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81. CNN.com - Farming, Logging, Development Affect Climate, Too - Oct. 3, 2002 CNN http://cnn.com/2002/TECH/space/10/03/climate.landcover/index.html | |
82. Climate Change Solutions: Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Strategies To Reduce climate Change Awareness and Action The climate Change Awareness and Action EducationKit is a complete teaching resource designed specifically for use in http://www.climatechangesolutions.com/ | |
83. MeteoSuisse Weather and climate in Switzerland. With current weather and five days forecast. http://www.meteoswiss.ch/en/index.shtml | |
84. The Green Lane - Global Climate Change / La Voie Verte - Les Changements Climati Translate this page Enjeux et caractérisation du changement climatique au Canada. Actions entreprises ou proposées par http://www.ec.gc.ca/climate/ | |
85. CNN.com - U.N. Climate Expert Backs Kyoto - July 5, 2001 CNN http://cnn.com/2001/WORLD/europe/07/05/kyoto/index.html | |
86. The Green Lane: Climate Change - Home climate change is one of the most significant environmental challenges the worldhas ever faced. We are already seeing the effects of climate change in Canada. http://www.ec.gc.ca/climate/home-e.html | |
87. Climate Change - Cool Kids For A Cool Climate Explanation of global warming, causes and effects, kids' stories, ways to take action, links, and news. http://www.coolkidsforacoolclimate.com | |
88. IRI/LDEO Climate Data Library The IRI/LDEO climate Data Library contains over 300 datasets from a variety of earthscience disciplines and climaterelated topics. Monitoring Global climate. http://ingrid.ldeo.columbia.edu/ | |
89. U.S. Is Quiet In Climate Talks CNN http://cnn.com/2001/TECH/science/11/01/climate.talks.ap/index.html |
90. NRCS National Water And Climate Center - Home Welcome to the NRCS. This historical photograph of a lake near San Luis Obispo,California barely contains any water following a several year drought. http://www.wcc.nrcs.usda.gov/ | |
91. Agricultural Climate Information Weather information for agricultural interests, including crop reports and Minnesota weather talk from AgriNews. http://climate.umn.edu/doc/agwx.htm | |
92. Climatic Research Unit , past climate history and its impact on humanity. », the course and causesof climate change during the present century. », prospects for the future. http://www.cru.uea.ac.uk/ | |
93. The Polar Climate Group At the LamontDoherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University. Goals, staff, publications, research, and literature. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/polar/ | |
94. Climate Monitor Online Photo credits climate Monitor Online. Lamb Weather Types. With links to commentarieson the month s weather from the BBC and CNN. climate data and visualisation. http://www.cru.uea.ac.uk/cru/climon/ | |
95. Invensys Climate Controls Europe Manufacture of commercial refrigeration, residential and light commercial HVAC markets. http://www.climate-eu.invensys.com | |
96. The Observer | International | Now The Pentagon Tells Bush: Climate Change Will Now the Pentagon tells Bush climate change will destroy us · Secret If climatechange is a threat to national security and the economy, then he has to act. http://observer.guardian.co.uk/international/story/0,6903,1153513,00.html | |
97. Welcome To The State Of Wyoming Official state site. General overview, visitor information, business climate, directory of state and local government sites, and a list of newspapers, radio and television stations. http://www.state.wy.us/ | |
98. Chicago Climate Exchange Chicago climate Exchange,® Inc. (CCX 2004. First Chicago climate Exchange®(CCX®) Trading Seminar The mechanics of Trading CFIs. http://www.chicagoclimatex.com/ | |
99. Southeast Regional Climate Center Home CIRRUSWeb Login. Home What s New climate Information Services Education SpecialProjects About Us Search. SE Regional climate Center. Latest climate Headlines. http://www.dnr.state.sc.us/climate/sercc/ | |
100. PARTNERS Economic Development Corporation, Horry County South Carolina Promotes quality economic growth and diversity. Site contains a thorough compilation of statistical data, local historical and climate information, and links. http://www.horry.com/ | |
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