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Home - Basic_C - Classical Medieval Lit General |
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1. Literary Resources -- Medieval (Lynch) Voice of the Shuttle medieval; Course Syllabi; general The Labyrinth of the mostimportant literary works of classical and medieval civilization. Dozens http://andromeda.rutgers.edu/~jlynch/Lit/medieval.html | |
2. VoS - Voice Of The Shuttle general Resources in AngloSaxon medieval lit. The Online medieval and classical Library (OMACL) (Douglas B http://vos.ucsb.edu/browse.asp?id=2740 |
3. Women In The Middle Ages--in Med. Lit. complement the medieval and medieval women episodes of The Online medieval classical Library from Berkeley Rochester by medieval Institute Publications " general Editor Russell http://www.uh.edu/engines/medievalwomen/wmalit.htm | |
4. Medieval Academic Discussion Groups medieval ACADEMIC DISCUSSION GROUPS. by Edwin Duncan. Here is a listing of medieval academic discussion groups you may want to join along with the addresses of the listservers that carry them. listserv.uic.edu Chaucer and medieval lit. DEREMIL listserv L majordomo@brynmawr.edu medieval classical Book Reviews BYZANS-L the one of most general interest would be the first http://www.towson.edu/~duncan/acalists.html | |
5. Ancient Literature Film Study Movies. Foreign literature. general Resources. Government Documents Bibliotheca Latina. classical Greek lit. classical/medieval Hist. Duke Papyrus Collection http://library.uml.edu/home/e-anclit.htm | |
6. VoS - Voice Of The Shuttle AngloSaxon medieval general Resources in Anglo-Saxon medieval lit. Suggesta Link. The Online medieval and classical Library (OMACL) (Douglas B http://vos.ucsb.edu/browse.asp?id=1164 |
7. Lit A set of links to general poetry resources on the Internet, including poetry, criticismand biography. The Online medieval and classical Library (DL SunSITE http://www.mchs.mariposa.k12.ca.us/library/hs-english.htm | |
8. PROLEGAMENA NUC Phonebooks World Guide To Libraries MLA Directory Encyclopedias Book Reviews  Index Table 2. Essay and general literature Index. Symbols AZ. PN671 .F5 medieval romance writers; classical medieval lit. crit. http://www.lib.virginia.edu/subjects/English/guides/prolegomena.htm | |
9. English 2332 World Lit I Fall Semester Syllabus The works listed below are chosen for their general representation of the and characteristicsof the literature of the classical, medieval, and Renaissance http://iws.ccccd.edu/jmiller/English_2332_World_Lit_I_Fall Semester Syllabus.htm | |
10. Classical Directory The classical Music Email List Directory. New things classical Email Directory Guestbook! Regular users of this page will know that I have been absolutely pathetic about updating sites. composers, as well as baroque and early classical music in general KEYBlit-L mail majordomo@earth.colstate.edu with into any aspect of medieval and Renaissance Music to exchange http://www.netaxs.com/~jgreshes/lists/cd.html | |
11. French Middle Ages Literature Page Translate this page general, Category and Multi-Work Literature Sites. NOUVELLES CUENTOS SHORT STORIESLES ORIGINES medievalES Online medieval and classical Library download http://globegate.utm.edu/french/lit/middle.ages.html | |
12. University Registrar: General Education Curriculum Fall 2004 GREEK AND ROMAN VALUES CLSC 306 THE classical TRADITION HIST NOVELS ENGL 226 LOVE WAR IN medieval lit ENGL 227 RELG 342 JOHN IN EARLY CHRISTIAN lit THTR 325 http://oncampus.richmond.edu/academics/registrar/policy/gened_fa04.html | |
13. UCI Global Cultures General Approved Courses List Class 170, Topics in classical Civilization. Ital 140ABC, Readings in medieval andRenaissance literature Port 120A, Portuguese lit of the Middles Ages and the http://www.humanities.uci.edu/global_cultures/genapprcrs.html | |
14. General Education HUM 2230 Historical Survey 11 3. HUM 3214 Early Civil the classical World 3. HUM3217 JudeoChristian medieval Cultures 3. lit 2110 Intro to literature 1 3. http://www.opifex.cnchost.com/phil/philrel/gened.htm | |
15. Literature Minor - The University Of Texas At Dallas - Office Of Undergraduate S general education core course. Readings may be drawn from classical, medieval, andmodern literature, and lit 3311 The literature of Fantasy (3 semester hours http://www.utdallas.edu/dept/ugraddean/minorshuma-lit.shtml | |
16. UTD Undergraduate Catalog - LIT Course Descriptions general Courses. Readings may be drawn from classical, medieval, and modern literature,and works may include The Iliad, Song of Roland, and 30) T lit 3311 The http://www.utdallas.edu/student/catalog/undergrad02/ugprograms/lit.html | |
17. FSU 97 / 98 General Bulletin Caribbean Studies; Women s Studies; or classical studies, medieval studies, Renaissance HistoryGeneral HUM Humanities lit - literature Undergraduate http://registrar.fsu.edu/Webtest/gen_prog38.htm | |
18. FSU 2004-2005 General Bulletin and Middle East Studies; Black Studies; Latin American and Caribbean Studies; WomenÂsStudies; or classical studies, medieval studies, Renaissance lit. http://registrar.fsu.edu/bulletin/undergrad/depts/humanities.htm | |
19. General Education Requirements their advisors about selecting the general education courses CLCV 131, classical Archaeology,Greece Formerly CLCIV 131, CWL 253, medieval lit and Culture Same as http://courses.uiuc.edu/cis/gened/urbana/2004/Fall/HUM.html | |
20. Mellon Center: Directory - General Education FREN 407, medieval and Renaissance literature, literature, GER 488, Modern Germanliterature, literature, None, lit, GRS 277, classical literature in TranslationGreek http://www.iwu.edu/melloncenter/directory/gen_ed/approved/lit_list.html | |
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