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21. Lit.Org - Writers Resources, Epublishing, Zines, Stories, Authors, Interviews, C lit.Org s Bookstore Book reviews and information second is Earth Science and Astronomy (medieval times), the you need some guidance on classical studies, and http://www.lit.org/bookstore/item/0393059278/The-Well-Trained-Mind:-A-Guide-to-C | |
22. Elemlit Library a great listing of high school age lit. British authors, E-text Archives, medieval ( Anglo The classical Myth The Ancient Sources, Mythology and http://www.kenton.k12.ky.us/TR/hslit.html | |
23. Medieval Drama Links (PSim 2.1) Antaeus Los Angeles classical theatre company Arts literature Drama medieval specific Works Open http//andromeda.rutgers.edu/~jlynch/lit/medieval.html http://jerz.setonhill.edu/resources/PSim/links.htm | |
24. Hillsborough High School Library Media Center of quotations and some subjectspecific titles to Barnes and Noble Gale s lit Central - Use Comprehensive site of classical, medieval, renaissance, Elizabethan http://www.hillsborough.k12.nj.us/hhs/tempx/English.htm | |
25. IPL Online Literary Criticism Guide endeavor.med.nyu.edu/litmed/lit-med-db sites on literary periods from medieval through contemporary pre-20th century authors, including some classical Roman and http://www.aug.edu/gkeesee/Online.Lit.Crit.Guide.htm | |
26. C.W. Post Library Reference Literary Criticism classical and medieval Literature Criticism (CMLC) PN681.5.C57; Nineteenth For criticism of specific literary forms consult Drama Criticism (DC) PN1601.D59; http://www.liu.edu/cwis/cwp/library/ref/lit.htm | |
27. HSS Courses : Humanities : Humanities essential characteristics of various ancient and medieval societies and of the rediscovery of preclassical antiquity during Hum/lit 6. Major American authors. http://www.hss.caltech.edu/courses_a/humanities/humanities | |
28. PSU Comp Lit - Grad School Admission of Arthur from their beginnings in early medieval Europe to of classical texts, as well as classical and modern education in the context of a specific body of http://complit.la.psu.edu/UGRD/Ugrdcor.htm |
29. LITERARY CRITICISM: Poetry Research Guide Works of World authors from classical Antiquity through major European writers from the medieval times to http//andromeda.rutgers.edu/~jlynch/lit A collection http://library.ucf.edu/Reference/Guides/PoetryCriticism.htm | |
30. Spring 2003 Graduate Course Description Booklet ENGL 840 classical DRAMA. First Nations literatures in English within the specific context of ENGL 862 - SURVEY OF medieval lit Ideas of Ethnicity in http://www.unl.edu/english/html/CDgrS03.html | |
31. UMKC Libs: Guide To Literature Reference guides to specific literary genres. any subject in world literature, including classical, medieval, and ethnic (andromeda.rutgers.edu/~jlynch/lit/). http://www.umkc.edu/lib/Instruction/MNLsubjguides/literature.htm | |
32. Archives lit. Great Books Home Page allows you to make selections by authors, periods (antiquity, medieval, renaissance, baroque, classical, romantic, and http://vms.cc.wmich.edu/~careywebb/archives.html | |
33. European Literature - Electronic Texts Italiana; romanzieri.com is a large collection of ebooks formatted to be read with Microsoft Reader (.lit). classical Texts. medieval and Renaissance Texts. http://www.lib.virginia.edu/wess/etexts.html | |
34. Course Design Template the 21st century, so many classical pieces of jlynch/lit/medieval.html More medieval period resources http//andromeda.rutgers.edu/~jlynch/lit/romantic.html http://uahs.upper-arlington.k12.oh.us/classfiles/class720-3/ortman_britlit.html |
35. Other Resources literary Resources on the Net http//andromeda.rutgers.edu/~jlynch/lit/ Subjects include classical Biblical, medieval, Renaissance, EighteenthCentury http://ccbit.cs.umass.edu/SchoolofEducation/Preservice/standardsconnector/tchrre | |
36. Internet Resources endeavor.med.nyu.edu/litmed/lit-med-db/topview.html; IPL - Native of some of the most important literary works of classical and medieval civilization. |
37. English And Comparative Literature Department CPLT 315 classical Mythology in World literature Spring 2004 , Summer 2004 writers and works from the ancient through the medieval world. (Same as Comp lit 355T http://www.fullerton.edu/catalog/academic_departments/engl.asp | |
38. Literature, Reading, Books A site dedicated to rediscovering classical literature and those interested in the study of medieval and Renaissance litO-Box literature and creative writing http://www.floridasmart.com/subjects/langarts_literature.htm | |
39. UG Courses-LIT This course explores both early European (classical and medieval Love, Violence and Religion in medieval literature (3 lit 450 Seminar in American literature (3 http://www.snhu.edu/Home_Page/Academics/UG_Course_Descriptions/UG_Courses_LIT.ht | |
40. Resources For Academics corpus should get you started with medieval Irish texts provides information on women in the classical period Black is a great resource for AfricanAmerican lit. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Troy/5187/resources.html | |
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