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1. Modern & Classical Lang & Lit Courses Department of Modern classical Languages and Literatures application to the specific cycles of myths from medieval times to current literary trends, focusing on major authors and http://www.spc.edu/departments/mod_lang/courses.shtml | |
2. VoS - Voice Of The Shuttle AngloSaxon medieval lit. . authors, Works, Projects The Online medieval and classical Library (OMACL) (Douglas Criticism ( for specific criticism, see under individual authors http://vos.ucsb.edu/browse.asp?id=2740 |
3. Literature Resources Internet Collections Devoted to specific authors or Works. classical, medieval, and Renaissance literature Texts, andromeda.rutgers.edu/~jlynch/18th/lit.html. http://www.cac.cc.az.us/smc/library/lit.htm | |
4. VoS - Voice Of The Shuttle AngloSaxon medieval lit. . authors, Works, Projects The Online medieval and classical Library (OMACL) (Douglas Criticism ( for specific criticism, see under individual authors http://vos.ucsb.edu/browse-netscape.asp?id=2740 |
5. Literature Library collection of works from medieval and classical civilization. medieval (Old and Middle English) - links from Voice of the specific authors AND WORKS. http://library.uwa.edu/Resources/Lit.htm |
6. WPL AUTHOR CATALOGS authors of classical literature. authors of medieval literature. authors of EW King Library lit Subject Guide English Writers listing of authors, or search specific categories http://www.waterborolibrary.org/authors.htm | |
7. Literature & Reading Resources: Web Catalogs period, including specific authors as well medieval, classical, baroque, neoclassical, romantic, postromantic, literature of the 20th century, current lit). Also a separate authors http://www.waterborolibrary.org/books.htm | |
8. English 2332 World Lit I Summer Syllabus the literature of the classical, medieval, and Renaissance identify/discuss terms, characters, authors, and excerpted More specific to this course, any paper http://iws.ccccd.edu/jmiller/English 2332 World Lit I Summer Syllabus.htm | |
9. Literature Literature Online (LION) Search Knowledge Notes to find critical overviews of specific works by major authors classical and medieval Literature Criticism http://www.library.drexel.edu/research/guides/pdfs/lit.html | |
10. Linking Library: Literature: Links To Literature Sites. online literary publications, Web pages devoted to specific authors, and other resources. Categories classical Biblical medieval Renaissance Eighteenth http://www.theorderoftime.com/cyber/to/l-file/lit.general.html | |
11. American, British, Canadian & World Literature, Authors, Timelines & Resources collection running the gamut from classical/Biblical to Index Selected resources from medieval to modern Spanish, plus links to specific authors, courtesy of http://www.chiff.com/art/literature/world.htm | |
12. American And English Literature Internet Resources criticisms on authors and specific periods, text following Biblical, classical, medieval, Renaissance, Restoration, 18th books and authors, medieval english literature, anglo http://library.scsu.ctstateu.edu/litbib.html | |
13. UNT English Dept / PhD Reading List: Renaissance Or Early Modern British Lit of Regular English Drama from its classical and medieval backgrounds and about comedy, historical (or political I and the Politics of Literature, 1983. On specific authors. Spenser http://www.engl.unt.edu/phd/British_Renaissance.htm | |
14. The Medieval Problem Of Universals customary to classify medieval authors as being realists, conceptualists discuss how the specific medieval questions concerning universals certain way and lit up by that intelligible http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/universals-medieval | |
15. Literary Resources -- Renaissance (Lynch) Usenet newsgroup humanities.lit.authors.shakespeare A good form for A few dozen links on medieval and Renaissance to the terms of classical and Renaissance http://andromeda.rutgers.edu/~jlynch/Lit/ren.html | |
16. English CALL Courses they encountered in Literature and Art Survey 1 classical, medieval/renaissance, enlightenment 603941-DW Literary Translation specific authors In this course http://www.dawsoncollege.qc.ca/departments/core/english/cour_call.php | |
17. Something Specific literary Resources Twentieth-Century British and Irish lit. The Online medieval and classical Library @ Berkeley On-line Reference Book for medieval Studies. http://www.colorado.edu/English/mispag/Web_Pages/specific.html | |
18. Wheaton College (Wheaton, IL) - English Amsterdam NorthHolland Publishing Co., 1974. Ranging from medieval and classical to modern, this It also cites use by specific authors. Whittick, Arnold. http://www.wheaton.edu/english/resources/medieval/general.htm | |
19. English Literature Program At Pitt the Net search by category (classical, medieval, Renaissance, Romantic course syllabi, and authorspecific sites rutgers.edu/~jlynch/lit/ Representative Poetry http://www.pitt.edu/~englit/researchlinks.htm | |
20. Metropolitan State U: College Of Arts And Sciences - Literature And Language: En classical World Greece; Hum 312 The classical World Rome; Hum 313 medieval Civilization; Hum 314 The Renaissance; met by particular sections of lit 390 authors http://www.metrostate.edu/cas/literature/major.html | |
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