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81. Educate The Children / Teacher Zone / Classroom / Numeracy Worksheets, lesson plans, ideas, teaching strategies, reviews and internet links. http://www.educate.org.uk/teacher_zone/classroom/numeracy/index.htm | |
82. Internet Explorer 5 In The Classroom IE5 in the classroom is produced by ACT360 Media Ltd. in conjunction with Microsoft Corporation. Copyright 1999. All rights reserved. http://www.actden.com/IE5/ | |
83. Greater Essex County Computers In The Classroom Site for teacher and student research on various K12 education topics. Monthly newsletter featuring K-12 internet websites and software techniques is freely available from this site. http://www.gecdsb.on.ca/d&g/ |
84. InternetDEN Presents...IE4 In The Classroom DEN Home, with Mo Jo, Be a hip and happening teacher with internet Explorer 4.0. All rights reserved. Best viewed using Download IE4 internet Explorer 4.0, http://www.actden.com/IE4/ | |
85. Florida Traffic School, DOTS Traffic School Florida company offers classroom traffic school in Dade, Broward and Palm Beach Counties. internet and video courses are also available. http://www.dotstrafficschool.com | |
86. CAL Computer Classroom : Internet Resources internet Resources. Netiquette. EMail Conventions and Etiquette, Bemidji State University. Netiquette, Virginia Shea. Evaluating Sources. http://cal.bemidji.msus.edu/classroom/InternetResc.html | |
87. HomeworkNOW - Post Homework Assignments Online And Keep Students And Parents Con Features a system for teachers to post classroom assignments daily or weekly on the internet providing students 24 hour access. Offers a free trial period to schools then charges a small fee. http://www.homeworknow.com/ | |
88. UHM Classroom - Internet Access To access the network from a computer installed in a classroom, turn on the computer and click on the internet Explorer or Netscape icon. http://www.cis.hawaii.edu/guc/info/internetaccess.html | |
89. Alisa's Virtual Classes Includes syllabi and sample assignments for using internet in the EFL/ESL classroom. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Olympus/1877/ |
90. Internet Explorer 5 In The Classroom Online tutorial for internet Explorer 5.0. http://www.actden.com/ie5/ | |
91. Table Of Contents You ve attended an internet training session at school, navigated to a few valuable education But how do you use it to make a difference in your classroom? | |
92. LowestPriceTrafficSchool.com Florida certified traffic school offers home video, live classroom, and internet courses. http://www.lowestpricetrafficschool.com |
93. U.S. Senator Bob Bennett - Utah Official site of Bennett in the Senate, including biography, photos, accomplishments, guestbook, news, classroom for students, and directions to Washington D.C. with pictorial tour, plus information about Utah, hitech and internet issues, and constituent services. http://bennett.senate.gov | |
94. CyberBee Provides ways to integrate technology into the classroom in several subjects including math, science, social studies, and language arts. Includes curriculum ideas, internet treasure hunts, research tools, and technology links. http://www.cyberbee.com/ | |
95. Custom Courseware Development & Design - Allen Communication Provides blended eLearning solutions including strategic planning for training, virtual classroom software for broadband and internet, courseware development, and authoring design tools. http://www.mentergy.com | |
96. Index For Integrating The Internet These web pages will give tips on how you can integrate the internet into your classroom curriculum by employing one of three ways how to gather information http://www.siec.k12.in.us/~west/edu/wwwdo/ | |
97. DataStreme Atmosphere Information The American Meteorological Society offers an online course to train teachers to use the internet to as a resource to study the weather in the K-12 science classroom. http://www.ametsoc.org/dstreme/extras/dsinfo.html | |
98. Technology Brief narrative introduction with some hypertext links to learn what the internet is, why/how to use it in the classroom, and how to build a web page. http://intranet.cps.k12.il.us/Technology/ | |
99. Using The Internet In The Classroom Why Should I Use the internet in My classroom? As long as there is a purpose in having students online, I am all for the use of the internet in the classroom. http://www.iloveteaching.com/Intenetclass/ | |
100. The Open Web Project The Workshop is a computer classroom and server in the Historical Library with a highspeed connection to the internet. Representatives of local non-commercial organizations are invited to learn hypertext markup language (HTML) and mount homepages on-line free-of-charge. http://www.openweb.ru/home-eng.html | |
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