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Classical Medieval Authors Specific: more detail | ||||
1. Classical Greek & Latin electronic journals, texts of classical authors, author specific web sites Art Archaeology, classical Mythology,; This section of the medieval site includes http://www.library.rochester.edu/index.cfm?PAGE=147 |
2. VoS - Voice Of The Shuttle The Online medieval and classical Library (OMACL) (Douglas B Criticism ( for specific criticism, see under individual authors) James L. Matterer, "medieval Botanica Mythical Plants http://vos.ucsb.edu/browse.asp?id=2740 |
3. Byzantine And Medieval Web Links points for medieval studies. Ancient and classical links, except Full texts of many classical authors. American University isolation, fortification and specific protection granted by http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/medweb/links.htm | |
4. Humanities: Medieval Studies Linguistics Bibliographies Manuscripts specific authors Works Resources by Discipline Old English Poetry ( Labyrinth) Online medieval classical Library ( UC Berkeley http://www.wcsu.ctstateu.edu/library/h_medieval_studies.html |
5. Subject: Curricular Resources In Literature & Books to literary resources in 16 categories, including classical, medieval, Romantic, Theatre or genres, Internet collections devoted to specific authors or works http://www.cln.org/subjects/lit_cur.html | |
6. NM's Creative Impulse..Medieval authors are held to high standards of accuracy, currency, and relevance to the field of medieval studies. Orders of Chivalry British information history and specific classical Music medieval http://history.evansville.net/medieval.html | |
7. Classical Studies (humanities.classics) FAQ classical Studies (humanities.classics) FAQ. There are reader questions on this topic! Help others by sharing your knowledge. From alderson@netcom2.netcom.com (Richard M. This should make searching for a specific section easy 1.5 What are the famous classical authors? 1.6 How do I Latin 2.4.1 classical 2.4.2 medieval 2.4.3 Specialised http://www.faqs.org/faqs/classics-faq | |
8. BCPL Virtual Library -- Literature Center From the Internet Public Library; find criticism for authors, specific works or specific literary periods. Online medieval and classical Library Full text http://reference.bensenville.lib.il.us/literature/ | |
9. Bates College Catalog: Classical And Medieval Studies authors include Homer, Hesiod, Archilochus, Semonides, Aristophanes, Menander, Terence, Horace, Seneca, and Petronius. Recommended background classical and medieval on specific subjects http://www.bates.edu/catalog/CMS.html | |
10. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2002.09.39 Bryn Mawr classical Review 2002.09.39. chronicler, although operating within the specific literary genre as a source by later medieval authors requires further http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/bmcr/2002/2002-09-39.html | |
11. Literature Library collection of works from medieval and classical civilization. medieval (Old and Middle English) - links from Voice of the specific authors AND WORKS. http://library.uwa.edu/Resources/Lit.htm |
12. Using The UCF Library For Literary Criticism Finding Critical Opinion About authors/specific Works. classical and medieval Literature Criticism, REF PN61O.C53. Contemporary Literary http://www.uwc.ucf.edu/Writing Resources/Handouts/UCFlibrary_litcrit.htm | |
13. Cornucopia Home -- Cornell Medieval Studies medieval writers embraced classical myths, variously refashioning and Malory s Arthuriad, among other medieval works texts written by specific authors and then http://www.arts.cornell.edu/medieval/courses/FWSFall03.html | |
14. Classics 350: Classics Philology Proseminar - Widener Library Web Site - Harvard for words that appear in specific fields (author It comprises classical Latin literature in almost its that of the church fathers or medieval authors eg Cicero http://hcl.harvard.edu/widener/services/research/class350/class350.html | |
15. Classics: A Guide To Library Research - Widener Library Web Site - Harvard Colle Teubneriana Latina, BTL1, comprises classical Latin literature of the church fathers or medieval authors eg Cicero search the database for specific words and http://hcl.harvard.edu/widener/services/research/classics/classics3a.html | |
16. MLSG Panels 199?-1999 Yet it could also depart from specific authors to general panel will not be restricted to studying medieval responses to classical authors, since the http://classics.rutgers.edu/mlsg/previous.html | |
17. About The Database: Medieval Manuscripts At Fordham The catalogs list manuscripts from specific libraries, archives, and describe the lives and writings of classical and medieval authors from particular http://www.library.fordham.edu/database/medieval/collection.htm | |
18. Building Types & Styles : Specific Styles Reviews And Prices Holy Terrors Gargoyles on medieval Buildings details Released on November, 2002; authors Magdalena Droste classical Architecture Click to see larger picture. http://www.georeviews.com/Books/Professional___Technical/Architecture/Building_T | |
19. Humanities: Medieval Studies specific authors Works. Piers Plowman Electronic Archive searchable (Hoyt Duggan); Song of Roland text (Online medieval classical Library/UC Berkeley). http://www.wcsu.edu/library/h_medieval_studies.html |
20. English Department Home Page For secondary criticism on specific authors, scroll down to Journals and Criticism at the bottom of the page. The OnLine medieval and classical Library A http://www.marist.edu/liberalarts/english/anglomed.html | |
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