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Classical Medieval Authors Specific: more detail | ||||||
41. Literary Terms And Definitions U challenging in the case of anonymous medieval authors when we centuries after the days of classical Greece, and are so removed from the original author, it may http://web.cn.edu/kwheeler/lit_terms_U.html | |
42. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2004.01.01 value of thinking of an author s career as a convinced, however, of the specific merits of principle of periodization from classical, medieval, and Renaissance http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/bmcr/2004/2004-01-01.html | |
43. Classics Links -- Virgil.org translations from the classical and medieval periods Resources for Classicists Links to classical resources, texts as well as K12), author-specific sites, fonts http://virgil.org/links/classics.htm | |
44. Classical as Ancient Writers and classical and medieval Literature Criticism Greek and Latin authors, 800 BCAD 1000 REF Who s Who in the classical World A dictionary of http://www.lib.pdx.edu/resources/pathfinders/classical.html | |
45. Literature Resources@Web English Teacher if it s related to Europe s medieval Age, it s A searchable collection of classical literature, this of American literature and authorspecific information. http://www.webenglishteacher.com/litgeneral.html | |
46. Chatham Hall - Library: Foreign Languages American classical League. publications, bibliographies, image collections, authorspecific sites, and e University s omni-site for medieval Studies; includes http://www.chathamhall.com/librarylanguages | |
47. Something Specific One of the best collections of author pages on the web. The Online medieval and classical Library @ Berkeley (DL SunSITE). http://www.colorado.edu/English/mispag/Web_Pages/specific.html | |
48. EALC Boulder  Graduate Courses variations in texts of the classical, medieval, and early JPNS 5210 classical Prose Literature A close study of selected prose works and authors from the http://www.colorado.edu/ealc/crs-grad.html | |
49. Online Texts some of the most important literary works of classical and medieval civilization; some 250 links to Renaissance literature and other periods and authors. http://faculty.frostburg.edu/engl/gartner/online.htm | |
50. Gateways a gateway to online resources, with subjectspecific catalogues. access to web sites on classical, medieval, 16th to full-text literary works by author or work http://library.uce.ac.uk/englgate.htm | |
51. European Literature - Electronic Texts Temporarily unavailable. Individual authors. Latin Literature. classical Texts. Classics Etexts List of text collections. medieval and Renaissance Texts. http://www.lib.virginia.edu/wess/etexts.html | |
52. Asian Folklore Studies : Classical And Medieval Literature Criticism Volume 26: $166.75; ISBN 07876-2405-5. The Gale series classical and medieval Literature Criticism offers useful information about works written by authors who died http://static.highbeam.com/a/asianfolklorestudies/september012000/classicalandme | |
53. CSU Libraries: Literary Authors World classical and medieval Literature Criticism Excerpts from Works of World authors from classical Antiquity through Each volume has authors from a particular http://lib.colostate.edu/howto/bioworld.html | |
54. Ancient & Medieval Studies - Collections editions of the works of individual authors have, for text sets in the Ancient medieval Studies Reading Room, such as the Loeb classical Library, has http://www.columbia.edu/cu/lweb/indiv/manc/about.html | |
55. Classics Internet Resources pages, bibliographies (general and author specific), images, e irrelevant to ancient and medieval interests of general interest to classical scholars, including http://www.marshall.edu/classical-studies/net.htm | |
56. Classical Antiquities Resources: The Gateway and extensive information about 50 Greek authors from Aeschines sites on the ancient and medieval worlds, as classical Mythology Online WWW Companion site to http://www.lib.ohio-state.edu/gateway/bib/classical.html | |
57. University Of Liverpool Library Subject Pages - Internet Resources (2) For Class Search of the Ancient and medieval Internet (University an article from New England classical Journal , vol Etext archives; Author specific websites; Software http://www.liv.ac.uk/Library/subjects/arts/classics/classicsintres2.html | |
58. BUBL LINK: 780.9 Music Of Specific Areas material covering all aspects of classical music in composers in France from the medieval period to Author Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres Subjects french http://link.bubl.ac.uk/ISC10092 | |
59. Classics Internet Metasites of works by classical authors, and reproductions under the following categories classical search engines Pages; Indices; Journals; medieval; Modern Literature http://www.library.mun.ca/internet/subjects/classics.php | |
60. Research Guide: Classical Literature classical and medieval Literature Criticism (CMLC) (see entry on Language Series (see essay on classical and Roman TO FIND WORKS WRITTEN BY A specific AUTHOR http://www.wcsu.edu/library/gd_classical_lit.html | |
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