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101. µå¸²Ã¤º¸±â¼ú Computer Aided Education System,CAES,AV NET,Multimedia Control System,Language Lab,internet Phone,Door Lock,Security System,Advanced classroom,DreamLab,DreamWebtel http://www.dream-intech.com | |
102. Live ELearning From Elluminate - Web Conferencing Tool Provides Canadian students with homework help and tutoring services in an interactive, voiceenabled virtual classroom over the internet. http://www.tutorsedge.com | |
103. Cable In The Classroom - Internet Safety internet Safety, Previous Teaching Digital Ethics. Next Courteous Online Behavior. The online world can be as dangerous as anyplace else. http://www.ciconline.com/Enrichment/MediaLiteracy/DigitalEthics/04_internetsafet | |
104. STCUSA.COM Provides classroom, print, CDROM, internet, video, and audio training programs for securities licensing examinations required by the NASD, NYSE, MSRB, and the NASAA. http://www.stcusa.com | |
105. Internet Activities For Foreign Language Classes, CLTA California Language Teach See sample lessons using the internet ready for your classroom. Learn resources. See how to use the internet in the one computer classroom. http://www.clta.net/lessons/ | |
106. Consortium For Interactive Instruction | WHRO A userdirected, user-funded activity managed by WHRO-TV advocating the most appropriate uses of technology, including computers, videodiscs, and internet, in the classroom. http://www.whro.org/education/cii/ | |
107. One Computer Classroom Using The internet In The One Computer classroom. A Staff Development Course offered through the David Douglas School District. February 12th and 19th, 1997. http://millpark.ddouglas.k12.or.us/onecomp.html |
108. SCORE: Bronze Bow A guide for teaching this novel in the elementary classroom. Recommended activities incorporate internet usage. http://www.sdcoe.k12.ca.us/score/BRONZE/bronzetg.htm | |
109. Index Offers mostly z/OS and UNIX training, including selfstudy, classroom and live on-line courses. Consulting specialties are enterprise systems management, internet and business storage continuity. http://www.protechpts.com |
110. CIESE Online Classroom Projects sponsors and designs interdisciplinary projects that teachers throughout the world can use to enhance their curriculum through compelling use of the internet. http://k12science.ati.stevens-tech.edu/currichome.html | |
111. CNN.com - Some Professors Block Internet Access In Classroom - September 27, 200 CNN http://cnn.com/2001/fyi/teachers.ednews/09/27/wires.classrooms.ap/index.html | |
112. The Northeast Kansas Education Service Center A road map for global electronic exploration for the K12 classroom, with emphasis on educational, computer, governmental, special education needs, and internet resources. http://nekesc.org/ | |
113. Clyde Elementary School - Home Includes individual classroom pages, special programs pages, the school calendar, special events, counselor's corner, and internet resources for teachers and students. http://clyde.region14.net/webs/ces.campus/ | |
114. Conversation Questions For The ESL/EFL Classroom (I-TESL-J) Conversation Questions for the ESL/EFL classroom. A Project of The internet TESL Journal Teacher s Guide to Using These Pages. http://iteslj.org/questions/ | |
115. Games & Activities For The ESL/EFL Classroom (I-TESL-J) iteslj.org/games Games and Activities for the English as a Second Language classroom. A Project of The internet TESL Journal. This http://iteslj.org/c/games.html | |
116. CNN - Students Track Grueling Sailboat Challenge Via Internet - May 14, 1999 CNN http://www.cnn.com/TECH/computing/9905/14/t_t/sailing.classroom/index.html | |
117. Lincoln Elementary School Staff list, school calendar, lunch menu, classroom homepages, internet field trips, curriculum, and student council page. http://www.davis.k12.ut.us/lincoln/ | |
118. CNN.com - Dispute Over Teacher Review Goes From Classroom To Courtroom - May 8, CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/LAW/05/08/teacher.internet.suit/index.html | |
119. Cro Magnon Caves Cave art in the classroom, a most creative site. http://www.internet-at-work.com/hos_mcgrane/caveart/cavemenu.html | |
120. Itsystems By Ramcon Designs, Builds And Supports Networks Designs and builds networks for businesses, provides video conference rooms, network security, web sites, training, classroom rental, and internet surveillance cameras. http://itsystems.bz | |
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