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Classical Medieval Authors Specific: more detail | ||||||
81. UMKC Libs: Guide To Medieval Studies Finally, materials relevant to the study of the work of a specific author or of a literary or artistic genre classical and medieval Literature Criticism, http://www.umkc.edu/lib/Instruction/MNLsubjguides/medieval.htm | |
82. Humanities Sources : Maxwell Library : Bridgewater State College to over 1300 websites dealing with authors and their Original essays and bibliographies on medieval topics. Perseus Database classical Studies The main page http://www.bridgew.edu/Library/humanit.cfm | |
83. Literary Criticism classical and medieval Literature Criticism (CMLC Hispanic Literature Criticism (HLC) Ref PQ7081.A1 H573 Hispanic authors of late 19th and 20th centuries. http://bullpup.lib.unca.edu/library/rr/litcrit.html | |
84. The Function Of The Adam And Eve Traditions 2.1 The Database contains 531 records to date, which is most authors of published works in classical and medieval Armenian. http://micro5.mscc.huji.ac.il/~armenia/Adam.html | |
85. Classical Studies Research Guide Currently there are some 3,500 authors and 11,000 fulltext sources from the ancient to the medieval world Alcuin for issues of gender in the classical world. http://www.library.yorku.ca/rg/sm/classics.jsp?style=inline |
86. BU Libraries | Research Guide | Core Literature Resources On The Internet Anthology of English poetry, from medieval to early effort to make texts of classical Japanese literature Other sites provide information about authors in a http://www.bu.edu/library/guides/liternet.html | |
87. Byzantine And Medieval Studies Links Byzantine medieval Studies Sites. Byzantine Top Sites. General Byzantine. City specific Sites. Technical Sites. Music. Related Regions. Miscellaneous. Departments. Course Materials. Byzantine Art http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/medweb | |
88. Medieval Music Locationhttp//www.classical.net/music/comp.lst/vitry look up a particular treatise or author, go to. paintings, treatises and scores from late medieval to the http://www.providence.edu/dwc/medmus.htm | |
89. New Page 1 Page 15,000 quotations by author and subject. Mythology - classical Mythology - Oxford classical Mythology with life in the Middle Ages medieval Religion - an http://wolibrary.esuhsd.org/english.htm | |
90. Traditio Classicorum The term classical has in a few cases understood in that some references are included to medieval and Renaissance after the name of the author concerned) and http://www.uni-freiburg.de/theologie/forsch/lohr/lohr-ch4.htm | |
91. CSU Libraries: Medieval History of the most important literary works of classical and medieval No directly identifiable author. of many types of clothing General medieval Costume; Women s http://lib.colostate.edu/research/history/medievalhist.html | |
92. Author Criticism And Biography, UM Libraries database will identify the volumes and page numbers in the Series which include entries on your author and/or classical and medieval Literature Criticism http://www.lib.umd.edu/MCK/GUIDES/author_criticism.html | |
93. PALATINE Directory: Classical Theatre into several clear sections classical, medieval and renaissance to find theatre resources on classical drama, for The author, Jack Wolcott (retired) is linked http://www.palatine.org.uk/directory/index.php/Drama/HistoryOfTheatre/class/ | |
94. Classical -- Encyclopædia Britannica the most important literary works of classical and medieval civilization. Includes classical and medieval works organized by author, title, and http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=124403&tocid=0&query=dmitry kabalevsky |
95. Literature Literature Resource Center After searching by author name, click on the tab called Literary Criticism, Articles classical and medieval Literature Criticism http://www.library.drexel.edu/research/guides/pdfs/lit.html | |
96. RSLP Palaeography - Related Resources AWARDS, GRANTS, FELLOWSHIPS, AND SCHOLARSHIPS. AUTHOR specific WEB SITES; ARTICLES AND PAPERS. medieval Academic Discussion Groups. http://www.ull.ac.uk/palaeography/links.htm | |
97. 3ngl4385syb author we have discussed in class OR a carefully chosen author whose work Dickinson Much Madness is Divinest Sense Th 24 classical and medieval images of http://www.westga.edu/~lcrafton/engl4385syb_00.html |
98. Medieval Studies has entries arranged chronologically by subject, with separate author index some of the most important literary works of classical and medieval civilization http://www.mtangel.edu/library/subject/medieval.html | |
99. IPL General/Reference Collection: Classical Ages through the 20th Century. Author Charles K HumanitiesFine ArtsMusic Keywords medieval; Renaissance; Baroque; classical Period; Romantic http://www.ipl.org.ar/ref/RR/static/ent55.30.15.html | |
100. C.W. Post Library Reference Literary Criticism classical and medieval Literature Criticism plot summaries in Masterplots but also a series of books giving critical overviews of an author s style and http://www.liu.edu/cwis/cwp/library/ref/lit.htm | |
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