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81. Mnemosyne MIA : ICONCLASS 9 Classical Mythology And Ancient History Literature, classical mythology and Ancient History, 5929. myths about creation cosmogony, theogony, and the origin of man, 61. gods ~ classical mythology, 3074. http://www.mnemosyne.org/mia/iconclass/9/ | |
82. Classical Myth: Homepage of Greece 8.8.3. classical Myth The Ancient Sources......This site is designed to draw together the ancient texts and images available on the Web concerning the major figures of Greek and Roman mythology. Pausanias, http://web.uvic.ca/grs/bowman/myth | |
83. Bulfinch's Mythology Annotated edition of the three volume classical work of myths, legends, and romances by Thomas Bulfinch, along with his biography. http://www.bulfinch.org/ |
84. Main Menu A whois-who of classical, Norse, Gaelic and Egyptian mythology. http://www.akasha.demon.co.uk/main.htm | |
85. Internet Resources For Classical Studies Book reviews, bibliography, and language, art, culture, and mythology links for students of antiquity. From Indiana University. http://www.indiana.edu/~kglowack/internet.html |
86. Loggia | Message Boards And Discussion Forums About The Arts And Humanities Forums dedicated to the topics of art history, architecture, design, as well as classical studies including mythology and literature. http://www.loggia.com/forums.html | |
87. The Mythology Of The Constellations classical Greek and Roman myths associated with the stars and constellations. http://www.emufarm.org/~cmbell/myth/myth.html | |
88. John Woodrow Kelley Featuring paintings which represent a contemporary interpretation of Greek mythology, classical allegory, and portraiture. http://www.johnwoodrowkelley.com |
89. Bronze And Blood A screenplay suggesting an alternative mythology for classical europe in which FarieFolk and men co-existed. http://www.angelfire.com/home/talespinner7/ | |
90. The Stabbing Cat Home of a RuneQuest campaign located on Griffin Island. It is a mixture of the classical world of RuneQuest, Glorantha, and some of the Tolkien mythology. http://www.msu.edu/user/moulinfr/RuneQuest.html | |
91. Drake, Michael classical, Baroque, and Renaissance style painting in contemporary America. Romantic Greek mythology. Some painting lessons. http://www.artinfocus.com | |
92. The Naiades A description of the nymphs of fresh water from classical Greek mythology. http://www.bulfinch.org/fables/naiades.html |
93. Mythology Brief sections on classical, Norse and Egyptian myths. http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0900731.html | |
94. The Junior Classical League - Covenant Day School Links for ancient mythology and learning Latin, as well as calendar of JCL activities and rules. http://cdsjcl.f2g.net/ | |
95. David Ligare: Post-Modern, Neo-Classic American Artist American artist who paints in a neoclassical mode using narrative and mythology in a historically informed body of work. Images, essay, biography, and bibliography. http://www.davidligare.com/ | |
96. Index Official site of the Louisiana JCL. Includes news, upcoming events, JCL Handbook and stories from Greek and Roman mythology. http://www.geocities.com/louisianajcl | |
97. Untitled Document Serves primary, secondary, and postsecondary educators in the fields of classical Greek and Roman language and literature, culture, history, and mythology in Colorado. Newsletter, pedagogical tools, background, and links offered online. http://www2.coloradocollege.edu/Dept/CL/CCA/ | |
98. Mythology Chair of classical Philology, TU. mythology. See the new page. The Encyclopedia Mythica site not available, 04.12.2001. http://www.ut.ee/klassik/web/myth.html | |
99. Classical Myth: Info: Time Line Bacchylides, 5th 6th century? High classical Period (480-323 BC). Roman overseas expansion begins in 208 BC; Hellenization of Roman myth religion. http://web.uvic.ca/grs/bowman/myth/info/timeline.html | |
100. The Trojan War Myth In Ancient Art Sites. Mycenae, Home of Agamemnon; Pylos, Home of Nestor. This page has been recognized by StudyWeb Return to Temple mythology Directory. http://www.temple.edu/classics/troyimages.html | |
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