operation ... Transnational criminal justice
    Draft Recommendation on the protection of the human rights and dignity of persons with mental disorder approved by the CDBI more
    Draft Protocol on Biomedical Research approved by the CDBI more Oviedo Convention
    This international Convention, signed by most of the European States, sets out the fundamental principles applicable in day-to-day medicine as well as those applicable to new technologies in human biology and medicine. ( more Bioethics at
    the Council of Europe

    Biological and medical research have produced spectacular advances in the health field, but they also raise questions concerning a number of fundamental values, such as the individual, the family, health, private life, human rights and human dignity. ( more News Steering Committee on Bioethics (CDBI) European Conference of National Ethics Committees (COMETH) ... Conference (1-2 December 2003) Conferences and Symposia Texts adopted,
    publications, reports
    Texts made public ... Contact the Secretariat Biomedical research

    The purpose of our work is to define and safeguard fundamental rights in biomedical research, in particular of those participating in research. (

    126. - Dr. Robert Lanza: Human Cloning 'abhorrent' - Dec. 27, 2002
    CNN Europe CNN Asia Languages Spanish Portuguese German Italian Korean Arabic Japanese On CNN TV Transcripts Headline News CNN International ... Special Reports SERVICES Video E-Mail Services CNNtoGO SEARCH Web
    Dr. Robert Lanza: Human cloning 'abhorrent'
    Dr. Robert Lanza Story Tools
    RELATED Reactions to the Cloneaid statement
    Dr. Robert Lanza: Human cloning 'abhorrent'

    How is cloning done?

    Cloning for treatments
    A chronology of cloning

    VIDEO Brigitte Boisselier, the scientific director of Clonaid, announced the first cloned baby has been born.
    QUICKVOTE Are you for or against human cloning?
    For Against VIEW RESULTS (CNN) A group founded by a fringe religious group announced Friday the birth of the first cloned human, a baby girl named Eve. The group, Clonaid, was founded by the Raelian movement, which believes that humans were created by extraterrestrials. The announcement was followed by strong reactions, including criticism from Dr. Robert Lanza of Advanced Cell Technologies. He talked to anchors Sanjay Gupta and Daryn Kagan On Friday's edition of CNN's "American Morning." LANZA: Of course without any scientific data one has to be very, very skeptical. This is a group that has no scientific track record. They have never published a single scientific paper in this area, they have no research experience in this area. In fact, they have never even cloned a mouse or a rabbit. I have to say that I think this is appalling and scientifically irresponsible. I think that we should not dismiss them outright. I think that we do have the technology at present to clone human embryos and it may be a lot easier than many scientists think.

    127. GN Online: Human Cloning Project Claims Progress
    DubaiWednesday, April 03, 2002, Human cloning project claims progress Abu Dhabi Kavitha S Daniel 0304-2002 Print friendly format Email to Friend

    128. - Bush: Human Cloning 'morally Wrong' - November 26, 2001



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    Bush: Human cloning 'morally wrong'
    Bush says cloning human embryos is 'morally wrong.' WASHINGTON (CNN) President Bush Monday criticized the creation of human embryos through cloning as "morally wrong" and "bad public policy," saying the procedure should not be allowed. "We should not as a society grow life to destroy it, and that's exactly what's taking place," Bush said during a Rose Garden appearance. Bush spoke one day after a Massachusetts company announced that it had created the first human embryos through cloning. The president of Advanced Cell Technology Inc., of Worcester, Massachusetts, told CNN the process is not intended for human reproduction and he wouldn't want to see the science move in that direction. "I don't think this is safe yet for human reproduction," said Dr. Michael West, president and CEO of the company. He said there is a risk of losing both the embryo and the mother through cloning. West also stressed that he doesn't support cloning procedures to create human beings.

    129. Cloning, Patents And Xenotransplantation
    cloning. Food Safety. Organic View. cloning, Patents, Xenotransplantation Genealtered, Gene-Modified Organisms or Genetically Modified Organisims (GMOs).
    O rganic C onsumers A ssociation News Events Campaigns Participate ... Globalization Cloning Food Safety OCA Publications: Organic Bytes BioDemocracy News ... Organic View
    Cloning, Patents, Xenotransplantation
    Gene-Modified Organisms or Genetically Modified Organisims (GMOs)
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    130. - Health - House Hearings Turn Skeptical Eye On Cloning - March 28, 2001



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    House hearings turn skeptical eye on cloning
    In this story: 'Genie out of the bottle' Space sect urges freedom of inquiry Most animal experiments fail WASHINGTON (CNN) Skeptical lawmakers opened hearings into possible human cloning Wednesday as an advocate argued that safeguards can head off critics' worst fears. Former University of Kentucky professor Panayiotis Zavos, who said in January he planned to clone a human within one to two years, said the ability to have a family is a human right and the technology to clone humans should be available to couples unable to reproduce on their own. INTERACTIVE Flash: How is cloning done? Click here to find out (NOTE: plug-in required, download here TRANSCRIPT
  • CNN's Elizabeth Cohen discusses human cloning
  • Click here to see what people have to say about the possibility of human cloning

    131. Cloning Ethics: Informing Others, Before We Go To Far In Cloning Or Banning It
    cloning Ethics is a thorough project done by a High School Senior. The uploaded). Get the entire website by downloading (313Kb).
    var cm_role = "live" var cm_host = "" var cm_taxid = "/memberembedded" Check out the NEW Hotbot Tell me when this page is updated
    • What does cloning technology have to offer? How could cloning increase the quality of society, family and life? How could it not? What problems could cloning cause?
    These pages can be viewed with any Browser at any Resolution (even Lynx ). I suggest using a Browser that can handle tables and display images (animated gif format also). Tell me if a page doesn't look right. Site Awards BEST
    of POD
    awarded 3/26/98 This page is mirrored at Tripod here
    Since Monday, March 12, 1998
    (when this page was first uploaded) Get the entire website by downloading This site was a project begun by a Senior from Vergennes Union High School Vermont , USA) for his Advanced Placement (AP) Biology Class Return to Science and Technology or Student and Faculty Sites This page was last updated on Tuesday, March 14, 2000.

    132. CompuApps, Inc Home Page
    Offers complete drive data management solutions. Provides backup, restore, cloning and data migration (upgrade) to new hard drive, removable and CDRW drives. Partition and format tools and Flash media readers like compact flash, memory stick, smart media, secure digital, multimedia card and all in one readers.
    Top News Live - New Updated website with new services. DriveWizard V3.01 - with new supports released Recovery PRO for Windows /MAC/Linux released OnBelay For Windows Released OnBelay for Linux Released. ... Contact Components : CompuApps provides diverse component services. We can sell and support components companies no longer want to support but want to continue service to their customers, extend its life and revenue. If a discrete device is hard to find or obsolete we can also provide manufacturing services.
    Software : CompuApps provides software design services for your system's requirements. Our team in the US and India can provide innovative drivers, firmware, and programs that can make your product more competitive. We also provide products for data recovery, backup, security, and data management for all platforms
    Hardware: CompuApps provide complete hardware design services. Our team in Asia can find low cost solutions for your design. We can create designs from concept to end product with CompuApps systems board design, software engineering, plastics services, and production.

    Director Dr Donald Bruce. cloning STEM CELLS HOME PAGE. Stop Press . Stop Press . Stop Press . Back to Contents. What s On Our cloning Pages?

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    ... Stop Press .... Stop Press .... Stop Press .... Stop Press ... Problems with New Human Cloning Proposals
    Comment on Professor Ian Wilmut's article in the New Scientist of 19 February, in which he proposes uses of cloned human embryos and advocates a situation in which producing cloned babies might be justified.
    Revised 19 February 2004, immediate release Cloned Human Embryos - Implications of Korean Scientists' Results Today Korean scientists presented their detailed results to the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Seattle. SRT Director Dr Bruce was in the audience. The results are genuine and well attested, but it raises important ethical issues. Released 12 February 2004 See our page summarising Some recent SRT articles on Cloning and Stem Cells
  • Introduction
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  • What's On Our Cloning and Stem Cell Pages?
  • 134. - Q&A: Human Cloning - August 7, 2001

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    LONDON, England (CNN) A group of European and U.S. researchers have said they will begin attempts to clone a human being in November. Italian obstetrician Severino Antinori and U.S. researcher Panos Zavos say 200 couples have volunteered to take part in the cloning procedure. CNN reporter Chris Burns in Italy assesses the situation. Q: Is human cloning really feasible? A: Italian professor Severino Antinori contends that it is, following successful tests with various species of animals. VIDEO CNN's Elizabeth Cohen has more on the possible creation of 200 clones (August 7) Play video (QuickTime, Real or Windows Media) VIDEO CNN's Elizabeth Cohen interviews Dr. Panos Zavos on his plans to clone humans (August 6) Play video (QuickTime, Real or Windows Media) AUDIO CNN's Dr Sanjay Gupta: "Reportedly they have 200 coouples." 672K / 62 sec AIFF or WAV sound Q: How will the cloning process be conducted?

    135. Hello Dolly: A WebQuest
    INTRODUCTION cloning creates ordinary children. They will be unique individuals, not photocopies of individuals. (cloning Timeline). Hello Dolly!
    "Cloning creates ordinary children. They will be unique individuals, not photocopies of individuals. " ( Italian professor Severino Antinori 2001 Some 60 years ago amphibians were used to produce clones, but the embryos died at tadpole stage. During the last six decades, the cloning of a mammal was only possible in the imagination of the scientific community. ( Cloning Timeline Hello Dolly! Out of the blue, Ian Wilmut, a researcher from the Roslin Institute in Scotland, announced that his team had successfully cloned a lamb from an adult cell. The next day, the Pope denounced the discovery as a "lack of respect for life". The scientific community hailed the discovery as a break through for mankind. YOUR TASK View Role Call Sec. 302. Prohibition on human cloning (a) IN GENERAL- It shall be unlawful for any person or entity, public or private, in or affecting interstate commerce, knowingly

    136. Hundreds Volunteer For Cloning Experiment, Scientists Say

    137. DNALC: Cloning
    In this Gene Almanac feature, see how cloning works in our animation, The Science of cloning, and read about the potential uses and problems with cloning.

    Gene Almanac



    Sheep and Cows and Mice
    ... and Pigs, Oh My!
    written by Ryan Luce, artwork by Maria Gililova
    first posted March 20, 2000

    PPL Therapeutics - the company that collaborated with the Roslin Institute to clone Dolly the sheep - announced the successful cloning of pigs. The five piglets, Millie, Christa, Alexis, Carrel and Dotcom, are the first steps toward xenotransplantation - the transplantation of nonhuman organs into humans.
    Cloning: Science Fact not Fiction
    Clones are organisms with identical genetic material. Although cloning was a central theme in science fiction for many years, until the 1996 birth of Dolly, many scientists thought that cloning from adult cells was impossible. The difficulty in cloning adult cells comes from the advanced state these cells are in. As organisms develop, their cells differentiate , transforming early embryonic cells into specific types of cells - liver, muscle, udder, etc. Scientists thought that once differentiation occurred, liver cells could only make more liver cells, muscle cells could only make more muscle cells, and udder cells could only make more udder cells. Dolly's birth showed that this process is actually reversible, and udder cells can make a complete sheep. Cloning is not a one-time fluke. The list of animals cloned - pigs, mice, cows, and sheep - is rapidly growing, and the success of cloning has raised many questions about the

    138. - New Pig Cloning Research Promising Yet Risky, Studies Indicate - Augus
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    New pig cloning research promising yet risky, studies indicate
    WASHINGTON (CNN) Two groups of researchers publishing work in rival scientific journals report similar successes in cloning pigs a difficult process that may lead to ways to grow organs in the animals destined for human transplantation. "The goal here is to reduce the shortage of organs for transplantation and prevent any more needless deaths that arise because people simply don't receive the organ they need," said Dr. Anthony Perry of New York's Rockefeller University.

    139. The Reproductive Cloning Network - Cloning Articles, Resources And Links
    The Reproductive cloning Network stores, links to, and reviews scientific resources regarding reproductive cloning. The Reproductive cloning Network.
    Your first stop for reproductive cloning resources and links
    Contents Directory FAQ ... Link Exchange
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    "The largest selection of art deco lighting in the world."
    Address: 506 Hudson Street New York NY 10014
    What's new?
    Contents page News section Register ... Messages Welcome to the Reproductive Cloning Network™
    Selected cloning essays and articles Science and Cloning LaunchPad The Human Cloning Foundation The Clone Rights United Front Contribute to the RCN by buying a book
    HUMANS: Our inevitable genetic future
    Dr. Gregory Stock looks beyond cloning to genetic engineering. Cloning, stem cells and infertility: a personal perspective Human Cloning Poll Would human reproductive cloning be acceptable if it was demonstrated to be safe and efficient? Yes, it would be acceptable in all cases. Yes, but it would only be acceptable in certain cases. No, it would never be acceptable. I don’t know. View Results Welcome to the Reproductive Cloning Network, a high-ranking site for information on reproductive and therapeutic human cloning. Before exploring our resources section , please read the “Commentary on human cloning”, co-authored by J. A. Byrne, a bioethicist and vertebrate nuclear transfer specialist

    140. Cloning 'poses Risk For Mothers'

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