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1. Classical, Medieval, And Related Links And Indices Scholarly links classical, medieval, and general. This page points to libraries, resources in classical for Greek and Latin authors. American classical League with important links http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/jod/bookmarks.1.html | |
2. Roman Literature And Authors General Information On Roman Writers Perseus Project Visit such authors as Caesar, Catullus Traditio Journal of ancient and medieval history The Major Periods Comedy, classical, Christian, Technical http://ancienthistory.about.com/cs/authorsgeninfo/ | |
3. SULAIR: Medieval Studies: Authors & Texts general (more or less) Sources. classical philologyBibliography. Ancient and medieval authors before 1600, includes primary and secondary sources works by http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/ssrg/medieval/bio/biobib.html | |
4. Latin Literature authors Poetry general information about classical poets, scansion, genres of Latin poetry, and prayers. Latin Literature - medieval Latin Post-classical http://ancienthistory.about.com/cs/litauthors/ | |
5. VoS - Voice Of The Shuttle general Resources in AngloSaxon medieval Lit. . authors, Works, Projects The Online medieval and classical Library (OMACL) (Douglas B http://vos.ucsb.edu/browse.asp?id=2740 |
6. Byzantine And Medieval Studies Links Full texts of many classical authors. American University More classical, medieval, and Renaissance Achitecture and sites for Chaucer, medieval literature, and general literature http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/medweb | |
7. Byzantine And Medieval Web Links points for medieval studies. Ancient and classical links, except Full texts of many classical authors. American University file in Early medieval Europe in general and AngloSaxon http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/medweb/links.htm | |
8. SULAIR : Medieval Studies : General Bibliographies And Other Guides authors texts. manuscripts. stanford medieval studies medieval Studies general Bibliographies and Other Guides Halton (1986) classical Scholarship an annotated bibliography http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/ssrg/medieval/genbib.html | |
9. Humanities: Medieval Studies general Index Sites Text Sites Language Linguistics Bibliographies Manuscripts Specific authors Works Labyrinth) Online medieval classical Library ( UC Berkeley http://www.wcsu.ctstateu.edu/library/h_medieval_studies.html | |
10. SIEPM - Published Works - Authors Translate this page Index of classical and medieval authors. The section where the author can be found is mentioned in brackets 1. aut. Studies on medieval authors. 2. to. general http://www.hiw.kuleuven.ac.be/siepm/pub/bulletin/authors.html | |
11. Medieval Studies Bibliography Guides. general History. medieval History. Histories. general defense of continuity of classical literary tradition across Middle a special index for medieval authors in either volume http://www.library.yale.edu/rsc/history/medbib.htm | |
12. E-texts, Author Sites: General / Ancient Historians / Other Authors, Essays, Lan O ther authors , Ancient Roman authors Timeline; Asconius Plutarch at Ancient/classical History. Polybius Histories; Tacitus Agricola; medieval Sourcebook Tacitus http://romanhistorybooksandmore.freeservers.com/l_etexts.htm | |
13. American And English Literature Internet Resources the following Biblical, classical, medieval, Renaissance, Restoration Theater and Drama, Theory and general. books and authors, medieval english literature http://library.scsu.ctstateu.edu/litbib.html | |
14. MEMS :: Links & Resources Fun Links general Journal Libraries Manuscript Images medieval Online E Campus authors. Department of classical Studies UM classical Studies Department. http://www.lsa.umich.edu/mems/links.asp | |
15. The Romance Authors Research Index Home Author Spotlight Book Reviews Bulletin Board Rice U. History Archives, general History Archives medieval Resources ACA classical, medieval Renaissance http://www.romanceauthorspage.com/researchindex.htm | |
16. Courses In Philosophy And Humanities to the language between the classical and medieval the science that studies being in general. will read important philosophic works by medieval authors as well http://www.dhs.edu/dhs_home/dhs_phil.html | |
17. Locating Books Reference Index Shelf 7REF Z7016 .G9 1982) Bibliography of criticism of ancient Greek and Roman authors. classical and medieval Literature Criticism 30 http://www.fsu.edu/library/search/toolkits/general.shtml | |
18. EMedia-Traders.com - EMedia-Traders Home general, American, Anthologies (multiple authors), English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh. Continental European, Asian, Ancient, classical medieval, Religious Liturgical, http://www.emedia-traders.com/emediatraders/showPage?pageName=index§ion=&act |
19. About The CSU Classical Collection sought to acquire critical editions and the most general and useful The collection of late classical, Hellenistic, and medieval authors is strongest http://www.ulib.csuohio.edu/portals/class-a.shtml | |
20. Untitled Document general reference, health, general business w/ overviews of markets technology, contemporary authors, literary Online medieval classical Library is http://www.wellesley.edu/Library/Research/Classes/lovemanuals.html | |
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