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81. PSU Comp Lit - Faculty @ University Park Fields of specialization Modern and classical Japanese literature forms of historical narrative; medieval and modern and twentieth century European litÂerature http://complit.la.psu.edu/faculty.htm |
82. Class-Related Guides For Library Instruction is a collection of links to medieval, Renaissance, and the University System of Georgia of free classical poetry TS Eliot http//www.poets.org/lit/poet/tselifst http://library.csumb.edu/instruction/classes/hcom427.php | |
83. Comparative Literature At UGA The literatures of medieval Europe with emphasis on major Oasis title AFRICAN lit II. litERARY CRIT I. literary criticism from classical Antiquity through the http://www.uga.edu/~cml/courses/graduate.html | |
84. New Page 1 medieval Renaissance Studies 110 medieval Renaissance Seminar in Feminist Rhetoric; 306 classical Rhetoric. Sagas and Mystics; 272 (=lit 272) Modern http://germanrussian.wlu.edu/german_course_listings.htm | |
85. Lindex REF 809 CLA, CMLC, classical and medieval literature Criticism, 1. REF 809.9 lit, literature and its times, 15 Supplment I 2 v.. http://www.northstar.k12.ak.us/schools/lth/departments/lib/lindex.html | |
86. Research Guide, Evelyn S. Field Library, Raritan Valley Community College, NJ Ancient Writers, Ref PA3002 .A51982. classical and medieval literary Criticism, Ref PN681.5 .C57. D.Messerli. Southern lit J 61941 Spr 74. http://library.raritanval.edu/SubjectGuides/literary_criticism.html | |
87. Thematicl Course Descriptions ENG 201B001 Types of lit/Novel (Psychological Novel fantasy, from its roots in classical mythology to hierarchy, and British nationalism in medieval and early http://www.enmu.edu/academics/undergrad/colleges/las/lang-lit/english/coursetopi | |
88. Introduction To Graduate Studies In English & Comp Lit Studies in English Comp lit Bibliography Prepared for English 410/Comp lit 411 by medieval studies a bibliographical guide. The Oxford classical dictionary. http://www.library.northwestern.edu/reference/instructional_services/electronic_ |
89. On-Line Literary Resources ACCESS http//www.english.upenn.edu/~jlynch/lit/. page into sixteen subject areas of literature, from classical and Biblical, medieval, and Renaissance http://www.bowdoin.edu/~samato/IRA/reviews/issues/may96/english.html | |
90. Research By Subject: English Language Literature Citation Guide Subject specific Links Links to online of Literary Biography, Contemporary Literary Criticism, classical and medieval Literature Criticism http://www.library.arizona.edu/library/teams/fah/subpathpages/eal/ | |
91. VoS - Voice Of The Shuttle General English lit. of resources for English, Romancelanguage, and classical language and includes exhibit on Chaucer s Canterbury Tales medieval Modern http://vos.ucsb.edu/browse.asp?id=2745 |
92. Fall Academic Term 2003 Course Guide - Classical Civilization (Classical Studies Firstyear Seminar in classical Civilization (Humanities). will read about Alexander in selections from two ancient lives, a medieval romance-legend Foreign lit. http://www.lsa.umich.edu/saa/publications/courseguide/fall/archive/fall03cg/344. |
93. MEDIEVAL LANGUAGE AND LIT JANUARY 1996 http://www.cyberus.ca/~rrknott/medlit.html.html | |
94. Lit Study Links http//andromeda.rutgers.edu/~jlynch/lit/ literary Resources on the peachnet.edu/~shale/humanities/literautre/worldliterature/classical.html Greek ÃMedieval. http://www.guthrie.k12.ok.us/~dchapman/lit_study_links.htm | |
95. English - Syracuse University Library resources into sixteen broad categories eg, classical Biblical, medieval (and other http://libwww.syr.edu/research/internet/english/metasites.htm | |
96. English 2332 World Lit I Fall Semester Syllabus http://iws.ccccd.edu/jmiller/English_2332_World_Lit_I_Fall Semester Syllabus.htm | |
97. Lit Lang http://www.students.ucr.edu/9596Catalog/LitLang2.html | |
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