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21. Mellon Center: Directory - General Education GRS 309, ART 309, classical Greek Art and Architecture, The HUM 370, Ancient Comedyand Humor, literature, None, lit, HIST 120, Ancient and medieval West, Cultural and http://www.iwu.edu/melloncenter/directory/gen_ed/approved/master_list.html | |
22. Languages & Literature Indexes In Book Form - UTEP Library classical medieval literature Criticism, Reference lit. Crit. Drama Criticism, Referencelit. Crit. Essay and general literature Index, Reference Index AI3.E755. http://libraryweb.utep.edu/ref/print-lit.html | |
23. Language And Literature: Literature general Sites African Literature classical Literature English Literature Latin Literature medieval Literature Russian Metasites and general Sites. http://www.vpl.ca/branches/LibrarySquare/lit/literature.html | |
24. General Education Western Civilization Courses CL C 3413 Hebrew Civilization. CL C 3613 classical Influence on Modern lit. LTRS3023 classical Italy and Umbria. MRS 3013 medieval literature in Translation. http://www.ou.edu/admrec/humwciv.htm | |
25. GenEd Course Listing PHYSICS, 151, general Physics I. PHYSICS, 152, general Physics II. HS, HISTORY,131, Middle East Hist II. AL, JAPANESE, 143, litclassical medieval. http://www.umass.edu/registrar/html/gened_course_listing.html | |
26. Modern & Classical Lang & Lit Courses of the growth of French literature from medieval times to French majors and for thosewith general interest in the comedy of manners to French classical tragedy http://www.spc.edu/departments/mod_lang/courses.shtml | |
27. Cultural And Historical Perspectives: Continuing General Education Program lit in Translation I A EAC 211L Survey of classical Chinese lit in Translation andSocieties of Asia II A HIS 235 Early and medieval Christianity A http://www.albany.edu/gened/ch.html | |
28. General Literary Resources general Literary Resources. Ancient Greece Rome (MIT s Tech ClassicsArchive); medieval classical Library (UC Berkeley); http://www.library.cornell.edu/olinuris/ref/lit/general.html | |
29. English Literature Program At Pitt on the Net search by category (classical, medieval, Renaissance, Romantic to a listof general webpages, course rutgers.edu/~jlynch/lit/ Representative Poetry http://www.pitt.edu/~englit/researchlinks.htm | |
30. IDEA Directions - Office Of The Provost - Azusa Pacific University Ancient Near Eastern Languages lit., general Classics and classical Languages literatures Greek Language lit. (Ancient medieval) Latin language lit http://www.apu.edu/provost/facultyevaluations/ideainfo/codes/extended/ | |
31. Linking Library: Literature: Links To Literature Sites. Categories classical Biblical medieval Renaissance Eighteenth http://www.theorderoftime.com/cyber/to/l-file/lit.general.html | |
32. State University Of New York College At Cortland BIO 312. BIO 25. general Ecology. BIO 412 (4 CREDITS). BIO 30. ENG 308. ENG 7.lit of the Western World  classical, medieval, Renaissance. ENG 220. ENG 8. http://www.cortland.edu/Admissions/Associate Dean/html/Long Island Univ.htm | |
33. CPL Literature Under general Resources there s find links to web pages on various topics good forEnglishlanguage literature and for classical and medieval literature. http://www.chipublib.org/008subject/008literature/lit.html | |
34. Miami University: Documents And Policies: General Bulletin 423/523 classical French Theatre of the 17th and 18th Centuries (3 CASB-lit. 444/544Seminar in medieval French Studies (3) Focuses on current criticism in the http://www.miami.muohio.edu/documents_and_policies/bulletin04/courses/fre.cfm | |
35. American And English Literature Internet Resources Electronic Texts. general Literature Sources. American Literature general Resources. American Literature following Biblical, classical, medieval, Renaissance, Restoration, 18th http://library.scsu.ctstateu.edu/litbib.html | |
36. English And Comparative Literature Department CPLT 315 classical Mythology in World literature Spring 2004 , Summer 2004 writersand works from the ancient through the medieval world. Same as Comp lit 110). http://www.fullerton.edu/catalog/academic_departments/engl.asp | |
37. Medieval Littera medieval http//andromeda.rutgers.edu/~jlynch/lit/medieval.html This of the mostimportant literary works of classical and medieval civilization. The http://www.kn.pacbell.com/wired/fil/pages/listmedievalki.html | |
38. Medieval Studies of the Spanish Language 446 Love in medieval Spanish lit. at the discretion of themedieval Studies Advisors Dr.LL Neuru Department of classical Studies (519) 888 http://www.arts.uwaterloo.ca/CLASS/new-med.htm | |
39. European Literature - Electronic Texts Italiana; romanzieri.com is a large collection of ebooks formatted to be readwith Microsoft Reader (.lit). classical Texts. medieval and Renaissance Texts. http://www.lib.virginia.edu/wess/etexts.html | |
40. Grover Furr's Medieval History And Literature Page Welcome to my page of medieval links on the WorldWide Web is more manageable, with The general Prolog, the Miller's Tale, the Nun's The Online medieval and classical Library (OMACL http://www.chss.montclair.edu/english/furr/medieval.html | |
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