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41. Research Collections: Classical Studies Collection PA 38184500, Individual authors, AZ. PA 4505, medieval and modern authors writing in classical Greek. PA 5000-5590, Byzantine literature. http://www.bc.edu/bc_org/avp/ulib/port/protof/coll-clas.html | |
42. Classical Studies Collection - Boston College PA 38184500. Individual authors, AZ. PA 4505. medieval and modern authors writing in classical Greek. PA 5000-5590. Byzantine literature. http://www.bc.edu/libraries/resources/collections/s-classical/ | |
43. Print Resources For Classical Studies alphabetically by author (including some early medieval authors). Crowell s Handbook of classical Literature Ref provides overviews of authors, works, and http://www.library.vanderbilt.edu/central/classics/ClassicsResearch.html | |
44. J. Willard Marriott Library Research Guides Lives from History Ancient and medieval Series A five biographical and critical essays on major classical authors. of literary criticism of authors in ancient http://www.lib.utah.edu/ResGuides/classics.html | |
45. Oxford Guide To Shakespeare: Internet Resources authors and texts Women writers; Dance and sciences Food and drink medieval The New Journals; PreRenaissance materials classical medieval. Reference http://ise.uvic.ca/Library/Criticism/guide.html | |
46. Subject: Curricular Resources In Literature & Books which contain information on authors and illustrators eg, Old English, medieval, Renaissance, etc 16 categories, including classical, medieval, Romantic, Theatre http://www.cln.org/subjects/lit_cur.html | |
47. Literature Resources MIT portal to literary websites, including an alphabetical listing of resources on individual authors; Online medieval and classical Library collection of http://www.britishlibrary.net/literature.html | |
48. Mainpage Some works include illustrations. Online Literature Library Provides index of authors, from Aesop to HG Wells. Online medieval and classical Library A http://wwwsju.stjohns.edu/library/staugustine/eBooks/mainpage.html | |
49. Word Transmission NKG Eastern Europe. NKK Influence of classical authors. 25Â Lyric Poets. 8950Â Didactic Literature. classical medieval THEMES IN LITERATURE. TEXTS. http://www.sas.ac.uk/warburg/mnemosyne/Word/2p.htm | |
50. Classical Antiquities Resources: The Gateway India, China, Greece, Rome, Islam, and medieval Europe; a Found in the Scholarship of classical Studies and information about 50 Greek authors from Aeschines http://www.lib.ohio-state.edu/gateway/bib/classical.html | |
51. NYPL, Classics Research Guide Covers all aspects of medieval texts. and illustrations of the ancient Greek and Latin authors. bibliography to the history of classical scholarship chiefly in http://www.nypl.org/research/chss/grd/resguides/classics/bib.html | |
52. Translations Into English Fairy Tales Folklore Collections by Author Classics . Poetry Inspirational Religious Ancient, classical medieval Spirituality - general . http://topics.practical.org/browse/Translations_into_English | |
53. Net Sites 800 - Literature - Tempe Public Library by some of the world s best authors with online The Internet Classics Archive classical Greek and Luminarium - English literature from medieval times through http://www.tempe.gov/library/netsites/bn800.htm | |
54. Online Texts some of the most important literary works of classical and medieval civilization; some 250 links to Renaissance literature and other periods and authors. http://faculty.frostburg.edu/engl/gartner/online.htm | |
55. *ML Classification For Modern Languages A.8AM Modern (Postmedieval). Place authors in the Biographical section of each period using classical, Greek, Roman and Byzantine periods each have only one http://users.ox.ac.uk/~grobson/Literature/A8.htm | |
56. Classical -- Encyclopædia Britannica relating to Greek and Roman antiquity, classical authors, Greek and in the ancient Middle East, Egypt, Rome, and medieval and modern classical Music Navigator http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=124403&tocid=0&query=dmitry kabalevsky |
57. Medieval Latin: Introductory Bibliography at 200 AD, omitting all Christian authors, and is thus of limited usefulness for medieval Latinists (though The definitive dictionary for classical and late http://www.people.virginia.edu/~bgh2n/medbib.html | |
58. Classics Links -- Virgil.org Vergil, as well as miscellaneous Christian, medieval, and neoLatin authors. to Latin texts and English translations from the classical and medieval periods http://virgil.org/links/classics.htm | |
59. University Of Cambridge: Faculty Of Classics access to the works of many Latin and Greek authors including, amongst of some of the most important literary works of classical and medieval civilization. http://www.classics.cam.ac.uk/Library/links/authors.html | |
60. Useful Sites on Victorian era authors. the medieval Sourcebook (A compendium of medieval information); The Online medieval and classical Library A collection of some of http://alliteration.net/outside.html | |
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