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  1. Ethical Issues in Human Cloning: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives
  2. Cloning of the American Mind: Eradicating Morality through Education by B. K. Eakman, Bev Eakman, 1998-08-01
  3. Cloning: For and Against (For and Against, Vol 3)
  4. The Cloning of Joanna May by Fay Weldon, 1991-03-01
  5. Cloning and the Future of Human Embryo Research
  6. Cloning, Gene Expression, and Protein Purification: Experimental Procedures and Process Rationale by Charles Hardin, Jennifer Edwards, et all 2001-03-01
  7. Stem Cell Research and Cloning (Point/Counterpoint) by Alan Marzilli, 2007-01-30
  8. Who's Afraid of Human Cloning? by Gregory E. Pence, 1998-01-25
  9. After Dolly: The Promise and Perils of Cloning by Ian Wilmut, Roger Highfield, 2007-08-20
  10. Stem Cell Research and Cloning: Contemporary Challenges to Our Humanity (Interface: a Forum for Theology in the Word) (Interface: A Forum for Theology ... A Forum for Theology in the World)
  11. Cloning (Contemporary Issues Companion)
  12. Understanding DNA and Gene Cloning: A Guide for the Curious by Karl Drlica, 2003-04-25
  13. Cloning Miranda by Carol Matas, 1999
  14. Crafting a Cloning Policy: From Dolly to Stem Cells by Andrea, L Bonnicksen, 2002-07-15

41. The American Journal Of Bioethics :: Bioethics & Cloning
Bioethics cloning. Latest news on cloning and stem cell research. Human cloning represents one of the most interesting challenges
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Latest news on cloning and stem cell research.
Human cloning represents one of the most interesting challenges for bioethics and public policy, both because it has attracted a highly visible but often superficial debate, and because it simultaneously calls for very subtle and intricate discussion, debate and perhaps legislation. Gathered below are many resources for learning about and discussing cloning of humans and animals. We also invite you to join us in debate and discussion of breaking news about cloning on our Letters to the Editor page. The President's Decision
by Dominic Sisti
What is a Person and Why Do We Care?

by Dominic Sisti
What's in the Dish? Various Perspectives

by Dominic Sisti
When will cloning happen?

42. MedlinePlus: Cloning
Topics. cloning. Printerfriendly version, E-mail this page to a friend. Search MEDLINE for recent research articles on • cloning. You
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43. - British Government Panel Approves Human Cloning For Cell Research - Au
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British government panel approves human cloning for cell research
LONDON Research into creating human cells and tissues for transplant could benefit from a government panel's recommendation to relax Britain's ban on cloning human embryos the first such action by a government anywhere. The move would allow scientists to create cloned embryos for the purpose of harvesting stem cells, a process termed "therapeutic cloning."

44. Wired News: Bullish Hopes For Serial Cloning
Advertisement. Bullish Hopes for Serial cloning. By said. We finally can say it is possible to do serial cloning in other species. .,1286,63545,00.html?tw=wn_story_top5

45. Cloning Pregnancy Fact Or Fiction?

46. Wired 11.01: The First Cloning Superpower
The First cloning Superpower. Above a large bronze bust of Tong hung a ceremonial banner emblazoned with the phrase FATHER OF cloning.
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The First Cloning Superpower
Inside China's race to become the clone capital of the world.
By Charles C. Mann I am peering into a laboratory microscope at what is sort of a cloned human being. Sort of a cloned human being because it's only a blastocyst, a very early stage embryo that's floating under the microscope like a tiny bit of soap foam. And also sort of because this blastocyst was created by inserting all the DNA from a human being into the egg of a rabbit.
Sacha Waldman This little swimming experiment in interspecies biology is taking place not in some high tech office park or Ivy League research lab, but on the top floor of an emergency ward at a shabby hospital complex in mainland China. Downstairs, the reception area is lined with battered folding chairs occupied by patients with makeshift bandages or open wounds. Splashed across the linoleum is what looks like dried blood. But here on the top floor, the elevator opens to a world of $100,000 microscopes, sperm-washing machines, and egg-denucleating micropipettes. Major scientific journals won't publish research that has been described in the popular media, so I have promised not to divulge identifying details about the experiment or the scientist performing it, whom I'll call Dr. X. But I can say that Dr. X's laboratory is one of three I visited in China where researchers are investigating interspecies clones. And I can also say that this experiment would be illicit if not completely illegal in the United States and most of the developed world. But in China it's all legal, every bit of it, which is a big reason why Dr. X moved here after spending a decade at a public institution in the US.

47. - Research Progress: Pig Cloning For Organs - January 3, 2002



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Research progress: Pig cloning for organs
Target is gene that leads to organ rejection
COLUMBIA, Missouri (CNN) Researchers say they've taken a major step toward cloning pigs whose hearts, lungs and kidneys could be safely transplanted into humans. Such organs would save the lives of thousands of critically ill people who cannot get transplants because of the shortage of human organs. Using the same cloning technique that created the sheep Dolly, scientists say they produced four piglets without one of two genes that lead to the massive rejections that have plagued efforts at xenotransplantation the process of replacing human organs with animal organs. "We've knocked out one copy of the gene known to cause this immune response," said Randall Prather at the University of Missouri-Columbia, who performed the nuclear transfer that produced the piglets. "Now we have to do other studies to make the double knockout." QUICKVOTE Do you see an ethical dilemma in the development of pig organs for safe transplantation into humans?

48. The Cloning Process
Human cloning the process Also presented is a brief outline of the arguments for and against human cloning. History of cloning cloning is not new.
Human Cloning
t h e p r o c e s s Government Involvement
Practical Uses

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The following presents th e of cloning, the process of how "Dolly" was cloned, and the procedure of how to clone a human. Also presented is a brief outline of the arguments for and against human cloning.
History of Cloning
Cloning is not new. Experiments with frogs and toads date back to the 1970s . And experiments involving plants and animal embryos have been performed for years. But experiments involving human beings have never been tried or thought possible, until "Dolly." Her birth shocked the scientific community and has spurred discussion about the possibility of human clones. Dr. Lee Silver, a molecular biologist at Princeton University, is optimistic that "human cloning will occur," and that "it might take five years, ten years at the outermost." Lee notes that at this time, "no ethical doctor would do human cloning" ( Clones 2 ). Although this view is predominant among many scientists, some argue that a safe technology could be developed in the future. This has led to discussion about whether human cloning should even be legally possible.
Numerous events have occurred since the birth of "Dolly" that have only complicated this controversial issue over human cloning. Click here to view a

49. - U.S. Lawmakers Debate Limits On Human Cloning - June 21, 2001



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U.S. lawmakers debate limits on human cloning
By Thurston Hatcher CNN WASHINGTON (CNN) The White House believes all forms of human cloning should be banned, whether it's for reproduction or for medical research, an administration official told legislators Wednesday. President Bush and Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson "make very clear they oppose any and all attempts to clone a human being," said Claude Allen, deputy secretary for the Department of Health and Human Services. Allen addressed members of a House subcommittee considering two bills that would restrict cloning. One would ban all forms of human cloning, while another would restrict cloning intended to create a pregnancy but allowing some research. Without endorsing the more restrictive bill, Allen said embryos cloned for research could be used too easily for reproductive purposes. "The administration believes it's in the best interest at this time to ban both research as well as reproductive cloning because the easy step that moves us across that line we all agree is reprehensible," Allen said.

50. TMP 352 - Human Cloning
Human cloning. Scientists at the humans beings. The word cloning is used to define replication of cells, tissues, embryos, and genes. It
Human Cloning Scientists at the Roslin Institute in Scotland shocked the world last February when they announced that they had cloned the first mammal - a sheep named "Dolly". "Dolly" was cloned using a method called somatic cell nuclear transfer. Great controversy arose when it was suggested that this method could also be used to clone humans beings. The word "cloning" is used to define replication of cells, tissues, embryos, and genes. It is important to note that the greatest controversy arises from somatic cell nuclear transfer - the process that could potentially be used to clone humans.
The Cloning Process

History of Cloning
of events since "Dolly's" birth
How do you clone? - the basics
Religious/Ethical Perspectives

Assessing the many sides of the debate
Government Involvement

US Government - possible regulations and policies
Other Nations
Practical Uses for Human Cloning
How could cloning realistically change the future of medicine? Commercial Potential To learn more about the information presented here, please visit our

51. - Human Embryo Created Through Cloning - November 26, 2001



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Human embryo created through cloning
WASHINGTON (CNN) Scientists at a technology company said Sunday they have created human embryos through cloning, drawing criticism from President Bush and lawmakers and raising new ethical questions. Advanced Cell Technology Inc. of Worcester, Massachusetts, said the experiment was aimed not at creating a human being but at mining the embryo for stem cells used to treat disease. Stem cells are a kind of master cell that can grow into any kind of cell in the body. The company's study was also published in an online scientific journal. "I'm just trying to help people who are sick, and really that's our focus," said Dr. Michael West, the company's president and CEO. He called the development "the first, halting steps" toward a new area of medicine. Speaking on CNN's "Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer," West disputed the suggestion the work amounted to the creation of a human being.

52. Genetic Encores: The Ethics Of Human Cloning
Genetic Encores The Ethics of Human cloning. Some opponents of cloning believe that such individuals would be wronged in morally significant ways.
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The Ethics of Human Cloning The successful cloning of an adult sheep, announced in Scotland this past February, is one of the most dramatic recent examples of a scientific discovery becoming a public issue. During the last few months, various commentators scientists and theologians, physicians and legal experts, talk-radio hosts and editorial writers have been busily responding to the news, some calming fears, other raising alarms about the prospect of cloning a human being. At the request of the President, the National Bioethics Advisory Commission (NBAC) held hearings and prepared a report on the religious, ethical, and legal issues surrounding human cloning. While declining to call for a permanent ban on the practice, the Commission recommended a moratorium on efforts to clone human beings, and emphasized the importance of further public deliberation on the subject. An interesting tension is at work in the NBAC report. Commission members were well aware of "the widespread public discomfort, even revulsion, about cloning human beings." Perhaps recalling the images of Dolly the ewe that were featured on the covers of national news magazines, they noted that "the impact of these most recent developments on our national psyche has been quite remarkable." Accordingly, they felt that one of their tasks was to articulate, as fully and sympathetically as possible, the range of concerns that the prospect of human cloning had elicited.

53. - Human Cloning Attempt To Be Outlined Tuesday - August 7, 2001



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Human cloning attempt to be outlined Tuesday
Zavos: "We intend to do it right or not do it at all." WASHINGTON (CNN) Discounting fears of critics who argue the technology is not ready, a team of reproductive specialists is expected to announce plans Tuesday to clone up to 200 human beings. Dr. Panos Zavos, a former University of Kentucky researcher, said Monday he plans to begin transferring DNA from the nuclei of living cells into human eggs in November to create a human embryo, which would be implanted into a woman's uterus. "We do intend to do this, and we do intend to do it right," Zavos told CNN. Although critics have warned that attempts to clone animals have resulted in a high rate of ill or deformed clones, Zavos said, "We intend to do it right or not do it at all." The announcement will be made at a cloning conference held by the National Academy of Sciences in Washington, he said. Zavos is a retired professor and head of a Lexington-based private corporation that markets infertility products and technologies. He said his team is working with 200 couples who are infertile and the aim of the "attempt" is to help them have a baby.

54. Cloning In Focus
What is cloning? An introduction to cloning and how it s done. Click and Clone Try it yourself in the mouse cloning laboratory. Why Clone?
Genetic Science Learning Center at the Eccles Institute of Human Genetics
University of Utah

What is Cloning?

An introduction to cloning and how it's done. Click and Clone
Try it yourself in the mouse cloning laboratory. Why Clone?
Evaluate the reasons for using cloning techonologies. The Clone Zone
Explore the history of cloning technologies. Cloning Myths
Separating the facts from the fiction. Is it Cloning? Or Not?
Test your cloning savvy with this interactive quiz. What are the Risks of Cloning?
The predictions and realities of cloning living beings. What are Some Issues in Cloning? Consider some important questions in the debate over cloning technologies. Additional Resources Links to current news and in-depth information about cloning. Funding for this module was provided by a Science Education Partnership Award (No. 1 R25 RR16291-01) from the National Center for Research Resources, a component of the National Institutes of Health. See additional acknowledgments

55. BBC - Science & Nature
A resource to many science topics currently in the news and links to sites on topics such as cloning, genetics, and electricity.
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56. What Is Cloning?
cloning in Focus Home cloning in Focus What is cloning? What is cloning? Imagine if you could really do that. Where would you start? What exactly is cloning?
Genetic Science Learning Center at the Eccles Institute of Human Genetics
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... Cloning in Focus What is Cloning?
What is Cloning?
Have you ever wished you could have a clone of yourself to do homework while you hit the skate park or went out with your friends? Imagine if you could really do that. Where would you start? What exactly is cloning? Cloning is the creation of an organism that is an exact genetic copy of another. This means that every single bit of DNA is the same between the two! You might not believe it, but there are human clones among us right now. They weren't made in a lab, though: they're identical twins, created naturally. Below, we'll see how natural identical twins relate to modern cloning technologies. How is cloning done? You may have first heard of cloning when Dolly the Sheep showed up on the scene in 1997. Cloning technologies have been around for much longer than Dolly, though. How does one go about making an exact genetic copy of an organism? There are a couple of ways to do this: artificial embryo twinning and somatic cell nuclear transfer. How do these processes differ? 1. Artificial Embryo Twinning

57. Hair Loss, Hair Transplantation, Hair Cloning, Hair Loss, Hair Transplantation,
Scientific information on the cloning and genetic engineering of human hair plus updates on various aspects of male pattern baldness. News and discussion forum.
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58. MCLAB - Gene Synthesis, Sequencing, Protein Expression And Purification, Molecul
Offers research support in the following areas antibody production, protein expression, mutagenesis, DNA sequencing, and gene synthesis. Includes price quotes and contact information.
MCLAB (Molecular Cloning Laboratories) provides full length gene synthesis, DNA sequencing, protein expression, codon maximization and other various cloning services. Our research reagents include frozen competent yeast, E. coli, PCR cloning kit, as well as novel and traditional enzymes for molecular cloning use. We are located in Bay Area San Francisco. For fast, affordable services that you can count on,MCLAB is right for the job. Our breadth of capabilities and years of experience, along with a range of services, are sure to help your molecular cloning needs. For information on our extensive range of services, please visit Gene Synthesis DNA Sequencing Service Mutagenesis protein expression and purification ... antibody production and purification We also provide free tools for molecular biology. Please feel free to try them out. MCLAB

59. Webseite Zum Thema Klonen (und Stammzellen, Embryonenforschung, PID)
Translate this page Age of Biological Control by the Scientists Who Cloned Dolly. London 2000. Deutschsprachige Webseite zum Thema Klonen News Embryonen-

diagnostik (PID)
... Impressum
" " Ian Wilmut, "Dollyschöpfer" " " " " Colin Tudge, Journalist " Auch die Versuche und Hypothesen, die darauf abzielen, ein menschliches Wesen ohne jede Verbindung mit der Sexualität mittels "Zwillingsspaltung", Klonierens oder Parthenogenese zu gewinnen, stehen im Gegensatz zur Moral, weil sie sowohl der Würde der menschlichen Fortpflan zung als auch derjenigen der ehelichen Vereinigung widersprechen. "
Donum vitae (I.6.), Dokument der Katholischen Kirche " "
Johannes Paul II. in EV Nr. 2 " " Johannes Paul II. in Evangelium Vitae Nr. 28 " Das Verharren im norma tiven Denken verhindert die Entfaltung des freien Geistes." ... "Der Mut zur freien Wissenschaft setzt den Maßstab zur ethischen Reflexion. "
"Bei keiner Tätigkeit wurde und wird so wenig gebetet wie in der modernen Naturwissenschaft ."

60. Stem Cells & Cloning Club (SCCC)
Information resource and discussion forum for all stem cell, cloning, and regenerative research related issues, including; news, science, ethics, politics, investments, and culture.
Information. Discussion. A better opinion.

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