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161. Byrd Polar Research Center, Columbus Ohio Research focuses on the role of cold regions in the global climate system. Includes publications, conferences, links to related sites. http://www-bprc.mps.ohio-state.edu/ | |
162. Climate Neutral http://www.climateneutral.com/ |
163. Elektronikfertigung Und Messgeräte Aus Dresden Shock, climate, and turbidity measurement. http://www.smt-hybrid.de/ | |
164. Www.climateprediction.com/ http://www.climateprediction.com/ |
165. South Carolina Department Of Commerce -- Community Profile Includes information on climate, education, labor force, population, quality of life, and taxes within the city. http://www.teamsc.com/commpro/commfull.cfm?GNIS=7254 |
166. Web Site For The [CLIMATENEWS.COM] Domain Name Under Construction! http//www.climatenews.com/ Server Busy. Please try later. www.climatenews.com http://www.climatenews.com/ | |
167. Climate Change Fact sheets and information on climate change, with an Australian perspective. Also provides annual statements on Australia's climate. http://www.bom.gov.au/climate/change/ | |
168. CICERO Senter For Klimaforskning Towards assessing socioeconomic impacts of climate change in Norway  Sensitivityin the primary sectors fisheries, agriculture and forestry Schjolden, Ane http://www.cicero.uio.no/ | |
169. About The Project Project focussing on climate protection and funding environmental NGOs in Central and Eastern Europe. Includes a profile, calendar of events, publications, and information on monitoring and mechanisms. http://www.rec.org/Climate/index.html | |
170. California Climate Action Registry The California climate Registry was created to support organizations that are workingaggressively to improve energy efficiency and reduce their greenhouse gas http://www.climateregistry.org/ | |
171. ERROR 303: See Other The German contribution to the international CLIVAR program contributes mainly to climate variability on scales of decadal and longer periods, with emphasis on the role of the ocean for the dynamics and predictability of longterm climate variations. http://www.ifm.uni-kiel.de/general/clivar/clivar.html | |
172. Welcome To CLIVAR CLIVAR is an international research programme addressing many issuesof natural climate variability and anthropogenic climate change. http://www.clivar.org/ | |
173. Weather And Climate Resources From the Institute of Global Environment and Society. Includes links to maps, analyses, climate data and satellite images. http://grads.iges.org/listing/wx.html | |
174. Welcome To UKCIP Responsible for assessing the linkely impacts of climate change on the UK's environment and economy . http://www.ukcip.org.uk/ |
175. International Research Institute For Climate Prediction Assessing and developing seasonalto-interannual climate forecasts, while fostering the application of such forecasts to the explicit benefit of society. http://iri.ldeo.columbia.edu/ | |
176. CLIMATE CHANGE CALCULATOR TC http://www.climcalc.net/ | |
177. William H. Calvin's Books, Articles, And Talks (Brains, Evolution, And Climate) Atlantic Monthly article reviews the abrupt (less than a decade transition) climate changes of the past, analyzes the role of the Gulf Stream's thermohaline circulation switching modes of operation, and presents three scenarios for the future, including potential methods for stabilizing the flipflop tendencies. http://faculty.washington.edu/wcalvin/1990s/1998AtlanticClimate.htm | |
178. Global Climate Animations Created by the climate Lab section of the Environmental Change Research Group© Department of Geography, University of Oregon Last updated 02/13/03. http://geography.uoregon.edu/envchange/clim_animations/ | |
179. Climatic Design Of Buildings - An Overview An online course focusing on the effect of climate and architectural design upon each other in Hong Kong. http://arch.hku.hk/~cmhui/teach/65156-7.htm | |
180. Wired News: Climate Change Out Of The Blue Advertisement. climate Change Out of the Blue. Contrails that persist foran extended period of time are most likely to affect the climate. http://www.wired.com/news/technology/0,1282,63365,00.html?tw=wn_11techhead |
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