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121. Welcoming The Internet Into Your Classroom Incorporating the internet into your classroom provides students with more opportunities to structure their own learning. Students http://teacher.scholastic.com/professional/teachtech/welcomeinternet.htm | |
122. Metropolitan Association For Teachers Of Science Purpose is to make available internet K12 resources to the science teachers of metropolitan Houston and to encourage teachers to share successful classroom ideas over the web. http://home.flash.net/~dfelske/mats/ | |
123. Curriculum Ideas Space .the Final Frontier. Explore the realms of space with these Websites. Science in the classroom Lesson for the Yuckiest Site on the internet. http://www.cyberbee.com/intclass.html | |
124. You Have Reached This Page Accidentally Offers web design and web creation services, onsite and classroom computer and internet training, http://www.calldocpc.com | |
125. UConn Advance - WebCT Integrates Classroom, Internet - Oct. 25, 1999 For the latest news, go to the Advance Homepage For more archives, go to the Advance Archive/Search Page. WebCT Integrates classroom, internet (Oct. http://www.advance.uconn.edu/1999/991025/10259910.htm | |
126. Martin Luther King Elementary School Policies, media center, classroom connections, community involvement, counseling center, and suggested internet sites. http://www.vannet.k12.wa.us/kngweb/ |
127. Van Buskirk Elementary Features individual classroom pages, a library and information center, and internet research hot links. http://edweb.tusd.k12.az.us/vanbuskirk/ | |
128. Integrating The Internet Into The Classroom: Online Course In Instructional Tech Michael D. Krauss, Instructor. Visitors, you are welcome to browse the course materials and use them for educational purposes provided http://www.lclark.edu/~krauss/usia/ | |
129. WIT Home Page REDIRECT An intensive fourweek seminar aimed to help progressive K-12 teachers integrate the use of the Web in the classroom. A project of the Center for School Improvement (CSI) and the Chicago Public Schools/University of Chicago internet Project (CUIP) in collaboration with the Graham School of General Studies at the University of Chicago. http://webinstituteforteachers.org/ | |
130. ÂüÂdÂ@Â^SafetySurferP2P The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.kansai-elec.co.jp/classroom/internet/P2P/2.html | |
131. Dr. T.L. Sullivan Jr. High School CAP Site The Community Access Program offers the community use of computers and a portal to the internet. Discusses definitions, programs offered, location and hours of operation. http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Classroom/8062/ | |
132. Teaching With Electronic Technology documents Maintained by The National Archives and Records Administration as part of The Digital classroom project How to do research on the internet An online http://www.wam.umd.edu/~mlhall/teaching.html | |
133. Classroom Connect: How To Cite Internet Resources internet Citations Courtesy classroom Connect. Permission Statement. Citing internet Addresses A howto guide for referencing online http://www.tnte.com/mmc/ClassroomCCitations.html | |
134. BCK2SKOL Home Page THE ELECTRONIC LIBRARY classroom 101. The course was revised based on participants comments (and internet developments) and was run again worldwide (to over http://www.sc.edu/bck2skol/ | |
135. Why The Net? An Interactive Tool For The Classroom: Explanation it part of the internet, your computer is linked, through the network, right now to a computer in New York City that houses this CONCEPT TO classroom workshop. http://www.thirteen.org/edonline/concept2class/month4/ | |
136. Thirteen Ed Online - Primer Our internet Primer is designed especially for K12 teachers and begins with the to our Primer, you ll learn more about using the Web in your classroom. http://www.thirteen.org/edonline/primer/ | |
137. Integrating The Internet internet in the classroom A tutorial to help teachers use the internet, plan interactive projects and design a class homepage. Each http://seamonkey.ed.asu.edu/~hixson/index/class.html | |
138. Connected Classroom Home Citing internet Addresses A howto guide to referencing online sources in student bibliographies. Learn-by-Doing, About the Connected classroom. http://www.qesn.meq.gouv.qc.ca/cc/ | |
139. Internet Public Library: IPL Classroom We re sorry! You are probably trying to access the IPL classroom . The internet Public Library has discontinued our offering of this content. http://www.ipl.org/div/classroom/ | |
140. EpistemeLinks.com Philosophy Classroom Resources: Main Page Additional classroom Resources. Writing Assistant tool; Jim O Donnell s New Tools for Teaching a guide to the developing role of the internet for teaching; http://www.epistemelinks.com/Main/MainClas.aspx | |
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